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in the past

I have the world record for speedrunning, and I also walked through glass to play the game. So yeah, I like it.

Adidas > Nikes

btw venusasadude is also my account so peep that review for my thoughts on the game

Really enjoyed this one. Not quite as good as the OG overall but the gameplay has been refined and enhanced really nicely. I really like miles as the protagonist and he separates himself from being too smilar too peter with his own personality and interests. The villains are kind of meh, troy baker’s character is just like pure evil and its kind of funny, the tinkerer is a decent villian but theres alot of things she does that annoy me or are hypocritical. She’s relatively unlikeable which isnt what they were going for. Prowlers role is alright too and rhino is just rhino. There are some really impressive set pieces and Seamless cutscene to gameplay transitions. The overall structure and pacing of the game is relatively well done, its certainly not bloated but i think the middle section of the game kind of drags, its like 3-4 hour stretch with no bosses for the entirety of the middle section. but the opening few hours are perfectly done and the final act is pretty great too. Peter parker is hilarious in this game even tho hes not in it a whole lot and the tease after the credits for the inveitable spider man 2 is really exciting. The bosses themselves are good i would say, none of them are bad, i enjoy the rhino boss fights and the final boss is excellent, the prowler boss fight is kind of whatever tho. The score is actually fantastic, it perfectly fits the atmosphere and miles gets his own memorable motif. The gameplay is alot of fun, the swining feels so natural, so seamless and the animations are beautiful, its been refined to a T and the combat has seen some really nice improvements too. Miles special powers are super satisfying to use and his abundance of new AOE attacks lets there be even more enemies on screen and this leads to the combat being alot more challenging than it was in the original, theres more of an emphasis on stealth too because there are so many enemies, you have to pick off atleast a-few of them before going loud. They have gotten rid off the boring MJ sections from the last game and replaced them with puzzles which are better but still not great. I can see puzzles working really well as a way to break up the great combat, traversal and cutscenes, they just need to improve them to create that perfect video game formula for the next game. The game obviously looks great even on a ps4 but i did have a few frame rate issues during moments where there was just too much going on for the ps4 to handle, get it on ps5 if you can.

A fantastic game. As a huge fan of the 2018 Spider-Man, this game was everything I wanted it to be. Although the campaign is not long, it has enough emotional power and at the same time so much fun to play that it manages to be more than a great time. Miles is so much fun to play as, his movements are on point. His new abilities add so much depth to the combat and actually makes you think about your approach in combat. Overall, I'm satisfied although it's doesn't have to be a full priced game. I can't wait to see what Insomniac does with this franchise in the future.

definitely could have used a longer main story -- it suffers from pretty severe lack of character development for most characters and there were so many things that could have been tapped into that just weren't. still, it was super fun to play and new york is just beautiful. my ps4 fan was absolutely screaming with joy!!

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is not a bad game, it is a good game, but it falls short in so many areas and just cries out for more time, more expanded and in-depth story and character building and just a fuller experience. I know it is a joke with Xbox fanboys to call this game a glorified DLC, but that is what it is, a glorified DLC.

Now That's What I Call Spider-Man 2020 Edition

Real fun! the perfect length honestly. makes spider-man 2018 feel kinda bloated content and character wise. the pacing of the plot is much better as well. i also love miles cloaking and venom powers more than most of peter's powerset.

a better story as well as a result of being more focused. i really hope i can play as miles again in future games.

The PS4 version has an unfortunate amount of bugs, but they don't do much to detract from an otherwise stellar gaming experience that improves on it's already spectacular predecessor in almost every way.

Full review:

The whole story is very underdeveloped and the price of the game is way to high for what it has to offer. Only credits go to the Ending scenes which finally deliver some emotion.

A true next-gen scam for 60$. You are pretty much paying 10$ for an hour of playtime.

Competentísimo blockbuster que cumple con creces su rol de cabeza de cartel para la nueva consola. Es muy espectacular cuando se pone en modo peli de Marvel y sus bases jugables siguen funcionando para crear una experiencia bastante adictiva mientras te dura. Creo que sigue teniendo tics un poco feillos de la primera generación de juegos de mundo abierto que salieron. Cómo se apoya quizás en exceso en repetir los mismos loops haciendo que el "modo sandbox" y el "modo historia" sean dos experiencias bastante diferentes. El sistema de progresión también es bastante anodino. Incluso en el anterior, que tampoco me gustó especialmente lo noté con un poco más de chicha. Lo del sigilo en plan Batman Arkham tampoco lo acabo de ver mucho, y más siendo tan sencillote como es. Creo que a la fórmula le queda camino aún por recorrer pero las bases son las adecuadas. En Miles pulen algunas asperezas del anterior, siguen acertando en elementos cruciales donde tienen que acertar, sea jugable o narrativamente, y saben transmitir su historia con un sabor diferente y definiendo bien su pequeño universo, con detalles jugables diferenciadores aquí y allí que le sientan muy bien.

Filled me with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen

This was absolutely terrific! A great way to start off my journey with PlayStation 5. 2018's Spider-Man was such a delight and honestly one of the great Spidey stories but this honestly exceeded my expectations. I had shielded myself from the hype as the release approached, wanting it all to surprise me with everything it's had to offer. It's certainly more in the vein of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in terms of size. But what it does a great job of is that it makes Miles Morales stand on its own rather than retreading Peter Parker. His world, his people, and his dynamics are much different yet it's all wonderfully done. I admit I haven't read anything on Miles Morales and don't know much of anything of him except for Into the Spider-Verse, so it looks like Miles Morales will be here to stay in the mainstream culture for a long while, and honestly, I'm all for it. He's such a great character and love the very much disnictive world in which he inhabits in. This is a must play for everyone when one purchases a PS5.

A (very pretty) reskin of the original that jettisons its most irritating mission types - yes what I absolutely want to do in a Spider Man game is sneak around as Mary Jane and take pictures! - and manages to be much more effective narratively. It’s a simpler story that works a whole lot better - as opposed to the original’s fun but terrifically lazy “the whole rogues gallery shows up at the end” approach. Fun, glad it wasn’t full price.

Combat is still a ton of fun but they really got to come up with more interesting side quests and activities

This is a really fun game. While it’s pretty much more of the same in terms of gameplay, the whole feel of it is different. Miles himself is a lot more inexperienced, and you can tell that by how he controls and due to his animations. Swinging is still fluid as ever, but it’s very clear that Miles himself still hasn’t quite gotten the hang of controlling his body midair, so it comes across as inexperienced. And I love it. It’s honestly more visually appealing than Peter’s swing style, just due to how awesome it looks. And the tricks are cooler to look at too. In terms of characters, boy there are great ones! Ganke is fun, Phin is awesome and Rio is amazing. Peter is barely in it, but when he is, the back and forth between him and Miles is perfect, and exactly what I wanted. The game also feels like it has a more “Friendly Neighborhood” feel to it. The stakes don’t feel quite as high as in the first game, and I like that. It gives the game a more grounded feel to it, and there’s a sense of community in Harlem that didn’t get when you were focusing on the entirety of New York. Now, it doesn’t get 5 stars because... well it’s a stand-alone expansion basically. A really good one, but it’s too short. Maybe will go up on a replay on PS5. That shit looks so incredible.

A good stand alone Spider-man game the new power's help make Miles feel different than Peter while not making him feel like a weaker Spider-Man. I do wish the PS5 version took more advantage of Haptic Feedback.

There isn't a whole lot here that needs to be said that hasn't already been said about the first Spider-Man game. Playing as Miles is fun, and there are a few differences in the combat and stealth that mix things up, but things feel mostly the same as before. The story is good, albeit a little more brief than I would have liked, but the ending is exhilarating. A good entry in the franchise altogether, if not quite the next-gen showcase that I would have hoped for.

I'm just gonna say it. It really makes you feeel like Mijo Morales.

Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 was my favorite PS4 game of 2018 as well as my favorite Spider-Man game to date. It had great combat, great story, great visuals, and it captures what all of us love about our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. And with it setting up some future sequels involving the symbiotes, I was super hyped for what Insomniac does with this license. And a big setup was introducing Miles Morales into this universe.

It's been one year after the events of the first game after the Devil's Breath crisis and defeating Doc Ock. Now Peter is taking Miles under his wing and showing him the ropes to see if he's ready to be his own standalone Spider-Man. Does this game succeed in doing so? Well I say it damn well does.

Now this game has basically a lot of what the first game had from the gameplay to the visuals which isn't a bad thing by all means. I loved the look and gameplay of the first one so I like the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" way of doing it. Though there is a few updates to them.

With the visuals, there's new buildings built into the map but overall, it's basically the same New York of the first. And obviously the biggest change is the... unnecessary face change for Peter but thankfully it's only around for a brief period.

The gameplay has taken a lot from the first game. You can dodge the same with Spider sense, you can do takedowns and use gadgets, though I'd say there's less variaty with it compared to Peter's gadgets, you can still web swing which never gets old, run and climb on walls, and pretty much all the fun the first game had. But with Miles, he's some unique abilities that Peter never had.

First being able to use Venom which is him conducting electrical charges. You can use it to power equipment and you can also use it to pack a powerful punch. You even unlock certain ways to use it in combat like the Venom Dash or my favorite being the Venom Blast where he explodes and releases all the electricity stored in his body, creating this massive shock blast.

The other ability is camoflauging where Miles goes invisible to avoid being seen by enemies. This is really useful when it comes to stealth because when you get spotted and get overwhelmed by enemies, you can just go invisible and web zip to high place until you're in the clear.

Now the story is solid. It's a war between the company Roxxon lead by Simon Krieger and the Underground lead by The Tinkerer and I won't say who she is but when you find out, it's gonna surprise you, especially when you put the pieces together before they reveal it like I did.

All the characters in this were likable. Miles is great, his mother Rio is a very sweet character, his friend Ganke is a cool guy, Prowler was badass, and the Tinkerer was more interesting than I thought.

I am kinda bummed with the lack of villains compared to the first game. Like don't get me wrong, Tinkerer and Prowler were great but other then that, there's not much other than some returning ones. I mean Rhino was cool, Simon isn't really a big villain, he's a corporate bad guy which isn't really that interesting. And there were others that were just cameos from the previous game. I mean I guess since this is more of an expansion story than a sequel which is probably the reason but I don't know, I was hoping to see more but luckily we'll get more with the REAL sequel.

You got side missions like hologram training, infiltrating hideouts, collecting momentos, and overall it's nice side stuff. Thankfully there was no Screwball shit. Fuck that character.

There wasn't really anything that made me hate the game. I mean there were a couple visual glitches I ran into but they only lasted a few seconds and I'm sure it'll be patched within the next couple weeks or so.

If I had to think of anything, I guess the Underground enemy with the hammer and shield was annoying to fight. Like that guy hits hard and it takes a while to charge your Venom meter.

But overall, I say this was a solid semi-sequel to the first Spider-Man PS4 game and this was a good way to have the universe introduced to Miles. The gameplay's fun, it's got a good story, and while it takes a lot of the same stuff from the previous game, it's still fun nonetheless.

So Spider-Man: Miles Morales for me gets a 9/10.

If this game didn't have the Underground shield guys it'd be at least a 9

It's more Spider-Man! I love that guy!

Miles Morales is enjoying a really big break akin to the renaissance Peter Parker enjoyed in the early to mid 2000s, and this game is the first major peak of that big break. The game is still functionally the same as the first one from 2018, but the one from 2018 kicks ass so it's cool.
The story is good, and the characters are likable and memorable, I only hope that they won't be laid to the side when the next big Spider-Man game comes out.

Speaking of the next big Spider-Man game, this game gives me hope that there'll be a kind of dual protag(maybe even some form of co-op? unlikely but one can dream) scenario in the next Peter Parker story, which by all indications is around the corner.

8/10 Pete's new face is cute and I've come around on it

I didn't get the sense that I'd connected deeply with these characters in the moment, but come the final sequence, I was tearing up. While they're not fully developed in the text itself, these characters have a familiar essence. That's representation. I can see my mom and dad in Rio even if she doesn't get as much screen time as I'd like. I recognize the distant admiration Uncle Aaron feels toward Miles because I grew up in a family that was similarly fractured. I love that Insomniac took this opportunity to tell a story which is interested in Miles's identity (and the ways in which it differs from Peter's), even if it makes some serious missteps in the process.

The gameplay is largely unchanged-- it's still very good to swing and fight, though combat is notably more difficult this time around due to the introduction of new enemy types and venom mechanics.

In a way, even better than its predecessor with a great story, some cool new moves, more diverse side missions - however, it's quite short, unfortunately.

Miles Morales improves on the 2018 game in every way. It tightens up the open-world bloat and tells a more compelling and better paced story. I have always found Miles Morales to be a great character and focusing on him feels fresh. I love the winter setting as well. Just a phenomenal game overall - I sincerely hope this sets the standard for superhero games moving forward.

My biggest and only real complaint is that it shows a lot of deference to police, which feels extraordinarily tone deaf considering the cultural context this game was released in and, you know, the actual actions of the NYPD. It feels doubly weird when this game otherwise makes a lot of great decisions w/r/t diversity and representation. From the constant praise of Miles' heroic cop father to a mission where you literally use police facial recognition technology to identify and subdue criminals, it feels jarring and it's not something that would typically throw me off. The 2018 game was way, way worse about this in retrospect, but it feels egregious in this game because it's clear they put so much care into crafting a vibrant and diverse cast of characters. I think this is something the games community needs to take seriously moving forward if games are actually going to become more diverse in a meaningful way.

Copaganda aside, this is one of the most fun games I have played this year.

A definite sidegrade from Spiderman 2018.

On a gameplay front I think it's a fantastic refinement of the previous game. Improves on and adds lots of stuff to the combat and traversal which makes it hard to imagine going back to playing as Peter. The way they reworked the finisher system along with the venom system means you rarely have to sit and wail on a low level grunt for too long makes it feel much more fast paced.

I know a lot of people are making a fuss about how short this game is for the price, and it's totally understandable to want the most bang for your buck. However, for me I do massively prefer the smaller scope of this game. It has just the perfect amount of open world stuff to do without getting too boring, and as someone with open world fatigue that's a great thing.

The main area where this game lacks in comparison to its predecessor is the story. Due to the shorter runtime no characters really get the development they need. The characters aren't bad by any means, but I didn't find myself caring too much about anyone other than the Prowler and Miles himself. The ending did have me tear up a bit though.

All in all it's a pretty good game, I think I slightly prefer it over Spiderman 2018 but they're too close to say for certain. A word of warning, especially if you're buying this near launch, I had quite a few bugs throughout the game and while none of them were too terrible I did lose a few minutes of progress a few times. Might be worth waiting for a couple patches and a price drop!

Overall: Miles Morales continues the winning formula established in the first installment and delivers a worthy follow-up that has its own style.

Pros: Same solid combat mechanics and traversal skills as first game, New York looks even better the second time around, voice work and soundtrack fit the difference in style and tone, less repetitive side quests than the original game, no horrible MJ story missions.

Cons: Short length compared to the original, less gadgets and superpowers, weaker story that doesn't add much to the overall plot (but has some nice character moments for Miles and crew), still a decent amount of glitches in the open world.

Una expansión/secuela perfecta, que consigue pulir todo lo que ya funcionaba en el original a la vez que le da a Miles el protagonismo que se merece en una historia que triunfa a la hora de crearle su rincón y sabor particular.

Un buen juego para todo aquel que disfrutó Marvel's Spider Man. Quizá demasiado continuista respecto a este en muchos ámbitos. En términos generales un buen juego para mostrar los inicios de la nueva generación y que sin duda dejará un buen sabor de boca a todos aquellos que disfruten las películas de Marvel y en concreto las del hombre araña. Visualmente alucinante.

Playing as Spider-Man is still fun.

Story: The story is nothing we haven't seen before and the details are often glossed over but the key emotional moments almost always hit. A lot of relatable and well acted conversations.

Gameplay: If you've played Spider-Man PS4 then you've played this game. Its indistinguishable aside from the 3 new gadgets, and that's not a bad thing. Its fluent, quick, and entertaining. I'm still not bored, but i do wonder how long they can use this same gameplay before it gets old.

Verdict: If you're a fan of the character of Miles Morales or just a fan of the web-swinging combat then you'll love this game. If you're not then there's still plenty here to love but it wont be anything that blows you away.