Reviews from

in the past

Easily the best thing about ME3.
I loved every second of this DLC.

It may be somewhat childish to end your 3-game trilogy on a 2 hour comedy special, but the emotional payoff and final goodbyes creates an unironically special farewell to such a great world and cast of characters

The rare time that spending $15 on a DLC for a game I paid $10 for actually felt worth it. Amazing way to send the trilogy off than the actual ending (and, obviously better than the normal way by default).

one of my favorite dlc's ever! Everything feels like life or death in ME3, its nice to have a chance to just enjoy the characters

This was a good DLC, but should've been included in the base game.

Volus plushies raise some... Interesting implications

I really like the character interactions and the party sequence at the end, but the quippy borderlands dialogue during the rest of the DLC made my skin crawl. Urdnot Wrex should not be saying "Here comes the boom!". Stop it. Now. Literally every line in the combat portion of the expansion is a joke, and when everything is a joke, nothing is.

The barometer from which I judge all Mass Effect opinions. If you didn't like this DLC, you missed the point of Mass Effect. I'm sorry you wasted 100+ hours of your life. Wrex jumps out out a fucking window like Rey Mysterio, don't tell me this isn't a 5/5.

Mass Effect is about hanging out with the fellas in space. There's a main plot that doesn't really matter and gives you an excuse to hop on a spaceship and hang out with your new alien friends. This is a DLC that understands that more than any other Bioware project. The plot is so stupid that the game doesn't even pretend you need to be emotionally invested into it. The rest of the DLC is about getting piss drunk with the friends you've made over three games, and they treat that aspect with equal parts reverence and levity. This is the real ending of the series, and is so good it retroactively makes the one the game shipped with better because it can be totally dismissed. This space epic ends with getting Grunt so turnt he has to spend the rest of the night hunched over in the shower.

One of the best bits of fanservice ever made.

this dlc is my favorite dlc of all time there is so much love for the characters in this dlc

Fun little thing for all the fans out there

best dlc EVER !!!!!!!!!!! i eat that shit up dude. hyping up hyping up!!!!!!!!!!!

Incredible fanservice expansion that washes away the bad taste of Mass Effect 3 ending, play it last.

Used to not rank DLCs. have to come back to rank this bad boy, even after playing 30 more games this DLC has never been topped.... best DLC? 5 stars for a DLC is crazy to me but here we are.

La mejor pieza de fanservice que vas a jugar en tu vida. Este dlc es para Mass Effect lo que Mark of the Assassin intentó ser para Dragon Age

every game needs a citadel style dlc

and here is where I reveal myself as a hater or something because this did nothing for me. I'm pretty resistance to fan service anyways but I don't think I'd have even liked this had I played it back on release (this was the only one I ever missed). The switch into such Whedon-esque quips and comedy fall flat incredibly hard and the new characters are especially annoying. there's solid set pieces, good rewards, and I like the threat the boss presents on a personal level but man I don't even like the party. I think it's all just a big tonal mismatch to how 3 is really constantly reminding you YOU ARE AT WAR. cute I guess, and glad it works for others, but considering it had been touted as a great end to the series for a decade I was undeniably let down.

This was beautiful, sad, hilarious, and brilliant all at the same time without ever feeling "fan-servicey." I love you ME3: Citadel.

This is what Mass Effect is all about.

I mean that with complete and utter sincerity. This is a series that relishes in every little moment. No character is too small and no narrative is too benign. Everyone and everything has a time and a place where they deserve to shine, and this DLC showcases that best. All of the callbacks, jokes, and references are perfect; it’s fan-service the way fan-service was intended to be, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

ME3’s ending left me a bit disappointed, but to go from a disheveled Shepard choosing how to save the entire galaxy by themselves, to temporarily setting aside the burden of war to enjoy the company of comrades, friends, and loved ones… that’s genuinely what this series is about. It’s love in its purest form. It’s letting your friend bend the truth ever so slightly to be the hero in his story, or standing by your friend’s side while they fight in a tournament against an old rival, or being your friend’s wingman to finally get a date, and so much more. There is love in every little moment, and in every smile and laugh shared together. That’s what this series is about, and I’m so happy to end this trilogy on such a good note.

probably one of the most fan-service dlc ever and it's delivered for sure

Quel DLC … la trilogie s’est finie ici pour moi, et qu’est ce que ça fait du bien de voir ces personnages si particuliers une dernière fois avant la fin … un sentiment de nostalgie vous emplira forcément si vous avez aimé les anciens jeux. À faire ABSOLUMENT si vous voulez jouer à Mass Effect

Just a fantastic last DLC to cap off the original trilogy. Some of the funniest moments of the series. Wonderful and memorable all the same. And for multiplayer fans, the Armax Arsenal Arena will allow you to re-experience that mode in a shorter way.

This review contains spoilers

Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 6/10

One of the weirdest DLCs I have ever played. Its a mix of good and downright awful. Tonely this DLC is just all over the place and it mostly just didn't click with me.

To start with the bad, it was the clone storyline for me. Now the idea of Shepard having a clone isn't that far fetched as it makes sense Cerberus would have made one when bringing Shepard back, and I think if they dealt with the story in the same way they did the main game, with that gritty sci fi tone, it could have been great. But they went with a total tonal shift, as the game turns into a goofy Sci fi comedy, with a very MCU like feel which just put me off.

Now keep in mind, I went into this DLC straight after finishing the Leviathan DLC which was very serious, with barely any comedy to be found. One thing I have appreciated about the Mass Effect trilogy when replaying through it recently, is how it keeps a consistent serious tone, with small bits of comedy here and there, particularly with your companions. I like when the game is serious and I appreciate the small bits of humor which usually makes me smile, chuckle or straight up laugh. Now I understand that they probably wanted to do something light hearted to give players a break from the doom and gloom, Reapers plotline of the base game, but man did they sacrifice the writing while doing it.

You start the DLC by visiting your new apartment gifted to you by Anderson, and as a nice touch you can go around and listen to audio logs of him writing his auto-biography which I appreciated. You then go and meet with Joker at a sushi resturant via his invitiaion but you soon realise he thought you invited him. Then we get Brooks... I swear as soon as this character walked on screen, I instantly knew she would be the bad guy, as why else would they introduce a character we have never seen before, who knows exactly when these mercs will try to kill Shepard? As dumb as that is, we then get the clone of Shepard who is straight up Superman 4 levels of hillariously evil, and its like what are we even doing? They want to get rid of the real Shepard so they can take over. Like okay bro or gal, good luck fighting the Reapers as I doubt you would last more then 5 minutes against them. Again this could have an been interesting idea, but the execution is terrible.

Throughout this whole clone saga (yup it felt like a saga all right), the game is throwing joke after joke at you, some of it made me laugh and others are just eye rolling. Characters like Wrex who while having some humorous moments throughout the series, is mostly a serious, angry Krogan, but here he's a stand up comedian with how many cheesy one liners he has. In fact every character, including Shepard is pretty much a stand up comedian in this. The mercs who work for Evil Shepard, are even throwing out lines like "they have a krogan on their team. Where's our krogan?". Like ya, cringe inducing. About the only time I did genuninely laugh was when speaking to Evil Shepard and Brook after her totally well written, plot twist reveal, if you pick the renegade options in dialogue, Shepard goes on this side rant that was exactly how I was feeling while playing. I mean if they wanted me to connect more with Shepard then ya they succeeded because they said exactly what I would of, if I was in that situation. This all leads to a crappy boss fight and then its thankfully over, but theres still some more content to play through.

Now I will say, everything after the clone saga is fantastic as you have a mission to throw a party with all of your companions throughout the series, but before then you get to have conversations with each of them. And often multiple convesations with each of them which I really appreciated. Some really emotional moments came from these interactions as I knew my time with these characters was coming to an end. The party itself was great and when they took the final group photo, I nearly cried!

Overall, just mixed emotions. The stuff with the companions is great, but everything about the clone story was so lazy and gave me some serious Andromeda vibes which is not good. I guess Bioware were giving us a sneak preview tonally of the next installment in the series.

All DLCs I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Don't really get why everyone went crazy over this DLC, some even saying it was the best DLC ever??? Pretty short, missions weren't that memorable. The party was pretty lame.

Witcher 3: Blood and Wine is the best ever, and compared to that, this is pretty weak.

Every RPG should have content like this, where you just party with your found family before the great battle. I love how all the characters you made bonds with along the way appear here and interact with each other. And it's filled with this bittersweet feeling that it's your last happy moments together so you don't really care about anything anymore. I alternately cried and laughed (especially that I romanced Thane), this really set me up to play the ending with all the feels.