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Me sorprende la opinión que tiene algunas personas sobre el final de este juego y de como no les gusta, pero tengo que decir que este es el Mass Effect que más me ha gustado. El gameplay se ha sentido muy bien, los personajes han enseñado su lado mas real y vulnerable, y he podido sentir esa emergencia de estar al borde de la extinción.

Además, es el más espectacular visualmente, no por sus gráficos, sino por las cosas que ocurren dentro del juego en las misiones y durante los eventos del juego.

He ido con la calma jugando la trilogía, pero creo que son unos juegos bastante buenos, y que obviamente son un referente que ha marcado el camino para muchos juegos que tenemos actualmente.

A really strong game, not as good as ME2 but has some very high points.

Mass Effect 3 feels like a frustrated writer spitting on the previous games in the series because he had to work on a sequel to someone else's work.

Mass Effect 2 is a darker game than Mass Effect 1, but both games are "Space Opera" adventures. Mass Effect 3 is not a Space Opera, it is a war story begrudgingly told in space. It's not impossible to do a genre pivot like that well, but Mass Effect 3 doesn't do that well. Mass Effect 3 feels like the (new for this game) writer's gritty unrelated war story wearing the skin of the Mass Effect series grotesquely stretched over it's face because it's not the project the writer actually wanted to be working on. Plot hooks and intrigue as to the true motives behind the Reapers and overarching narratives from past games are completely thrown out for derivative and uninspired motivations delivered by ridiculous deus ex machinas that weaken the past games and their stories by association and retrospective context. While there are some nice character moments with companions from the previous games if you import a save file, the game at time feels outright contemptuous of being part of an ongoing story and like any "happy outcomes" made possible or easier through past decisions are handed over with a scowl like the writer's hand is being forced. Shepard no longer feels like your character and simply the writer's pre-written protagonist, any pro or anti Alliance, Council or Cerberus sentiments you pushed in past games thrown of the window for the pre-assigned ideals and beliefs of the new writer's ideal player character.

The gameplay can't even save Mass Effect 3 if you enjoy playing the series on a higher difficulty. Sure, the gunplay and usable powers are some of the most fun they've been in the series, but the enemy and encounter design comparative to previous games is a tedious, unfun slog of drawn out encounters that take the weakest points of Mass Effect 2, the various arenas of wave survival into bullet-sponge bosses like on Horizon, and seem to base every other combat encounter on the same template.

The only things that come close to saving Mass Effect 3 are two truly incredible DLC in the forms of the Omega and Citadel DLCs, which are easily two of the highest points in the series, but even if you save them for last to end on a high note you're still going to have your spirits dampened by the infamously terrible ending that throws away three entire games worth of decision making for a choice between three pre-canned endings.

The multiplayer used to be fun for a laugh with friends, if not particularly deep or fleshed out, but it's been over a decade since the original version of ME3 released and LE3 removed the feature entirely so it's difficult to enjoy now.

Mass Effect 3 is overall an insult to the two games that came before it, only worth trudging through if you're commited to seeing your Shepard's story through to the end.

Even if it doesn't wrap up the trilogy in a very satisfying way I think this is a great game.
My major gripes with it are that the game feels incomplete and short without Citadel and Omega DLCs and that the dialogue and choices have been somewhat simplified. The latter especially feels like Shepard is a more flat character that for some reason just cares about saving earth no matter what past you chose for them in past games.
Still has some amazing characters, locations and missions which save it from being a failure in my eyes.

Finale a parte che non fa poi così schifo come tanti dicono, è una buona chiusura di una grande trilogia.

Look, Mass Effect 3 is a good game, but it fumbles the ending HARD. The gameplay is the best in the trilogy, the side missions are great, and there are some emotional moments that hit hard... but that ending left so many fans (including me) disappointed. The choices you spent the entire series making? They barely matter in the grand scheme. Still worth playing to see how Shepard's story wraps up, but be prepared for a bittersweet experience at best.

Достойное завершение трилогии, масштабное, конечно концовка была очень смазанной, но это исправили дополнением позже, так что жалоб у меня нет, и минусов тут тоже нет. Просто "люблю", одним словом

I want to thank this series for giving me some of the most genuine laughs I've had while gaming. They almost all occurred while Shepard was throwing that ass back on the dance floor.

we ignore the ending but everythign else is cool :)

Some people didn't like this one that much but I thought it was a great finale. Could have been better in some areas but still amazing.

I don't care about the endings. Liara smash or pass?

Yes the ending leaves a lot to be desired, but the journey is one that has stuck with me forever. These characters become your friends and this game is the culmination of one of the greatest stories told in video games. The missions are consequential, combat is refined and the pacing is pushed along great by the inevitable reaper threat. It also has a collection of the best dlcs of the series that probably shouldn't be dlc to begin with but that is solved by the Legendary Edition!

Favorite trilogy ever and honestly my favorite game of all time

amazing finale, i think i liked it more than most people as i hadn't played a bunch of games up to this point and i guess had lower standards.

Backlash against ME3 was so immediate and vitriolic i didnt play it for many years despite being a ME2 superfan.

When i did play it, i found it fine? Returning characters all felt like they had parts to play, the gameplay was good if not great and the locations visited all felt like it was worth the time taken. I think the ending is a bit boring, but not world-endingly catastrophic like early critics wanted you to think.
Worse than 2, better than 1, Play it if you thoroughly enjoy 2 and want more.

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Played this as a part of its rerelease and it’s amazing. I know a lot of people hate the ending but with all the dlc you can get the good ending and it’s well worth it. The fighting in this one is so much improved and is super fun. So many different weapons and abilities make it re-play able. The different choices are so amazing. Love it

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ending drags it down a little

I'm not going to go in depth here, but essentially, Mass Effect 3 is a mostly disapointing finale to the trilogy. The game lacks RPG mechanics and dialogue choices. On a whole, it feels more linear and driven by combat, rather than primarily focussed on interesting storytelling or character building like the previous two entries in the series. Your decisions in this game (and decisions from elsewhere in the trilogy) feel inconsequential here, and the ending is thoroughly unsatisfying. After all these years, I'm still bitter about it.

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brings back some of the baby that was thrown out with the bathwater in mass effect 2. Weapon mods, being able to choose between reload or overheat weapons, and has some improvements of its own. The missions are all insanely fun and varied, (for mass effect standards) combat is smooth, and the story mostly maintains its quality alongside me2 and 1. But the dialogue options are really bad this time around. You can barely talk with your companions on the ship which is a huge step down where 2 had them as the stars of the show, front and center. It also follows the recruitment formula from 2, but changes it to be amassing an army for a big push which is cool, but i'm less likely to get attached to the fuel deposits I got for the war meter than I am to these guys that u have full conversations with, do quests individually for, and overall me3 just feels like its less personal and more focused on being huge. Also some of the good/bad options made no sense, why are some of these in those categories? I'm seriously a renegade just because i've never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day? i'm a renegade because i've never been afraid to talk about anything? Anyways, the DLC content was amazing. Citadel DLC was some of the best content in the series. I think the very last part of this game was kind of eh, even though that final mission was pretty cool, the last choice and cutscene is weird. I didn't hear much from this series but even I knew that ending was heavily criticized and now I see why. This was a cool series tho, now im gonna eat pizza and watch some suits. I wonder what louis litt is gonna get up to this time!

this had a mass effect 3 times larger than the first two on my sexuality

i need a krogan gf
i will cure her genophage
i need a salarian gf
i will fertilize her eggs
i need a kai leng gf
i can fix her

Some people won’t agree, but this is my favourite part. I mean, really — the plot is amazing, the game has so much drama, and they even made the star system exploration interesting. DLCs are SOO GOOD JESUS. I love Mass Effect and the ending of the trilogy was perfect in my opinion.

While the ending is controversial, Mass Effect 3 is a fantastic experience to round out the trilogy.

La perfection, le rêve de tout fan de sf, oui la fin est critiqué mais je m'en tape, j'avais jamais j'ai plus jamais vécu une aventure comme ca non pas avec mon équipage, mais bel et bien avec mes amis...

Felt kind of anti climatic?
"mid" feels unironically fitting.

The finale to an epic, I finally understand why the series is so beloved. All games in the trilogy have clear flaws, but it draws you in for an adventure that will not be forgotten. A melancholic conclusion tinged with happiness that the characters I spend 102 hours with across 3 games have concluded their ultimate goals. The combat is better than ever, but the RPG elements are lacking in key areas like stats and overall character progression, feels more like a corridor shooter now that's lost most of its charm from the first game. I'm already pining for another experience that can rival this trilogies scope and tone. Highly reccomend. (Finished at 12:03 AM)

I think about the euphoria that came with playing the Citadel DLC for the first time everyday

Acredito que a franquia tem padrão de qualidade, ela é boa.
Esse terceiro jogo pra mim foi o pior no quesito interface para missões e contém a pior exploração de todos mas é o que coleciona missões mais "épicas" e diversificadas de ambientação. Uma conclusão maneira. Acredito que vale a pena jogar a trilogia