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Capcom's answer to 'Mighty No. 9' proves that Inafune isn't needed to make a great Mega Man game. A solid core mechanic that's easy to use but hard to master and level design that challenges your ability cements this as one of the best classic Mega Man adventures out there.

This review contains spoilers

I was pretty hyped, having just completed the other games to try the new and improved Mega Man. All in all it is a solid experience. I really liked the power gear system, the weapons and the bosses. All 8 robot masters felt unique and their weapons useful in many encounters. The only thing I didn't particularly enjoy was the length of the stages. I prefered the shorter and denser levels of the previous games.
In conclusion, I would recommend it.

Man, they really did just release a Mega Man that's peak visual style, peak level design, peak boss design, and peak weapon variety that could've acted as the template for a Mega Man 12 and beyond but just didn't.

This one has such cool theming and an awesome set of robot masters, and again with a lot of cool robot master weapons. And the speed and power gears are cool but simple addition befitting of something like a modernized Classic-Series Mega Man. And it does the Mega Man 8 thing where it has the perfect median of allowing the Robot Masters voice lines to express their personality without holding repetitive conversations with Mega Man himself that end up just slowing down the pace.

I just wish the Wily Stages were a bit more fulfilled, because the two that feel like fully realized levels are some of the best Mega Man platforming challenges in the whole franchise.

i have forgotten nearly everything about my playthrough of this game

This was a very good Mega Man game. Top notch! The gear system was very interesting and a real treat. The bosses were unique and the power sets were fun to utilize. I also really enjoyed that rush coil was always on a button and rush just always on another button.

Such a good Megaman game! One of my favorites.
The stages can be annoying but once you "get" them they are quite easy. The game as a whole is kinda easy due to the gimmick of the double gear (speed gear is OP), even if the game creates specific situationzls to use it.
The graphics are absolutely lovely!
Gameplay is what classic megaman always was, which is something I thoroughly enjoy.

The robot masters are some of my favorites of the series! I must say that changing the weapon and headgear was strange initially but I grew on me and I hope this trend reappears on the next games.
The challenges are fun and some are really hard as well.

A must play game in my opinion, I just wish it was longer tho.

I love anything megaman, especially the x and zero series, but I've never spent that much time on the classic games. Still, when this game was announced I got so excited, as it meant the posible modern return of classic megaman (with regular new releases), and maybe even x9?
Years have passed and we only got xdive and some collections...

Oh yeah this game is great. I remember playing the demo a ton back then, but due to life stuff I left buying this in my to-do list. Fast forward to nowadays and megaman 11 gets added to ps plus. Finally it was time and I went all in, aiming for 100% and the platinum.

At it's core it's just another classic megaman game. It doesn't really change the formula or reinvent the wheel. For me that is a positive... the challenge is still there, the room to room stage layout, enemies strategically placed so you fall into death traps or bottomless pits... it's an authentic classic megaman game.
The big new thing/gimmick is the gear system, and in my opinion it's such a great addition. Slowing down the game can be used by casual players on easier difficulties, making the game more accessible, but don't get me wrong, speed gear does not make the game easier.
Without speed gear this has to be one of, if not the hardest classic megaman. The game is way faster overall and I had a hard time getting used to it. Using speed gear all the time is the (intended) way to go.

I had 3 playthroughs on my way to the platinum.
-My first one on normal, where I took my time and enjoyed the game a ton, without having a hard time once I got used to the game's quirks.
-The second one was the sub 1 hour speedrun... and I did it without buying upgrades. I'm not really a speed guy so this playthrough really pushed me and my execution to the max. It was incredibly tense and at the end my time was 59:52... yeah.
-My final playthrough was beating the game on superhero difficulty. By comparison this was extremely easy, even if the game didn't have health drops and everything was noticeable faster, I could just pop an e-tank or w-tank anytime.

...but I wasn't done... I still had one last challenge to get 100%. A gauntlet created by the evil mastermind Dr. Light.
Dr. Light's challenge took me a whole day of slowly pushing and getting further and further. It's 30 stages of pure evil. You just can't fuck up too many times or you're done.
Beating this challenge felt so satisfying. It had a hidden time limit that I got close to because I paused so much at the final stages...

So yeah I enjoyed my time with mm11 a lot. It's not perfect and, honestly, I don't think it's worth full price (it's a short game and aside for the Dr. Light one most challenges suck, it's really "light" on content heh), but the megaman formula works and this game sticks to that. Oh and presentation wise, the soundtrack is surprisingly mid, which is weird for the franchise. The graphics are... alright. Megaman looks kinda weird but I get that they were going for a "cartoon" look. It's kind of paradoxical, like it feels like capcom tries to market megaman to a younger audience, when the games are quite old school ruthless. I doubt small kids can beat even a single stage.

Earned all achievements (known as "records" in-game) on the Switch version. Collected several gold medals in the Challenges section, but later decided to abandon trying to earn them all. I will return to this game only for story mode replays, not for the Challenges.

In the long time I’ve spent running this account, I’ve grown both as a reviewer and as a person. And it’s become increasingly apparent that I need to apologize for a long streak of immature behavior regarding this particular series.

I’m sorry for giving Megaman games half star ratings over something as petty as not including Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yaoi.

It’s childish, it’s messing with the average review score, and above all else, it’s a really superficial way to look at art. I still do not like most of the games in this series but I promise to offer more substantial critique in the future. As a show of good faith, below is my honest review of Megaman 11:

This game fucking sucks because it doesn’t have Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yuri. Keiji Inafune should take his stupid fucking NFTs and shove them up his ass.

Very solid modern mega man game

One of the only games I've ever preordered, alongside Smash Bros Ultimate and Rivals 2. This is the best classic megaman game

it's the last good mega man game
it's also the last mega man game
it's also the best mega man game (imo)
i kinda hope they don't make a mega man 12 just so mega man classic can go out with a bang

I love megaman but this was nothing crazy for how long of a wait it was

Um ótimo jogo do retorno da série clássica do mega man.
A grande novidade desse jogo, o power gear é um poder bem legal tendo de escolher entre precisão e poder de fogo com sabedoria, os robot masters e seus poderes são iradíssimos e memoráveis. Mas olhei algumas análises e concordo que as fases são longas de mais tornando o game over algo beeeem frustrante mas num geral é um jogo super competente!

Mega Man 11, ou Rockman 11, é o mais recente jogo da clássica série Mega Man/Rockman. Ele segue a fórmula tradicional do Mega Man, com seu icônico "JUMP AND SHOOT", algo nostálgico para os fãs mais antigos. Pela primeira vez na série clássica, o jogo traz uma mudança visual significativa, adotando o estilo 2.5D. Foi uma mudança esperada, considerando que a série permaneceu no estilo 2D pixelado por cerca de 20 a 25 anos. Embora eu pessoalmente goste da estética dos 8 e 16 bits, a repetição dessa estética ao longo de 10 jogos pode se tornar cansativa para alguns jogadores.

Além da mudança visual, o jogo introduz novas mecânicas para o protagonista, como o Speed Gear, que desacelera o tempo, e o Power Gear, que aumenta a força do personagem. Essas adições resultam em uma mudança significativa no design dos níveis em comparação com os jogos anteriores da série. Esta análise serve como um pedido de desculpas, já que inicialmente dei ao jogo uma avaliação de 3.5 estrelas devido à minha falta de compreensão das suas mecânicas.

Na minha opinião, Mega Man 11 é um dos melhores jogos da série já produzidos. Na minha primeira experiência com o jogo, não consegui aproveitar completamente suas mecânicas e propósitos. Fica evidente que o jogo incentiva os jogadores a explorarem ao máximo a mecânica de desacelerar o tempo, assim como a loja do Dr. Light, que pode ser bastante vantajosa se o jogador souber utilizá-la estrategicamente. Eu inicialmente achei o jogo um pouco injusto, mas percebi que isso não é verdade. Ao jogá-lo nas dificuldades casual e normal e aproveitando todas as suas mecânicas, o jogo se torna mais acessível, e os jogadores com experiência em Mega Man certamente se sentirão em casa.

Peço desculpas a Mega Man 11 por tê-lo julgado de forma equivocada. Exceto pelo fato de que o Game Over pode ser bastante punitivo, já que os jogadores são levados de volta ao início do jogo, o que pode ser frustrante (mas felizmente há a possibilidade de farmar parafusos e comprar vidas extras). Outro ponto é que eu genuinamente ODEIO o Yellow Devil. Fora isso, 4 estrelas para você Mega Man 11 e espero muito por uma sequência (quanta inocência minha…).

Achei meio paia. As fases serem praticamente o dobro do tamanho comparado a dos anteriores foi um tiro do pé, pq a fase se torna insuportável na reta final e tomar um game over no boss e refazer toooodo o caminho dnv é um sofrimento.

megaman's grand return! (and eventual 6 year absence) and boy is this game awesome! the 2.5d models are really great! the gameplay is fun! the double gear system is pretty good! the weapons are decent! the robot masters are a good challenge, and the ost is pretty good! it's a shame that there was no new game after this, atleast by the time i finish writing this review but it's still a great game! would recommend!


I really enjoyed this one. The levels and bosses are really cool and the double gear system adds a lot to the core gameplay, even if it did take some getting used to. Plus, there's actual good voice acting in a Mega Man game. You love to see it.

Expectations can grow very high if they’re given enough time to themselves, and eight years is a very long time.

After the halcyon days of the NES, and the X series’ golden era of the SNES and PS1, the Mega Man franchise has had a hard life. I’ve lost count of the canceled projects that were to star my beautiful Blue Bomber. Even the Archie-produced Mega Man comic got canned. Nothing was safe. Being a Mega Man enjoyer then (and still now) meant dealing with constant disappointment. Why do you think Mega Man being in Super Smash Bros. was such a big deal? Why do you think Mighty No. 9 got the funding it did?

That last paragraph was written because I need you to understand that any problem I may have with Mega Man 11 is minuscule compared to the sheer amount of gratitude I have towards fate for allowing this game to be made at all.

This may be cynical to say considering how at the time of writing this, Capcom has been on a serious roll with no signs of stopping, but i see the release of a no-nonsense, microtransaction-free Mega Man game in the modern age, as nothing less than a miracle.

Speaking of miracles, I am also very thankful that they chose to make Mega Man 11 so visually distinct. It looks like a great animated cartoon, and the backgrounds are just stellar. The first area of Torch Man’s stage is a particularly beautiful sight to see.

While being beautiful, the levels in this game are equally tricky. I’m a seasoned Mega Man veteran but I had a hard time early on during both of my playthroughs. But maybe that’s because I wasn’t making much use of the game’s new mechanic: The Double Gear System, the Speed Gear in particular. The Power Gear’s good for bosses but slowing down time with the Speed Gear made everything a lot more simple. At a certain point in the game you can take out Sniper Joes without them even noticing you’re there.

Speaking of not noticing things that are there, the music in Mega Man 11 is a shocking disappointment. With decades of games with numerous incredible bangers each, it's such a shame to get a Mega Man game where the level themes feel more like wallpaper in the room than the furniture. The sound mixing in Mega Man 11 is already so obnoxious that you can't hear the tunes as it is, but when you turn the music up, there's no strong identity. Bounce Man has a pretty nice song though. Not catchy enough to remember it by heart, but it's good.

Lackluster music is a small price to pay for another Mega Man game to be made, i suppose.

But that's just it, Mega Man 11 IS just another Mega Man game. Besides the Double Gear System, there's nothing so earthshakingly new that it paves the way for a new future of Mega Man titles. You DO get weapon that's a Mega Man X-style dash that can even be used in the air, which has the potential to be a huge game changer, if you're clever enough. But this isn't really doing anything that the Mega Man franchise hasn't seen before.....

It's just, more Mega Man, and at the end of the day, that's something i'm okay with.

I've beaten Mega Man 11 twice and had a decent time each time.

I recommend it to see Mega Man at its flashiest and most fully featured. There are better games in the series, though.

Realmente parecía que las nuevas mecánicas harían que el juego se rompiera más sencillamente, pero realmente se sintió natural, sigo sintiendo que en ocasiones es un poco injusto, como cualquier juego de Megaman jajaja

either this, 4 or 7 is my favorite in the series. plus this one has tundra man so it makes me swoon

They took everything I loved about the previous 10 Mega Man games, put it all into a single title, then threw in speed force powers and a radial menu for robot master abilities as the cherries on top. If this game had Protoman in it Mega Man 11 would literally be my perfect Mega Man game.

Also, since I've finally beaten every Mega Man classic game, here's an obligatory ranking of them all: 11>5>8>3>9>2>6>10>4>7>1

Pretty solid new Mega Man with little post-game content. Unless you don't aim to the platinum and going after all those challanges you'll mostly play the main game and then be satisfied with it.

jogo de megaman sólido

Your more modern Mega Man game. The shop is especially broken in this one and it's a bit short but that's about it. The stages all were really fun and the bosses and minibosses were pretty good too for the most part. The Double Gear system is a great way to get people acquainted with the more difficult gameplay while also not being super intrusive for people who don't use it.

It's a Mega Man game and I get that it needs to stick to its roots, but I feel like this could have been so much more than a shiny coat of paint on an existing franchise. The platforming and boss battles are still best in class, but it's also super short with not too much going on in the endgame. The item shop kind of kills any challenge one would get on normal mode. The game also leans heavily on the Double Gear mechanic which I didn't find very interesting.

I would have liked to have seen more levels or perhaps the option to play as different characters. There aren't even any secrets in the main levels like games that were released 30 years ago on the NES!

It definitely feels like a "get it on sale" kind of game at its normal price tag of $30 (and I did get it on sale!), so while it's fun, the limited play time makes it hard to recommend otherwise.

Basically feels like how 4 & 5 did in terms of captivating me. Incredibly average game, a bit boring. Lowering the score because it just disappointed me.