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in the past

Playing via Switch, I plan to beat Mega Man X5 and give both X6 and X8 a try; I went into X7 with low expectations, and quickly decided to abandon plans to finish it. Because of this, I will not be going for Hunter Medal completion.

the x challenge is a little different but still fun

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It's very clear that the 2nd half of this collection isn't nearly as strong as the 1st one.
But X8 (and even X5 to some extent) make this collection worth it for people who are already interested in the X series and liked what they played in the 1st half.

Additionally, Rookie Hunter Mode also helps with making X6 more playable.

good collection crap(com) port

need to complete X3-8 someday. faithful remasters, someone told me the gamecube collection is better because of there not being as much input delay as here. maybe that's just him playing on a CRT at the time. the extra stuff like concept art, promo clips and trailers for each game and merch screenshots is a nice addition as well. stuff that the mario 3d all stars collection could have really used to justify its price tag.

rookie hunter mode is a welcome addition to mitigate any frustration playing these games, especially some of the PSX era games.

Well I've literally just got my final achievement in this game so it's finally time I discuss this half of the collection a bit. Coming off from X4 in the first collection, LC2 continues on with the next four games in the Mega Man X series which are rather divisive among the community but I still got enjoyment out of most of them nonetheless. Now I've already went in-depth on each of the 4 games here so I'll start off this review by giving brief rundowns of my reviews on them which are as follows:

>Mega Man X5: A game that will likely be a lot of fun on your first playthrough, but the cracks really do begin to show on replays (which you will have to do if you want to get all the achievements tied to this game) with Alia refusing to shut up which is very much capable of making you take a hit at times, the convoluted parts system forcing you to waste your time, Tidal Whales entire level, the RNG endings that dictate whether or not you get to play as Zero for the final act & the sloppily-written ending in general, although the references to the first 4 X games and the Classic series are pretty cool I'll give it that.

>Mega Man X6: A game that I personally find enjoyment in despite the consensus surrounding it. Like with X5, it has a fair amount of questionable decisions that'll likely result in the game kicking your ass HARD if you go in blind, but UNLIKE X5, there's very easy work-arounds to X6s questionable decisions, therefore making it the most replayable game in this collection IMO as it's a LOT of fun once you have hindsight of what to expect. Also has the funnest iteration of Zero, so there's that too.

>Mega Man X7: An absolutely terrible game regardless of how you slice it, as there's barely any redeeming qualities to it outside of the unintentionally funny voice acting and good soundtrack.

>Mega Man X8: The best controls & voice acting (barring Maverick Hunter X) this series has seen IMO are present in this game, but the level design here can be VERY hit or miss although it's still a fine experience despite that, just be mindful about this game if you're an achievement hunter.

Now that that's out of the way I do want to state that I've ALSO already reviewed the first half of the X Legacy Collection so I'm only gonna discuss what's unique to this half specifically to avoid repeating myself, starting with presentation changes. The version of X6 that's found here no longer has the vocal songs found in the original release; instead having a remix of the Gateway theme from X8 be used for its intro and credits. How very strange that they did this but refused to fix X6s godawful translation as that's still very much present in the Legacy Collection, and this is made even MORE strange by the fact that the stage bosses in X5 now have translated names that match their original Japanese names as opposed to the Guns N' Roses references that they had for names in the original western release alongside other minor translation tweaks like "Octopardo" being changed to "Launch Octopus" so that the dialogue between X & Volt Kraken actually makes sense. A more universal change to the presentation however comes in the fact that load times and frame rate chugs have been drastically cut down across all 4 games (well, barring Dark Necrobats stage in X5 but I believe the slow down there is actually intentional), ESPECIALLY in X7 and X8 and because of this it seems that this collection is the definitive way to play those 2 games, as not only are the load times cut down in both of them, but the visuals overall are cleaned up & look much smoother than they did on the original hardware.

The achievements in the first half of the collection weren't the hardest things to get, but some of the achievements in the second half are just plain evil. In here you can expect such RIVETING achievements as:

>Destroying the colony with the cannon in X5
>Seeing all 3 endings in X5
>Listening to all of Alias support calls in X7
>Getting every part upgrade for a specific character in X7
>Saving every Reploid hostage in X7
>Getting every single upgrade for X, Zero & Axl in X8
>Playing as all 3 navigators in X8

That's the worst of it, but despite these only making up 7 of the 52 achievements in this game they are NOT fun at all to go for. After getting every achievement here I have nothing but pity for anyone who tries to do the same in the future as those achievements I listed will be sure to make your experience much more of a drag. With the X5 achievements you gotta contend with crappy RNG unless you do some convoluted manipulation tactics to guarantee the outcome you want, the X7 achievements don't need any explaining and in the case of the X8 achievements specifically you have to spend several hours just grinding up the required metal amount to even get the items tied to those achievements.

The new X Challenge stages specific to this collection are also equally brutal. Vile & High Max? Dynamo & Gate? Blast Hornet & Blaze Heatnix? This half of the collection has them all, and it REALLY proves that some of these bosses were NOT designed with the stages that this mode sometimes puts them in in mind, in particular fucking Blast Hornet in Blaze Heatnixs arena, where the 3 suspended platforms pretty much strip out all breathing room you'd normally have to dodge his attacks. Additionally, the X Challenge mode overall seems to have a fetish for making you fight Neon Tiger and Spiral Pegasus because I felt as if the game made me fight one or the other relatively frequently. Not that I'm complaining, because Spiral Pegasus' weakness, Dark Hold now works on pretty much every boss aside from Dark Necrobat which makes it a DAMN good weapon to bring into a stage should the game allow you to use it.

Likewise, I've heard complaints about input lag that I've barely never noticed in-game (if anyone is curious I used a keyboard with Vsync enabled again before eventually swapping to a GameCube controller which I also saw no input delay with) and what I did notice barely amounted to much and was absolutely not able to ruin my enjoyment with any of the games.

So in conclusion, if you liked the 4 games in the first Legacy Collection then I'd say pick this one up. Both parts of it sit at like 20 bucks on Steam at most and go on sale relatively frequently, & across both collections I've gotten around 115 hours so far as I'll definitely be returning to everything besides X7 to continue getting better at them so therefore I'd say it's worth your cash if you liked what you got from LC1, as it also features those same cool extras from that, applying now to X5-X8 whenever necessary. However if you're into achievement hunting then this is NOT a fun one to go through as you'll be here for a while trying to get the worst of them, but at least it feels satisfying to finally get them... I guess....?

Megaman X: Legacy Collection 2 is a collection of Megaman X5-8. It includes a extra mode called X Challenge which is basically a themed dual boss battle.

I won't be reviewing the games, they'll go elsewhere. Just the collection itself

It's a good collection with some horrible games included; like Mega Man X6 or god awful Mega Man X7. It's only worth it because Mega Man X8, which is a ok to good game imo

The menus are nice enough, probably not my favorites. I like the simplicity of the Megaman Legacy Collection menus. It's ok.

The content included is insane, so much stuff packed. From music, to merchandise exclusive to Japan, artwork and so much more. It's great.

X Challenge is one hell of a challenge. It changes some bosses from Megaman X Legacy Collection 1.

Yes, I copied my review from my last one only changing the necessary. Take that, Capcom.

Solo el X5 y el X8 son buenos y eso es muy a secas, los demás tremenda cagada.

Legacy 2 collects the most bad part of the X series.

4 games that range from decent to god-awful. This collection is not really worth it since the games aren't good. If you really wanna play X5 and X8 then go for it. But X6 and X7 are not worth anyone's time. The presentation is fantastic however and the achievements add replay value along with all the bonus content.

Well made collection of mostly bad games that shouldn't be separate from the first one, but X challenge is still fun.

[en] bought and played just for the MMX5 port, and it's stil the best for me. yeah, i know. somethings are really weird in this one but nothing that can make you drop the game. i love the super-electromagnetic lab stage (squid adler/volt kraken) and the bike on the start, really frustrating and satisfying to get all the shots. if you play on pc/steam, good look trying to get the "out of the frying pan" achievement since its rng based. the other games on the pack are good too, but i don't have a solid opinion about them, so yeah. 10/10 for mmx5

[pt-br] comprei e joguei apenas pelo port do MMX5, e ainda é o melhor para mim. sim, eu sei. algumas coisas são estranhas nesse game, mas nada que possa fazer você largar o jogo. eu amo o stage super-eletromagnetic lab (squid adler/volt kraken) e a moto no início, bem frustrante e satisfatório conseguir pegar todos os tiros. se você joga no pc/steam, boa sorte tentando pegar a conquista "out of the frying pan" já que o que você tem que fazer é algo baseado em rng. os outros jogos do pacote também são bons, mas eu não tenho uma opinião sólida sobre eles, então... é. 10/10 pelo mmx5

While it has the same great features as the first collection, it’s far inferior game selection is ultimately what makes it crumble to dust more and more. X8 can be fun but the other three are not worth the price of admission.

Só vale a pena até o 6, o resto é puro suco de fezes

The most painful and frustrating collection for reasons everyone can imagine.

But in my case I suffered the most for X5, X6 and X8. Yep, surprise: not much for X7.
They were all mostly mediocre games still. Yes, including also the latter one, don't worry.

Not all the best games but they're cool to have easily available.

A collection of the worst games the MMX series has to offer, awesome.
X5 and X8 were close to being decent but have some really bad design choices, X6 and X7 are irredemable abominations.

X8 is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Je n'ai joué qu'au 5 et déjà je le trouve bien en dessous des 4 premiers à tous les niveaux, je n'ai pas entendu beaucoup de bien au sujet des 6e, 7e et 8e opus donc je ne vais pas aller plus loin. Jouez aux 4 premiers opus c'est bien suffisant.

The collection is a mess with terrible input lag except for X7 and X8.

Sobre a coletânea em si, ela é sólida. Tem 4 jogos sendo eles o Mega Man X5, X6, X7 e por fim o X8, os quais eu já tenho o meu pensamento sobre eles em outras reviews à parte.

Fora os jogos, a coletânea adiciona o modo Rookie Hunter que é basicamente um modo fácil, só que totalmente artificial - é você dar mais dano e tomar menos dano - e no X6 os vários buracos da morte não te matam instantaneamente.

A coletânea também adiciona o modo X challenge (já havia algo semelhante na Collection do PS2), uma galeria de arte e a soundtrack dos jogos.

Menção honrosa por poder selecionar as várias versões dos jogos (como a JPN, USA, ou GER...) o que não é muita coisa mas é interessante notar as diferenças.

A emulação dos jogos em si é um pouco medíocre, tendo os mesmos slowdowns que na versão original, algo que poderia ser totalmente corrigido - os loadings no entanto são MUITO mais rápidos.

A adição de filtros é bem-vinda mas tem três variações, e os backgrounds são poucos e em sua maioria bem feinhos.


X5 - aceitável, mas tem muito texto não skipável e um design de bosses ok, 6/10.

X6 - eu amo o X6 e sei que ele é um jogo problemático e talvez ruim, mas eu amo de paixão, 8/10.

X7 - esse jogo é o maior erro da capcom e talvez o maior erro dos jogos. Eu não platinei essa collection no console porque eu NÃO CONSIGO jogar X7 sem ter ânsia de vômito, sono e ódio, 0/10.

X8 - Foi bastante esquecido (sequer teve release nipônica) por conta do fracasso dos seus títulos antecessores, mas é um jogo sólido, 6.5/10.

A pretty good collection overall, just held back a bit by the fact that it holds the more divisive back half of the X series.

As much as i agree that the quality of the games themselves are mixed to say the least, i still appreciated the high quality of the collection itself, lots of extra content, and generally value for money.

I think there's value in making collections like this, and re-releasing old games, even the less good ones. Just for preservation's sakes.

Awfully kind of Capcom to put all the dogshit games in the second collection so we don't have to buy it.

X5 is possibly the worst Mega Man X game to exist
X6 was pretty decent
X7 is just a hilarious meme
and I'll give X8 a shot when I don't have a burning seething hatred for this half of the series.

you're better off just only getting the first Legacy Collection as that one at least has good games.

My take on this collection and the X Challenge it offers is more or less the same as the first volume. This is the same packaging, with the same types of extras, but with different games, so most of what I said still goes.

The upside is that this volume doesn't actually have the input lag present in the first one, as there are no SNES games here. In fact, on the PS4, all four games ran pretty smoothly. The downside is that the titles in this volume are all hot garbage, and you should probably not bother anyway, no matter how crisp they run.

No, really, I had only played up until X5 many years ago, thought it was bad and stopped caring about the franchise. Hoo boy. It got worse. It got way worse. I was a happier person when I didn't know the extent of what had happened to one of my favorite childhood franchises.

Capcom split the collection in two for our own good, so do yourself a favor and stick to Volume 1.

really bad port, unstable and unoptimized

what is it with capcom making sure that every collection on PC is broken as humanly possible