Reviews from

in the past

i live my life, not for honor but for this game. this is how you make a perfect game. 10/10 no notes

Jogo incrível, história muito boa, ambientação, personagens, bosses, tudo muito bem feito. A única critica que tenho é sobre a gameplay, que para a época era boa, mas peca nas lutas contra os bosses que acaba ficando muito lenta, apesar disso, o joj é incrivel, mudou minha visão sobre jogos.

Zerei pelo menos umas 30 vezes e sinceramente é o melhor jogo que já joguei.

Rewinding back in the series to play MGS3 as someone who played MGS5 first was admittedly harmful to my experience, as the movement and controls felt awful and awkward for my entire playthrough- In general there were many aspects to this game that are quite reminiscent to the annoying stuff you'd see in games from the late 90s and early 2000s. Obviously this game is very impressive for the time it came out though, so I cant totally hold that against it.

That said, it was clear to me while playing this game why it is such a classic. MGS3 is very much a Kojima game and it is certainly not lacking in interesting, eccentric characters and complex war-and-spy based story elements. It also delivers a pretty impressive sense of atmosphere for a game from 2004. It does however occasionally have some of the silly and eye-rolling moments you'd expect from a Kojima story, but it's all very charming and got a laugh out of me multiple times. Ocelot and the final section with The Boss were particular highlights for me.

Cool game, but ultimately I'd be lying if I said i loved it.

A experiência de jogar esse jogo depois do segundo é indescritível, cada reviravolta, cada batalha, cada coisa ridícula, o jogo é incrível. O final me fez lacrimejar e a mensagem antiguerra continua no ponto. Emocionante

Hey! That's pretty good! (but the motorcycle isn't)

i give my life, not for honor, but for you 🎶

14 year old me thought this was the best game of all time so I'm gonna take their word on this

Humanity is destined to be in constant conflict with one another. Battling for dominance over political and economic power. With each new huge conflict comes a change in humanities senses when it comes to the political climate. What this gives birth to is key players in history never able to eternally be celebrated as heroes no matter their legacy. Yet these "heroes" are also needed. They sacrifice so much for only a brief moment of glory that ends up fading with time, if they are even rewarded that to begin with.

Often these key figures end up playing out roles that end up suppressing, dulling or even killing their humanity. Caught in the complicated fabric of the times and the backstabbing nature of the upper echelons of politics. Throughout all of this we get our almost innocent protagonist who we know will fall to darkness eventually. What ensues is one of the most emotional, tragic studies ever. With a cast that meshes perfectly with everything the story talks about, full of rich dynamics, charismatic personalities and beautifully realized internal struggles. Almost every conversation has 2 - 3 layers to it, its so masterful. I honestly think this game is a step above MGS2 and that is the highest praise I can give it. A contender for best video game story.

I played this game as a child and remember chasing an old man around and eating snakes and tortilla chips. Peak.

Outstanding in both espionage and survival.
Creating new ways in stealth through finally showing the player how well hidden they are, right into their face thanks to new camouflage mechanic.
Survival - through taking care of our wounds that are consequences of not playing safe enough, also for one time only in the franchise stamina bar that the player needs to take care of, during hunt in the middle of the jungle.
Also incredible plot and characters, that's still makes me think a lot about this particular entry of the series.
In addition to the best Bond theme the Bond franchise could only dream about.

acho muito superestimado, achei bem sem graça

Intercalável com o seu antecessor, apresenta uma narrativa mais sólida, personagens melhor desenvolvidos, mais elementos de gameplay e acertos em relação ao antecessor. Contudo, podemos dizer que essa entrada é o ponto de partida da série em prol de deixar sua narrativa focada na guerra.

An adventure with the quality of a great movie, but full of personality, from the characters to the locations. It never forgets it's a game, and it plays perfectly. One of the best endings I have seen in any form of media, ever. The graphics hold up very well.

Joguei 30min, achei uma merda, cutscene infinita, meu eu de 10 anos já tinha ansiedade e foi na feirinha trocar por um onimusha 3, esse sim brabo demais

the attention to detail is crazy

I think while I was relatively unsure where I stood originally, I think that everything starting from the capture sequence is pretty much either stellar or pure sublime (the conclusion to the final boss fight) and that really can only be a masterpiece and nothing more

"I raised you, and loved you, I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There's nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life." -The Boss

One of the best storylines told in a game, only outdone by its series mates. Accompted by the incredible snake eater, Snake's story is incredible and leaves a lasting impact.

The gameplay is the only part that leaves some to be desired. 95% of it is good, incredible stealth. The bad, however, leaves a horrible distaste.

38 revolver flips out of 10

Kojima elevated the medium of gaming to it's greatest peak. He will forever be known as it's Newton from how revolutionary his ideas are. People make fun of his movie-like games, it's excessive at times yes, but holy crap he's a genius.

I too love Mission Impossible Fallout

I remember I played the original in two occasions. Thank god they fixed the camera and it's way more fluid with the 2011 HD Remaster.

Ofc the original still deserves the praise, but I'd still go with the HD version anytime.

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The best plot ever made. I am not very emotional, but in the final i cried twice. When I realized what and why Boss did. And when i replayed after realization.


I remember my step-brother lent me this game, I never progressed past the first level because I was utterly clueless.

The amount of cutscenes in this game is crazy, but not as crazy as in MGS4.

I really love the plot, the gameplay (though I prefer the one from MGS2 much more because of its... Intensity?.. I don't know how may I put it), and the variety of possible ways in beating sections. However, the controls suck, but it's a normal thing for the series.

MGS3 always makes you back and dive into it again, and there's a lot of reasons for it, like the versatile gameplay I mentioned before.

It was my sixth walktrough and I enjoyed it just like the previous ones.

Age hasn't spoiled MGS3 a bit.