Reviews from

in the past

I remember renting this from my local shoddy video game rental shack, the one that smelled vibrantly with pipe tobacco and dust, back in the late 90s. I was a wee lad then, I only got it for one weekend, and all I remember from it is how HYPE that soundtrack was

Revisiting it 20+ odd years later and this soundtrack still as hype as it ever was.

Standard beat 'em up game reskinned on Power Rangers to sell video games. Nothing really stands out in this game.

Enjoyment: 2/4
Gameplay: 0.5/2
Replayability: 0/2
Graphics: 1/1
Sound: 1/1
Total: 4.5/10

This one is really easy. Not a lot to say except the Megazord finale is really clunky and Zach's sprite is really racist?? No idea what that is all about

Short, simple beat em up. While satisfying, it's way too easy...up until Area 5, where it goes from easy, to pretty challenging, to ridiculous. The Megazord sequences are just plain unfun, and uh....Zack's sprite. Yikes.

Not awful, but really doesn't stack up against better games in the genre.

Compared to MMPR the Movie for SNES this has no Johnny Yong Bosch, no multiplayer, one of the easiest games on the system, lack of lane system, etc but you can play as the Megazord and the finishers look sicc as fuck so I liked it better anyways.

Also a fully vocal track on the SNES before even Tales of Phantasia had one? Badass

I used to play this on flash sites a lot and every time I saw how they made Zack look I wanted to hide the computer

Such a fun side scroller beat em up type game! The intro goes as hard as ever and the stage music slaps. The transformation/final move is always cool to do and the bosses were fun to fight. Growing up with this game always had good times tied to it.

I have a lot of nostalgia for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and having recently picked up the complete series while it was dirt cheap and the full line of 1/6 Threezero figures while they were decidedly NOT dirt cheap, it's safe to say I'm still a fan today. I've even given the original Zyuranger a shot, and would easily recommend at least checking out the first episode if you have any familiarity with the Mighty Morphin series. Rita Repulsa (known as Bandora overseas) rides around on a flying bike and talks about how she hates kids. There's a whole sequence that's one marble bust shy of being a vaporwave album cover, it's pretty good!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the SNES is a blind spot for me, one piece of media that I never really got to experience back during the height of 90s Rangers mania. I recall playing a small amount at a friend's house before his mom had to take it back to the video store. We hung out the whole day and I remember her coming back with Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs.

Compared to Fire Dogs, this game is great, but in a vacuum it's just kinda alright. Unlike Power Rangers: The Movie for the Sega Genesis (a game I am much more familiar with and will get to shortly) MMPR for the SNES is an action-platformer. Both are perfectly appropriate styles if your goal is to make a 16-bit adaptation of the show, and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as a result. Sprites are large and very detailed, and levels are invocative of the the show, and by extension the garish aesthetics of the early 1990s. Controls feel pretty good and each Ranger plays differently enough that it encourages you to switch things up. I'd almost liken it to the TMNT brawlers in that each character offers their own flavor while still being similar enough that you can get by sticking to your favorite.

Platforming and combat are fine, but nothing too remarkable. If anything, this game's strongest suit is its boss battles. The monster-of-the-week goons you face at the end of each level look great, and facing off against them is a blast. It definitely gave me something to look forward to each level. The soundtrack is also solid, though it doesn't quite compare to the Genesis sound font adding some much needed grime to the riff of the Power Rangers theme song.

Zack's sprite is super racist. I never picked up on this as a kid because I was too young and dumb to really understand what was offensive about it, but as an adult it was pretty arresting to see what they were trying to get away with. Especially gutting as Zack is my favorite Ranger and as such was the first character I picked. On the other hand, Trini is in tight competition for that top spot and I find it hilarious that her Ranger sprite is buff as hell. Which, hey, at least that's somewhat true to the show.

I suspect my nostalgia is carrying me a long way with this game, and even then it's not so overpowering as to render me blind to MMPR's quality. It's alright, but if you have zero affinity for Power Rangers you probably won't find a whole lot to like about it.

[Simply Finished It]

I remembered this game being way more epic and fun than it actually is. I was nostalgia-goggles reminiscing about the final level as an epic final fight and it ended up being just OK.
And I was almost alright with it, but then I saw Zach's sprite and JESUS! Hell hath no racism...

It had everything I wanted and a lot more than expected, even the music. The game was shit compared to many other fighting games like Tekken or Mortal Kombat, but I loved Power Rangers and my parents got me this one for Christmas so I had to play it. I played the shit out of it, and I emulated it again as an adult and had as much fun. The graphics and the moves were awesome, it was one of those games you would just play for hours and hours until your mom caught you at 2 AM with the TV on. I even got the music playing in the background as I'm writing this because it's so good.

Played this one a looooot when I was a wee bit lad.

Silly beat-em-up fun.

This game is perfection for it's target audience in 1994. That's why I rate this game so high. It's fun and if you were a young kid in the early 90's you would be able to beat this game. Such a thing is actually pretty rare for a game of it's day.

Not only that though I still find this game fun to go back to today. It's an easy game and not a very long one either. It a short and sweet experience. I really liked being able the be the human form of the rangers and then powering them up to the rangers half way through the stage making all their attacks better. You could complete each stage with a different character and they would play different in ranger form so for a beat um up game there was a lot of variety for each playthrough. All of the bad guys from the show where here and the bosses are pretty cool if simple. The music in this game is really good as well. The stage 1 theme and boss theme are bangers man. The level design is decent but like I said any young person should be able to figure it out. While it's easy it's also not brain dead either. This was a really cool game and the best MMPR game for sure.

Not a particularly amazing or challenging beat 'em up, but a surprisingly fun hour or so romp for what it is (It's got some banger music too). I'm just trying to remember which episode had Rita's minions brandishing knives and trying to shank the rangers on the side of the road, though.