Reviews from

in the past

Compared to MMPR the Movie for SNES this has no Johnny Yong Bosch, no multiplayer, one of the easiest games on the system, lack of lane system, etc but you can play as the Megazord and the finishers look sicc as fuck so I liked it better anyways.

Also a fully vocal track on the SNES before even Tales of Phantasia had one? Badass

pra vc que tambem vem dos anos 90 e passava o dia assistindo power rangers, esse jogo vai ser um dos melhores "fan services" que vc pode encontrar.
eu tava pronto pra dar um 4, gameplay simples, inimigos semi variados pois sao as mesmas sprites com cores e dificuldades diferentes, animaçoes dos modelos sensacionais, tudo completinho... nao tava gostando do fato das fases serem infinitamente mais faceis que os bosses (que por sua vez sao bem chatinhos), acho bem merda quando o jogo nao consegue equilibrar essa dificuldade...porem quando terminei as fases e apareceu uma cutscene dos rangers virando megazord e vc LUTANDO COM ELE, puta que pariu, o jogo foi de 0 a 100 na hora, MUITO BOM, souberam fechar o game com uma cereja no bolo e com direito a cutscenes pos-credito.
realmente um excelente trabalho, ja vou encomendar minha midia fisica pra coleçao.

Short, simple beat em up. While satisfying, it's way too easy...up until Area 5, where it goes from easy, to pretty challenging, to ridiculous. The Megazord sequences are just plain unfun, and uh....Zack's sprite. Yikes.

Not awful, but really doesn't stack up against better games in the genre.

I used to play this on flash sites a lot and every time I saw how they made Zack look I wanted to hide the computer

O melhor jogo de Power Rangers até hoje. Incrível como que como os caras deram personalidade pra cada ranger desmorfado só com os golpes diferentes, o que deixa uma vontade a mais de jogar com eles nessa forma. A transição pra fighting game no final é bem legal também, mas o último chefão podia ser alguém mais icônico dentro da série.

Not a particularly amazing or challenging beat 'em up, but a surprisingly fun hour or so romp for what it is (It's got some banger music too). I'm just trying to remember which episode had Rita's minions brandishing knives and trying to shank the rangers on the side of the road, though.

i don't think you can forget one of your first beat-em ups

You can play as 5 different power rangers in this beat'em up action platformer style game. The game was released on SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Gear and GBA.If you ask me you must play on SNES. It has a lively design. I like that each character has fighting animations that reflect their unique personalities. Each character has a special weapon. It is bad that these weapons do not offer variety in gameplay and mechanically. nice places, very easy in places, in normal difficulty. Especially the war at the end is great, the game gives you another experience. When you look at the game in general, it doesn't take you an hour to finish it too easily. The game is too short. I think the theme music is sometimes quoted from the original movie. so few and the enemy designs are exactly the same. In short, a cookie game that can entertain you for a short time with an average experience.When you are going to long trip you can play on your GBA.(Kyōryū sentai zyuranger is still the best.)

Pretty good beat'em up, even if I never cared for the franchise (or Super Sentai stuff) at all.

Such a basic brawler but the graphics, music, and feel of the show are all there. This game is not very hard and not that long, but if you like power rangers then this is your game. The Megazord battle at the end is awesome and the action is just plain fun.

(Jogado no meu DATA FROG SF2000)

Esse aqui eu joguei com mais calma, uma fase num dia e as outras depois, ao contrário do MMPR: The Movie de Mega Drive que eu comi com farofa. O motivo? A dificuldade desse aqui de fato existe (apesar de não ser tanta), então eu precisei de fato refazer alguns níveis de vez em quando.

De grandes acertos, eu diria os rangers começarem a fase desmorfados e terem sprites únicos nessa parte e que lembram os personagens da série foi MUITO LEGAL. Eles até atacam de maneira diferente, achei isso show. Destaque negativo pra o ranger preto, por que os cara da Banpresto meteram um beiço esquisito no sprite dele, bem comum em representações negras feitas por japoneses mais antigamente, e inegavelmente racistas. Outro acerto são os bosses serem todos retirados de episódios da série de TV e com estilos de luta diferentes. O bom e velho saltar e bater resolve praticamente tudo, mas ainda tem um timing pra cada chefe eu creio. O uso de Passwords para poder retomar progresso eu achei um recurso fantástico, que provavelmente tornou o jogo bem menos frustrante pra os moleques que tinham que desligar o console de surpresa por que a mãe mandou (ou que queriam jogar algum nível específico naquele dia).

Já de problemas, primeiro crime aqui é a movimentação. Você só vai para a direita, esquerda e pula. Em Streets of Rage de 1991 no Megão você conseguia se mover num cenário com profundidade, então num console mais poderoso como o SNES você ficar preso numa linha reta eu acho ofensivo. Isso somado com os inimigos serem todos o mesmo sprite com quase a mesma movimentação e uma corzinha diferente de vez em quando deixa MMPR ainda mais repetitivo que o padrão do Beat'em'Up. Outro crime é o sprite único pra todos os rangers enquanto morfados. Especialmente pra rosa e amarela isso fica esquisito.

O jogo é medíocre mas é divertido. Se não fosse o racismo japonês e a movimentação capada era 3 estrelas, por que apesar de mediano na experiência, a nostalgia deixa o jogo gostoso o suficiente pra você fazer vista grossa pra muita coisa.

O jogo em si é bem repetitivo, o que salva são as músicas e as batalhas de Megazord (Que infelizmente são pouquíssimas)

É a regra, se foi feito pela Natsume logo é um jogo bom

Curto e direto ao ponto? Demasiadamente bom!

I was really curious about this game since I've only played the other SNES Power Rangers game (the one based on MMPR the Movie). Never beat that one, but I actually did manage to beat this game. As it turns out, there are some significant differences between this Power Rangers game and the movie game, but I'd say there's more similarities than differences overall. Not sure if that's really worth covering, though, so I'll just be reviewing this game based on its own merits. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a beat-em-up with light platformer elements, and its quite a simple one. That's not to say the game won't give you any trouble, but it certainly isn't a super hard game by any means. The game is also very short; only took me nearly two hours to beat, and I could've took less time if I didn't get any game overs.

Gameplay's just alright overall. You can select between five different rangers: Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zach, who are the Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger, respectively. I played all five characters, although I was a little disappointed to find that they don't really play differently from each other. The beat-em-up action in this game is unfortunately rather underwhelming to me, though that's not to say it isn't decently fun. You start every level in human form and, at a certain point in the level, you get a glimpse of the boss and a little transformation sequence turning you into your ranger form. You do have some options for attacking, including crouch attacks, aerial attacks, and grabs, but nothing beats the basic punch "combo" of spamming Y, and many enemies will take forever to die from anything that isn't that. Ranger form doesn't really change the gameplay much, but it does at least give an extra move different between each ranger that you can do by holding up after pressing Y (as well as an admittedly really cool screen-nuke from pressing X). This move is also never stronger than your Y-spam combo but it does tend to have some utility in fringe cases. Pink Ranger, for example, gets a bow move; it does pitiful damage and it doesn't hit ducking enemies, but you could still use it to get some distance from your foes. The game does have some cool little platforming elements like jumping over pits, wall-jumping, or hanging onto poles to either cross gaps or throw yourself up onto platforms. One level was particularly annoying for having water that rises and falls, since when you're in the water you can't attack anything, leaving you a sitting duck until the water goes down. The platforming elements are quite light overall, but they do spice the game up just a tad. There's also a small gameplay switch-up in the last two levels, where it pivots to an almost fighting game style (though very simplified) and has you play as the Megazord. You can build up meter to use a special move, move backwards to block, and you have to fight opponents that can actually block too. It took me a bit to understand these levels, but basically its like a diet fighting game with no real combos and no specific inputs to do special moves. You'll want to mix up your attacks to throw off the enemy's defenses, remember to block, and press X whenever that special gauge is full.

I'm skipping both the story section and the presentation here since, honestly, both are pretty much exactly what you'd expect out of a video game based on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Overall, this game is a bit on the short and easy side, and the gameplay just wasn't all that engaging to me. Middle of the road beat-em-up, I give it 3 stars.

I have a lot of nostalgia for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and having recently picked up the complete series while it was dirt cheap and the full line of 1/6 Threezero figures while they were decidedly NOT dirt cheap, it's safe to say I'm still a fan today. I've even given the original Zyuranger a shot, and would easily recommend at least checking out the first episode if you have any familiarity with the Mighty Morphin series. Rita Repulsa (known as Bandora overseas) rides around on a flying bike and talks about how she hates kids. There's a whole sequence that's one marble bust shy of being a vaporwave album cover, it's pretty good!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the SNES is a blind spot for me, one piece of media that I never really got to experience back during the height of 90s Rangers mania. I recall playing a small amount at a friend's house before his mom had to take it back to the video store. We hung out the whole day and I remember her coming back with Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs.

Compared to Fire Dogs, this game is great, but in a vacuum it's just kinda alright. Unlike Power Rangers: The Movie for the Sega Genesis (a game I am much more familiar with and will get to shortly) MMPR for the SNES is an action-platformer. Both are perfectly appropriate styles if your goal is to make a 16-bit adaptation of the show, and each have their own strengths and weaknesses as a result. Sprites are large and very detailed, and levels are invocative of the the show, and by extension the garish aesthetics of the early 1990s. Controls feel pretty good and each Ranger plays differently enough that it encourages you to switch things up. I'd almost liken it to the TMNT brawlers in that each character offers their own flavor while still being similar enough that you can get by sticking to your favorite.

Platforming and combat are fine, but nothing too remarkable. If anything, this game's strongest suit is its boss battles. The monster-of-the-week goons you face at the end of each level look great, and facing off against them is a blast. It definitely gave me something to look forward to each level. The soundtrack is also solid, though it doesn't quite compare to the Genesis sound font adding some much needed grime to the riff of the Power Rangers theme song.

Zack's sprite is super racist. I never picked up on this as a kid because I was too young and dumb to really understand what was offensive about it, but as an adult it was pretty arresting to see what they were trying to get away with. Especially gutting as Zack is my favorite Ranger and as such was the first character I picked. On the other hand, Trini is in tight competition for that top spot and I find it hilarious that her Ranger sprite is buff as hell. Which, hey, at least that's somewhat true to the show.

I suspect my nostalgia is carrying me a long way with this game, and even then it's not so overpowering as to render me blind to MMPR's quality. It's alright, but if you have zero affinity for Power Rangers you probably won't find a whole lot to like about it.

Holy shit I wasn't expecting it to be this fun considering it's simplistic nature

Clássico beat em up do Super Nintendo, pode até ser bem basicão e padrão, mas diverte e consegui aproveitar bem o jogo, curti bastante as batalhas de megazord, só detestei os bosses entediantes.

A nostalgia bateu forte, mas a vontade de não dar replay nisso era gigantesca.

This game is perfection for it's target audience in 1994. That's why I rate this game so high. It's fun and if you were a young kid in the early 90's you would be able to beat this game. Such a thing is actually pretty rare for a game of it's day.

Not only that though I still find this game fun to go back to today. It's an easy game and not a very long one either. It a short and sweet experience. I really liked being able the be the human form of the rangers and then powering them up to the rangers half way through the stage making all their attacks better. You could complete each stage with a different character and they would play different in ranger form so for a beat um up game there was a lot of variety for each playthrough. All of the bad guys from the show where here and the bosses are pretty cool if simple. The music in this game is really good as well. The stage 1 theme and boss theme are bangers man. The level design is decent but like I said any young person should be able to figure it out. While it's easy it's also not brain dead either. This was a really cool game and the best MMPR game for sure.

Baby's first Beat 'Em Up! Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers on the SNES, not to be confused with the slew of other games of the same, or similar, name.

You pick one of the five rangers to use for each level, and each level plays the same.
Step 1. Beat through a couple of screens as your ranger just in street clothes
Step 2. See the boss of the stage, ITS MORPHIN' TIME, form into your Power Ranger complete with associated weapons.
Step 3. Play through a few more screens.
Step 4. Beat the boss.

All 5 Rangers play the same.

The game ends with a few simple 1v1 fighting game style fights while you take control of MegaZord.

But a couple questions

Why are the Rangers so BUFF? After they morph in the halfway point through each stage, all of the Rangers now use the same sprite with colors swapped out, and that sprite is excessively buff - even when using the female Rangers.

And why does Kimberly use her bow (and arrow) just as a stick to beat people with? Sure, you can hold Up and attack to use shoot a weak arrow across the screen - but otherwise you literally beat up enemies with the side of the bow.

The answer to both of these questions is "because it was easier to just make one thing and slightly change its appearance instead of actually reprogramming anything" but that does not make it any less annoying.
I was bothered when I was 5, and I'm still bothered now.

Otherwise, this is actually a pretty solid game that I still run through periodically.

Apesar de simples, é um jogo bom.

A gameplay é simplória, sendo apenas um Beat'em up Side Scrolling dos Power Rangers, onde o seu objeto é esmagar o botão de ataque até derrotar todos os inimigos e passar de fase. Mas eu devo dizer que me supreendi com a mínima complexidade colocada neste jogo; ao socar o botão de ataque repetidas vezes e em um certo timing, o personagem executa um mini combo, que pode ser executado também agachado, dando uma leve variada em sua finalização; além disso, os personagens tem também uma espécie de "ataque especial" ao executar o comando Cima + Botão de Ataque, que é muito útil em vários momentos e dá uma variedade bem massa.
Isso sem falar no grab, que é extremamente fácil de usar e muito satisfatório. Ele ajuda pra caramba em momentos onde você precisa derrubar vários inimigos alinhados, ou está cercado e quer uma janela de abertura para se reposicionar, afinal ao usar o grab o personagem ganha um pequeno tempo de invencibilidade.
Eu curti muito o combate do game. É muito gostoso, tem uma leve complexidade que dá um tempero a mais, o que torna ele muito prazeroso apesar de simples.

Com relação a história... eu nem ao menos sei do que se trata. Eu joguei o jogo em uma tacada só, do começo ao fim e não senti qualquer intervenção narrativa pra tentar me conduzir por um roteiro.
Creio que exista algo aí, mas é tão "inexistente" e passivo que eu acho que a última coisa que qualquer pessoa vai lembrar é de dar bola pra história.
Convenhamos também que Power Rangers não tem lá muita história pra explorar...

Mas apesar de tudo, o ápice do jogo é o final. Simplesmente do nada o game muda totalmente seu foco e se torna uma espécie de fighting game com o megazord que é muito foda.
O megazord tem ataques diversos e alguns ataques especiais que são geridos de acordo com o nível de uma barra que está em constante carregamento.
Os inimigos que você enfrenta também são bem interessantes, porém nem um pouco desafiadores. O primeiro é bem fácil de vencer mesmo que você não entenda nada que esteja fazendo, pois seus ataques são bem fáceis de predictar depois de um tempo, e de qualquer forma você pode vencer ele só no "esmaga botão".
Já o segundo, ele não é difícil, mas pode te dar trabalho, porque ele defende bastante, dá um daninho legal, e tem uma segunda fase, então você luta com ele duas vezes, porém de uma vez só. É possível que você morra pelo menos 1 vez, mas isso será suficiente para entender ele e também extrair 100% dos combos do seu megazord.

De modo geral, é um jogo muito bom, excelente pra passar o tempo, ainda mais por ser curto, e vai entreter qualquer um do início ao fim.
Eu diria que é um dos Beat'em ups mais fáceis que eu já joguei, tho.

A pretty okay game. The music it's awesome and the graphics are good, but the gameplay itself it's nothing too exciting.
Its best feature is its short duration, since it ends before you can get bored with the repetitive gameplay.
A very easy beat em up to play when you don't know what to do and can bring you a fun hour at least.

Props to the Megazord battles, i appreciate the attempt to make something different and giving it some "epic" vibes. The final boss it's pretty neat too.

Fast and fluid but otherwise lacking depth.

I played this game a lot as a kid, and upon revisiting it I was delighted to find that it's actually pretty dang good! Similar to The Ninja Warriors in that you only brawl on one plane. The gameplay isn't as deep as in The Ninja Warriors, but the later levels definitely require some skill. If you have nostalgia for MMPR and the SNES, you should definitely play this.

Nem todo jogo precisa ser longo ou difícil. Power Rangers de SNES cumpre bem seu papel. Apesar da variação dos personagens e suas habilidades, poderia ser um pouco mais criativo.

I played this game thinking i would find an simple beat an up. I was wrong,The change in the playstyle was very good and the final boss is a bit hard but a good kind of hard, the possibility to change your characters at the start of the level is awesome,The game is fast to beat but i gave me fun and, at the end this is what realy matters.

Eh. It's fine, but it's also very much a generic licensed game from the nineties. It's not terrible, but that's about the best I can say about it.

Simplistic beltscrolling brawler with some fun, if easy, boss fights. The music and spritework really elevate what is a shallow experience. But if you enjoy MMPR and brawlers, there's enough to make an enjoyable evening. Only 1P tho.