Reviews from

in the past

ok nintendo do tomodachi life next

The mii editor in this game is phenomenal, but the actual game itself is kinda lame if you ask me. The gameplay is so incredibly shallow and dull. I get the appeal is supposed to be seeing these miis interact with each other, but I feel something like Tomodachi Life did that idea way better because it didn’t shoehorn in a cookie cutter rpg (unless you count that one minigame lol). All Miitopia does is make me yearn for a new Tomodachi Life with this game’s fantastic mii editor

A shallow RPG with quirkiness as its sole draw. There isn't a single time in the main story where strategy is required or even allowed, the mechanics seem to be trying to encourage switching out your party but only succeed at randomly locking you out of random party members for no reason, and the game is so repetitive that I haven't felt a hint of desire to play the postgame since fighting the final boss. Every mechanic introduced feels like the devs are saying "we know the game is easy, but it's not easy enough yet". The game's quirky nature isn't even particularly funny, and it's all the game has going for it besides the novelty of letting you choose the face of every character.

A fine remaster of a fun game but I don’t know how much you’ll get out of it if the core premise doesn’t appeal to you.

Miitopia on 3DS honest to god is one of my favorite games I've ever played, with genuine plot twists and every aspect of it just breathes charm out the wazoo. Genuinely I don't think I've ever been so impressed with a video game before. I give the 3DS version a 10/10.
But...honestly the switch version feels inferior to me! The customization options for your Mii's are astoundingly amazing and it's always a hoot to see what people come up with, but there's no way to see them without the internet! The 3DS version let you randomly see ANY Mii's that have been uploaded online and it led to a lot of funny moments since they automatically randomly assign you them to townsfolk when you first arrive there. It was one of the best aspects of the game seeing who got assigned where, and you could always reroll specific roles if you wanted another option, but the Switch need to manually do everything yourself, and like i said, you NEVER get to see what people are making inside of the game itself without going to the internet. This is the biggest reason this version is a downgrade to me, but also just..the game felt a lot more fluent on 3DS. I always had the menu open in battle, taking up a fourth of the screen, just in case i needed to use Sprinkles to recover my Mii's, but in the Switch version it takes up a fourth of the screen.
The new content is cute, but It's really...just kind of inconsequential.

First of all this game is a narcissism check. In a normal and acceptable level you're the protagonist. In a more worrying level you're the protagonist and two of your party members are characters meant to represent yourself.

Second, really charming RPG that works with a fun RNG event system (even in battles!) that makes it super cute and funny. It's a comedy game that could only work with Miis after all.

I'm not super into RPGs, but holy shit, the character creator is the best thing ever.

Proof Nintendo has not completely forgotten about Miis, Tomodachi Life 2 may yet happen sometime.

I'm so glad they ported this to the switch so I could replay it

i don't have enough friends to make miis out of so i made a guy named craig and pretended he was my friend to anyone who asked

This is why the switch has a capture button

People will never understand how sick this game is.

You’ll get as much out of this as you put in. The first time I played it, my party members were my fursona, Kazuma Kiryu, Dr Nefarious and Gordon Ramsey, and I lost interest so fast. Second time around, I used all my OCs, and suddenly I was invested like nothing else.

It’s a fairly hands-off experience that I wish had more unique scenarios, but there are few things that have gotten me to care more about a video game than building up my OCs to be badass fighters, hanging out with them and watching them do silly things together, only to see them kidnapped and have to go rescue them.

Screw Tomodachi Life.

I think it's kinda unfair to call this a RPG. It's more like a life sim RPG tycoon management character customizer

Played this for the first time earlier this year and it RULES. While simple it's still really fun + it's enjoyable to see your party members do different things during their turns based off of chance + friendship.

Also this game let me make a badass cheeto colored horse name Chester so... pretty fucking awesome.

Idk why but I love this game sm. Its such a fun silly time

i really dont like the price on release (nintendo releasing old games at full price AGAIN), but the mii editor and sharing thing balances it out methinks

This review contains spoilers

Miitopia is fun for the first 3 hours, then you've experienced most of what the game has to offer. The next 47 hours of gameplay is mostly mind-numbing "baby's first rpg" mechanics with no end in sight. The game even resets your party TWICE and then give you a fake-out ending once you finally reach the dark lord fight the whole game had led up to, making you fight a "darker lord" that is funny in concept and a drag in execution.

Long RPGs are great when they have actual substance that keeps it interesting throughout the time spent playing it, but this game's substance comes from its humor, which is fun until you leave the towns and have to deal with boring gameplay that stays the same for hours on end by holding the B button to speed up the game and mashing the A button to give commands in both the fights and inns between each level.

When the game decides to mix it up and creates ONE type of enemy that could possibly be dangerous, it's a rare enemy with a one-shot move that is not fun to fight against.

One thing this game does well is the OST, but certain songs became stale to me as they replayed over and over throughout the game.

The Mii Maker for this game is incredible, and I enjoyed looking for Miis to download and selecting the ones I thought would fit best for the characters in the game.

In my experience, most of the game's humor came from one-liners or situations where the character Miis that I put into the game were either incredibly fitting or unfitting.

A Mii RPG was definitely great in concept, but the gameplay is too much of a drag to make it work in execution. The battles are drawn out, the inn sections are drawn out, and the game itself is drawn out from it being effectively reset three times. No other game has ever made me feel this level of sunk-cost fallacy. I simply had to finish this game, even though the end that always appeared to be in sight was pushed further back each time.

It's good fun at first but gets stale

they made peak put it on the switch and added a horse
need i say more

I completely forget this game the minute I stop playing it, but for what it's worth, it's fun enough despite how insanely basic and repetitive it is. The Mii Maker is top-notch, cutting-edge technology, that should be transferred to a Tomodachi Life sequel IMMEDIATELY!

never got to finish it and everyday i yearn for it

A decent port that doesn't add all too much, but the horse is nice.

I love Mii maker simulator. It’s so cool that they added an additional rpg as a side mode.

This didn't had to be that good. Loved making your "nemesis" and fighting it.

It took a long time to beat, and despite some of the levels feeling a little boring, I had a lot of fun playing through! I think the dialogue and character interactions are so cute, and I enjoyed being able to make my own Miis, since I either added myself, friends, family, my own characters, or just the Miis I'd find online. In my opinion, Miitopia is worth the money because it feels like a long-ish game, yet fun game. To be fair though, I wanted to complete every single path of all the levels so maybe it felt long to me. There's also post-game content, which is nice. The music is quite groovy as well.

I think this game is a fairly good game. It's one I don't see myself coming back to (although I did play it TWICE, once on the 3DS and once on the Switch). I think the allure of it was quite honestly what Tomodachi Life was all about too, which is putting in people you know into the game as characters and seeing how they interact. The interactions in this game compared to Tomodachi Life however are very basic, so this ends up being a very status quo RPG with a few changes to the basic formula/mechanics of the genre.