Reviews from

in the past

very similar to the first game in terms of themes and storytelling but with a big bump in visuals I really like the aesthetic of this game it's very eye-catching and it fits the vibe of this story perfectly

More visual art than a game. eally captures some of the disorganized, painful places you can go to when living with a mental illness very effectively. It;s hard to get through, but is not without some sweetness and hope. A game worth sitting with for a while

The sequel maintains the high qualities of the first game. The script, a direct continuation of the story, is well-written. The tone changes slightly - where "Milk Inside [...]" was more dreamlike and surreal, "Milk Outside [...]" seems more immersed in the "here and now", although not without extraordinarily twists. However, most importantly, we still have a very convincing presentation of the thought process of a person with mental health problems. Thanks to the author's writing talent, even though I don't have such serious issues as the main character, I have no problem understanding her and empathizing with her.

Graphically, the game is more sophisticated than the original, but there are also callbacks to the style of the first one efficiently incorporated into the plot. The appropriately atmospheric soundtrack, just like in the first part, perfectly fits the tone of the game.

The story is engaging from beginning to end, the entire game is highly immersive and allows some people, including me, to find a piece of themselves in the heroine. The game is not long, which I think works to the story's advantage but it has several endings that encourage more than one playthrough.

weird but really good game

peak artstyle and peak storytelling

Improved artwork and backgrounds I will have no idea whats going on and I love it even more

O primeiro apesar de mais curto, não era tão tedioso que nem esse. Ele parece que é mais longo só por ser, não acontece muita coisa, e poderia ter a metade do tempo. O ponto positivo dele é que ele tem uma arte bem melhor do que a do primeiro jogo.

Amazing, albeit short, visual novel that's a sequel to milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. I would recommend playing the first and if it even interest you a little bit, then to play this one! Highly recommend though, and if you were to read the Steam page, you would know if this is a game for you.

Com certeza essa pode ser considerada a "versão definitiva" de Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. Finalmente dá pra entender um pouco mais sobre os pensamentos da personagem e sobre como a vida dela funciona.

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really makes the (also very good) first game look like just a demo in comparison. beautiful graphics, and i love a game with lots of endings. very depressing and miserable but also a very fun play. i wouldnt say its especially scary outside of the mirror ending, but it is fascinating and deeply sad

someone give that girl a hug

I have no idea how I feel about this 'game' and what it's attempting to say. I guess the visuals are improved, but it's rather bland when compared to the unique look of it's predecessor.

This barely even feels like a game. You mostly just push a single button and read text.

Also the ending made zero goddamn sense. So I guess you could say that this game is neither good nor bad.

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Some really pretty art and a solid dreadful soundtrack but it's also riddled with such an inconsistent tone and writing that makes it really hard to enjoy. it starts off really interesting and some of the visuals and ideas are terrifying and dreadful and it does attempt to explore this character's pain, but it becomes so redundant and the pacing doesn't do any of this pain justice. You hear the same thing over and over again the same inconsistent conversations yet you learn so little about this character that it becomes difficult to empathize with her outside of the usual, "wow this character is definitely mentally ill!" without much substance to that character. The first game, while also imperfect, nails the metaphors and the perspectives to make a really short meaningful experience. It created an ambiance and left you with something other than just a visual novel about a girl who needs help. it tries to be nuanced and respectful but it comes off so half-baked like it's feeding into it's own ego, it has nothing to say other than how much of a struggle her life is to live.

Every ending is such a struggle to get to as you skip and skip and skip through the same dialogue where your choices don't matter until you need to play the pace-breaking point and click game that loses it's charm after the first playthrough. Some of the endings do have some interesting ideas I especially like how one of them reflects the original game but once again it's nothing more than abstract metaphors that don't really get anything across. Sit and scroll through the screen as her face changes, sit and scroll through the screen while the same pizza metaphor is used, sit and scroll while the same pointless dialogue of how she's in so much pain that the game has no answer to. It's not even nihilistic in it's message or optimistic of change it's simply just unhinged unfinished pain.

I think despite my criticisms and negative feelings towards the game it is worth experiencing and there is value in a lot of what it showcases but I can't say I enjoyed my experience with it.

muito boniot
muito reflexivo
muitos pensamento cabeca de cimento

A less surreal sequel that puts you fully in the outsider's perspective as you converse directly with the girl and discuss her troubled mind. There are multiple endings which take the form of existential nightmares which leaves me believing that the writer may be the girl in question in some way. This very much feels like personal experiences laid bare.

I've never felt as uncomfortable playing a game as I have with this one, I truly wish the game was longer

Гибрид ОКР и тульпы это конечно сильно...

Интересный, может быть, опыт. Сюрреалистичный, мрачный, дающий возможность придумать к нему тысячу вопросов, а потом оставить без ответов. И зачем?
Сейчас перегну.
Вижу часто людей, обсуждающих и советующих всем подряд эту игру, ставящие себе аватары с героиней из неё. Констатируя, как игра ловко дёргает за струны их души, как обстоятельства внутренние схожи с игровыми событиями, как тонко, и жаль сегодня нет достаточно образованных людей.. Шутки в сторону. Весь тот тонкий и цепкий психологизм тут - иллюзия, а на деле из него всего несколько трюков, которые покупают морально неустойчивых, чувствительных и впечатлительных юных мальчиков и девочек.
Впрочем, я настаиваю на том, что у игры действительно есть уникальная и интересная атмосфера, а также ресурс, который игрока побуждает исследовать её и уйти вглубь истории. И даже после полного прохождения хочется задуматься обо всём подряд, о самой игре и не только. В общем, своеобразные впечатления останутся.

eu gosto muito do primeiro jogo, mas esse segundo consegue mais perfeito ainda já que você conhece a personagem melhor, tem uns leves jumpscares mas nada muito uau que susto. milk-chan eu jamais te trataria mal só pra pegar todas as conquistas da steam, adoro ser sua amiga <3 ;)

MOABOF is definitely a step up from the previous title. This visual novel/point and click depicts mental illness in a girl a lot better than before, and I am glad that they made adjustments to the previous story in the sequel. The game does get disturbing at times and comes into detail of how the main character of the story deals with her everyday life. I love the effort put into all 5 of the different endings depending on what choices you make throughout the story. Though instead of feeling like an entire acid trip like Milk Inside a Bag of Milk did, the dialogue and story telling of the sequel is more detailed and explained a whole lot better, and I think it is done quite well.

Llevo más de una semana dándole vueltas a este juego, por mi situación actual, mi situación pasada y lo que puede que sea mi situación futura. Tanto su predecesor como este son dos pequeños juegos que tratan bastante bien los problemas mentales, situándonos a los jugadores como la vocecita interior de la protagonista que a veces ayuda y otras solo empeora las cosas. Algo sorprendente es el salto de producción en cuanto al anterior, este tiene un arte mucho más trabajado. Con esto me refiero a animaciones, fondos, sonido, etc, sin denostar al primero que tiene un aspecto artístico muy diferente. Se nota que es algo muy personal, que no intenta contar una experiencia ajena y que el sumidero que es la depresión y las enfermedades mentales es un titán difícil de afrontar en soledad. Sinceramente es de los juegos que más me han tocado y me han dejado pensado mientras miro al techo, buscando a las cucarachas imaginarias para intentar dormir y soñar en cosas que me hacen despertarme con ansiedad y sudores fríos. La leche se ha salido de su cartón y ahora es difícil volver a contenerla pero, supongo, que cuando la voz interior decida ayudar todo ira un poco mejor, cada día un poco mejor, cada semana un poco mejor, cada mes siendo algo más persona.

Вышел из комнаты и испытал шизофрению, посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, паническое расстройство, депрессию. Игра ну чисто про меня

Just like how Loius Wain showed us how the world looked through his eyes, by his cat paintings he drew during his period of schizophrenia, this game does the same thing. It shows us how the surroundings are perceived by a teenage girl who's going through some kind of mental illness.
It brought out various emotions. More than being scared, I felt sad and sorry for this girl. It's kind of a unique experience and I would suggest this game and its prequel to everyone. It's a masterpiece.