Reviews from

in the past

Every 60 seconds a minute passes, together we can stop this

This was a really fun game with a challenging gimmick, I think I had maybe 200+ runs lol, but I also got the full completion of 110% so maybe that's why, loved the graphics at night and the little characters

Very cute little game, took me many more runs than I would like to admit. ^^;

jogo simples e rápido, com uma mecânica diferente e divertida.

Minit is a short and fun Puzzle solving adventure game. I began Minit thinking it would be a game carried by its one minute reset Gimmick, man was I wrong. I genuinely feel like Minit is a very good game on its own regards and that the gimmick is just the cherry on top. Some of Minit's puzzles stumped me for a good while. I even used a guide to solve one of them, but I really didn't need too and I could have found a solution if I was thinking harder. Also beating Minit isn't the end, there's a new game plus mode that remixes the game in a lot of cool and interesting ways, but I don't want to spoil, so I'll leave it at that. Minit isn't revolutionary, but it's a really good puzzle-adventure game.

Nice and short. a little confusing at times and had to look up guides a couple times but i still enjoyed it for what is was, aka Zelda with a timer.

There is nothing inherently wrong about Minit. It's a fun little gimmicky game with a short runtime that doesn't overstay its welcome.

At the same time, it does almost nothing with the time loop mechanic except for a couple puzzles. This is for all intents and purposes a half hour zelda clone that pads out its runtime by adding backtracking. Not bad, but could have been a lot better.


Funny little indie puzzle game, repayable, cute with a great story!

fofo, bem curtinho e divertido! gosto da ideia de ter só 1 minuto para ir resolvendo os puzzles, explorar e etc

Fun adventure with a unique mechanic. Very replayable.

played it on the PS+ looking for short games i can play before it expires. turned out to be a fun little adventure with a unique mechanic i personally enjoyed a lot :>
highly recommended for y'all folks with no time in between tasks.

fun little time limit based game that doesn't overstay its welcome, but also never gets close to hitting its full potential.

Zelda clones get overlooked for the most part, but Minit has quite the hook – you die in one minute. After grabbing a cursed sword you explore the world with this constraint in mind, and as such it delivers an entertaining and tongue in cheek journey through a goofy world. Don’t worry, it’s not as intensely rouge-like as it may sound, as clever checkpointing and humorous writing keeps the journey from getting too stale.

unique and innovative gameplay mechanic. turnip boy esque. just short enough. good one-sitting game.

Un concepto fantástico dentro de un juego que condensa en muy poquito tiempo y espacio la experiencia de grandes aventuras clásicas y de un tipo de diseño de juego ya algo extinto.

Minit is amusing and has a neat hook but it doesn't do a whole lot to justify that hook. There are some interesting things the game does with the 60 second time limit, but overall it didn't feel as though the time limit added much to the game. Outside of this aspect, there is some cute dialogue and exploration, with a number of secrets to uncover in clever ways. The combat is certainly lacking, but it's also not the focus here. It's an enjoyable way to spend an hour or two, but nothing seriously groundbreaking.

A very clever concept - you have 1-minute to beat the game before you die. Not much time, but it figures out a way to work. Cute little puzzle game (sorta) but wasn't enough for me to try and 100% it.

It exists! There are a few cute ideas at play here with the core gimmick, but the game plays its hand with them very early, leaving a majority of the solutions to be rather standard and never really giving a strong payoff for its intentionally sluggish pace until the world's been properly plundered. It's entirely fine and cute and nicely stylized, it's not a game with FLAWS per say, but nothing that puts it at the level of similarly cute, gimmick top-down contemporaries like Turnip Boy. I won't remember it.

Link's Awakening, but it ends exactly when you think the game just started. I love it. Yeah, the mechanics aren't even close to being used to their full potential, but I still really like Minit. It's fun and bite-sized!

One of my favorite indie games ever. The music is amazing and the story is awesome. it also has a unique concept and i would recommend it to anyone.

Soooo cute, anything the ex-vlambeer people touch is amazing

Simpatico Zelda like.
All'inizio il fatto che si muore sempre dopo 60 secondi può dar fastidio, ma poi ci si fa l'abitudine. Anche grazie agli oggetti che si trovano e ai luoghi di salvataggio.

A somewhat unique puzzle game around one minute time loops in a big map which you learn to traverse faster as the loops pass and you get new tools. Short enough to play in one sitting.