Reviews from

in the past

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Listen, I got it for 2 bucks and finished it in 95 minutes. I am very okay with this. Super cute gimmick game.

Minit is a short adventure akin to Legend of Zelda but you can only play in minute long windows before succumbing to death. As a premise, it's fairly unique and the game is built well around the mechanic. Figuring out what you need to do in the time you are given or finding a new spawn point is very gratifying. You will finish it pretty quickly but it's interesting that there's still some nice secrets and collectibles to find even with the minute timer. Playing the second run with makes the timer forty seconds long which really makes you think how to do everything on time. It's ultimately a very simple game but it doesn't really do anything wrong so I ighly recommend it.

Fun quirky little adventure game sort of like Zelda with a time gimmick. Nothing too crazy, very short and the time limit gets kind of old but it's okay since it's such a short game. Great one to start shooting through my backlog this year! I'm choosing which game to play by rolling the dice, glad it started with such a short and easy one.

fun little game with a unique gimmick but id rather just play it without the time limit. Kind of made the whole riddle part just 10 times more annoying.

Cute Zelda-like roguelite metroidvania about fighting against the military-industrial complex.

Not the only one who can only last a minit.

Minit is one of the most average games I’ve ever played but with a phenomenal gimmick. I love the idea of you have one minute to figure out what you need to do and then speed to get it done. However the game only lasts about an hour and once you know what to do it really kills the replay-ability imo. The puzzles were good enough. Nothing to ridiculous but not so easy that you can walk through the game without thinking. The minimal visuals and simplistic gameplay were a nice change of pace. Overall a solid good game, again, mostly because of its awesome gimmick. If you want something quick and easy to play I would definitely recommend it.

A very charming and quite fun game that is short and sweet. Cool visual style with great game design and really nice music, too. The premise is also super unique and engaging. I was surprised by how much I liked this game, would definitely recommend it.

REALLY well designed game. Felt rewarded for solving the puzzles, even if some where a bit of a reach.

This is another "why not" Game Pass game, and that sorta ended up how I felt about it at the end. I saw the last half of this game played on a livestream maaaany months ago, probably around the time it came out, and was always mildly interested, but nearly enough to pay real muns for it. I'm pretty glad I held out, at this point, because while Minit is neat, the kind of experience it offers isn't something I think I'll get as much mileage out of as a similarly short game like Blazing Chrome. It took me like 50 minutes to beat, and that's knowing nothing about the first half of the game.

Minit is the story of a little blob thing who one day finds a sword on the beach but it's CURSED, and will kill you in one minute! Your goal is to break the curse in a series of minute-long runs where you die at the end and respawn at your home. You can find other homes to respawn in as well as teleporters linking them as you go through the game, but the world map is still fairly small. The most limiting factor is obviously the minute-long death countdown. It's a simple adventure game with very little combat (although there is some) and is more about enjoying the quirky characters in the world and solving puzzles than any kind of action.

There's quite a fair bit of hidden stuff to find in the game, and even though I was looking, I only found 63% of it, according to the end-game counter, so you could theoretically spend a fair bit of time replaying or just straight up playing the game looking for all the secret coins and heart containers lying around. There's also a challenge mode you unlock when you beat the game once that makes it so you only have FORTY seconds instead of sixty, which I have to imagine makes the game a fair bit harder, but that wasn't something I was really interested in.

The presentation is fine, but nothing to write home about. It's a charming monochrome pixelated style with fairly minimal use of music. The game runs and controls fine on the Xbone, not that I'd have any reason to assume it isn't. The writing is minimalistic, as you can't exactly spend much time talking to people when you only have 60 seconds to live, and characters will even auto-talk to you just by walking up to them. Amusingly enough, you can actually stab every character in the game, and they'll all react in some way as well, which is fun. There's a very lighthearted way to the way the game is written though. My favorite is when there's a guy who talks realllllly slowly, and you basically need to spend your entire "life" listening to them talk so you can hear the secret they say at the end XD

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. Minit isn't a bad game, but it's a very particular kind of game. It's a very particular kind of game that you may well enjoy well enough, but I think relatively few people are going to enjoy Minit enough to feel justified paying the $10 it goes for on the Switch eShop (for example). If you have kids who are just getting into games, this would be something great to play together, or if you're really into adventure games and want something a little bit different you will probably quite enjoy Minit. With everything that $10 can buy you, I think Minit doesn't do quite enough to stand out from the indie crowd. Personally, I'm glad I got it effectively for free through Game Pass, because I did not feel that I got $10 worth of enjoyment out of Minit despite relatively enjoying the time I did spend with it.

Super charming adventure game that only takes roughly 2 hours to beat if you aren’t trying to find all the collectibles. The visuals, sound design, writing, and music all come together to create a lovely little experience, but the short length left me wanting a little more.

Don't waste time reading this review, now you only have 56 seconds remaining!

Short, fun, cute. Original mechanic explored right. Left me wanting more.

Diverting enough and clearly made with love, but minus 2 hours was more than enough time spent in its company for me.

Short little Zelda-like with very minimalistic graphics and a cool 60 seconds gimmick. I like it.

Bom jogo, com uma mecânica interessante de tentar zerar ele em 60 segundos ou menos, gráficos bonitos, porém nada de mais. 5/10

Me creía que lo de morir cada 60 segundos era un simple gimmick, pero me parece que lo ejecuta muy bien. El desarrollo es muy original, el juego es cortito, pero esconde también unos cuantos secretos. El sentido del humor de sus habitantes es muy simpático. Toda una sorpresa.

Entendi nada viukkkkk jogo estranho

A super unique and interesting mechanic the game's based around. It holds up the whole thing which ironically(or not? since it's based around 1 minute at a time) is a very short game, and otherwise a simple little zeldalike. but still, it's definitely worth playing through in terms of the strategy involved in how you solve metatasks.

I originally bought and played this game around when it came out, and at the time, I was completely dumbfounded by it. I was so confused with how I was supposed to get anything done if I kept dying every 60 seconds, and progress I made (in my eyes, things like bushes being destroyed) was erased every time. I didn't give it much of a shot. However, I knew people liked it, so I decided I'd try it again. And safe to say, I'm glad with my decision.

I think my biggest pervasive problem with this game is how you really have to memorize EVERYTHING-- every location and how to get there, every roadblock and the proposed solution, literally everything, as there's no maps or quest list in the game to remind you. And for the most part, that was okay. However, the game opens you up to a lot of different avenues/areas very fast, and I found that the roadblocks I discovered first were the ones I ended up forgetting for the longest time. The game also has grid-based design, but no grid based movement, and one of the most frustrating things ever was accidentally sliding into a door and wasting seconds getting out or getting snagged on the corner of a tile while running and losing seconds there.

But the art style was super simple and cute, and the world felt super tight and connected, never too big or crazy.

Minit’s obvious inspirations are the 2D Zelda games, but what it actually reminds me of most is Half-Minute Hero on the PSP, a game with a similar premise but applied to a JRPG rather than a Zelda-style adventure and with an even shorter time limit. Minit demands you memorize where everything is and the fastest way to get there, and it’s refreshing to see a game that trusts the player to figure everything out themselves, even if some of the puzzles here showed a bit too much trust in that regard. Minit’s real downfall is that while it is a very charming game with a neat premise, it isn’t much more than that. There isn’t much going on here, and having to traverse the same areas over and over again when most of them don’t have anything worth seeing got a bit tiring, even considering the game’s breezy length. After beating it, I couldn’t help but feel that Minit was a bit of a hollow experience.

The game design in this game is straight up amazing, and the way it uses the 1 minute motif never really gets old because of the game being so short. The level design is so good that makes me want to make my own take on it.

Premissa legal, joguinho bacana. Nada especial mas vale umas horinhas do seu tempo.

✨️: 6

I really couldn't get into it. The gimmick got old very very fast and it felt grindy and like a point and click adventure with odd solutions. Not a fan, but I can admire the craft.

Link's Awakening with ADHD.

Creative, inventive, and very well made for sure. I like the school of minimalism that indie games can embody so well, and I think the loop mechanic allows the world to be dense in a way that just wouldnt be possible otherwise. I dont think serious contemplative puzzle solving and 60 second time limits mix very well tho.

O jogo é perfeito pra quem ama jogos de speed run, o jogo é basicamente fazer tudo o que tem que ser feito rapidamente, para que seu boneco não morra, e você tenha que recomeçar do ultimo checkpoint. O jogo é muito bom, gráficos, músicas, jogabilidade, etc.
O jogo possui ate que uma história ''interessante'', eu diria, mas nada muito cabuloso.

Sua platina é bem fácil (recomendo um guia).