Reviews from

in the past

Comprei um PC para jogar ele depois te ter se apaixonado no world... E quebrei a cara skskkssk
(Com o sunbreak o jogo melhora muuuito)

Really not as much of a fan of this one. The combat is trivialised by the new wirebug mechanic, and makes monsters feel like DPS sponges more than anything. I do think this one is likely a better introduction to the series than World if you're getting a friend into the series, considering its multiplayer system is less of a pain to deal with.

mayhaps visually a bit of a step down from monster hunter world, i think rise still has a lot of charm, and it plays as good as mhw, with stuff i sometimes even like more. i do think the actual story content is pretty light but monster hunter's usually more about the actual hunting anyway, so it's all fine.

if you liked monster hunter world, there's a pretty good chance you'll vibe w this one too, much faster gameplay loop though, without the need to go out and search for the target monster(s) after the first time you do it. it does expedite farming quite a bit which is nice enough.

my one real complaint is kinda just not vibing too much w the way spiritbirds work, capping off max hp until you find enough of them, which i find to be a little annoying sometimes tbh

I tried making Bunny Dango irl when this game came out and I fucked it up. I blame this game for that and for all the other problems in my life.

It's really good, let's se how far I go

Excelente juego, mucho mas "amigable" que las entregas anteriores. Al igual que los otros, el post-game consiste en farmeo y paciencia.

It is a nice sequel to monster hunter. It is very polished and challenging. 10/10

All fun and games until the spider cums on you

Juego hecho de primeras para la switch que para lo malo no es tan increible como el world y que para lo bueno los monstruos son increíbles

Me he hecho ya 14 custom armors y he hecho todas las misiones del juego.
Todas las novedades estan muy bien implementadas y da la bienvenida de lo que será Monster Hunter en el futuro. Sin duda superará a MHWorld si lo hacen bien.

j'ai bcp de mal a accrocher mais quand j'y arriverai je pense que j'aimerai bien

El peak de Monster hunter, sus carencias las arreglaría Sunbreak.

I fucking LOVED this!!!
My first monhun game and it was a blast!! the weapons were so diverse, the monsters are so well designed and the fights are just so effortlessly bombastic
Really REALLY wanna try sunbreak and World before Wilds comes out
Overall, all love to this game!!!

Incredibly fun with a friend. I wouldn't play this alone, tho.

Well-executed return to a more arcadey version of the Monster Hunter formula after the hugely successful deviation in World.
+ super satisfying gameplay with refined movement aiblities increasing freedom and general pacing
+ welcoming eastern-themed base town supported by a beautiful vocal soundtrack
+ extensive character customization including two personal support creatures
+ good enemy variety that is introduced gradually
+ strong visual style and solid graphics fidelity considering the release platform
+/- removed tracking mechanic and less world interaction overall
- no particularly interesting map concepts
- wholly forgettable story and characters

Pre-Sunbreak, I thought this game was a nightmare. With Sunbreak I'd give it a 4 star.

- 90 hours played
- Weapon of choice - Light bow Gun

YouTube tells me that I can’t prefer this game to World. YouTube also tells me that comparing them is unfair due to the Switch’s limitations. Limitations be damned. I loved this game. Also since World is the only other game I have played in the series, that’s my point of comparison.

I recently completed base World and whilst I enjoyed it, I found its sluggish combat and immersive elements frustrating. Rise doesn’t suffer that at all because it’s made for handheld consoles. Its gameplay is designed around pick up and play short bursts. This game wastes no time and I appreciated that.

The combat is fast, flashy and always frantic. The wire bug enables fantastic levels of traversal. I was flipping around these arenas bullying the monsters. It felt amazing. The monsters can’t really compete with your mobility and couple that with some Insane damage output and Rise can be a very easy game. But it’s still enjoyable and its gameplay loop is maddeningly addictive.

I much preferred the hunt quests in this game. Gone are the immersive elements of looking for tracks and scratch marks to find the monster. The maps are already scouted by Cahoot, your pet owl so the monsters show up on the map at the start of the quest. The Palamute dog mounts act like horses, making traversal faster and getting to the action quicker. The quality of life changes make picking up bone piles and mining spots much faster, one click of the button picks up everything from the spot. Instead of three separate presses of the button in World. They also added a pause function in this game which I really missed in MH World.

Despite the graphical limitations of the Switch I much preferred this games art style. I felt it had more character. There was no issues with visual clarity and reading what was on screen and I loved the monster designs. Especially the little monster symbols drawn on the quest board.

The monster roster felt more unique as there seemed to be more types of monsters other than Wyverns. Quest wise there’s not much variety. We get Hunt, capture and rampage quests. Hunt and capture are self explanatory but Rampage is something new. It’s a horde mode style of mission and to be honest, these were awful. I only played those required for story progression and then forgot about them entirely. I also wasn’t a fan of the Spiribird system. Collecting Spiribirds every hunt to increase my max health and stamina got boring fast, therefore I never completed a hunt with a full health or stamina gauge. Outside of the missions where a Max Spiribird is supplied right at the start.

Overall I loved my time with Monster Hunter Rise but there’s a decent chunk of the game I just don’t care for. The inclusion of the Rampage missions is the only thing holding this game back from 5 stars.

Top 5 Monster Designs
1. Magnamalo
2. Anjanath
3. Mizutsune
4. Rakna-Kadaki
5. Khezu

Top 5 favourite monster fights
1. Magnamalo
2. Mizutsune
3. Anjanath
4. Rathalos
5. Rajang

Top 5 least favourite monster fights
1. Jyuratodus
2. Nargacuga
3. Barroth
4. Basarious
5. Tigrex

Barbaridad de juego, una joyita lo veas por donde lo veas, simplemente master piece de verdad.

Amazing gameplay, I hope to see more of these dynamic additions in Wilds as well. I could really spend hours on this game, but I can't give 5/5 because the monsters choices weren't it. Too many fire element monsters, too little diversity in quests; it was refreshing to see return old monsters like Amatsu and Espinas, and I just wish they would've done more of that instead of adding all those Risen versions, and other "classic" monsters we see in every chapter, like Kushala and Teostra. The rampage is also a type of mission I hope I won't see again.

A good game, although honestly after Monster Hunter World it is very difficult to surpass that peak, and obviously it does not surpass it even remotely. However, it has different mechanics than MHW, but I hate that they removed mechanics that were implemented in MHW that made it a better game. In any case, it is a game that applies new unique mechanics well, they added cordocopters, and a dog that you can ride to get to places faster. However, they should have balanced the game a little more, since as soon as you start they give you level 7 armor, which makes you almost immortal if you know how to play a little.

As for the scenarios, compared to the previous game, they seem somewhat boring and do not seem to be at the design level. I've only played 5 Monster Hunter titles since 2005 and this one feels more like older titles like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite but with advanced graphics 15 years ahead.

However, both games cannot be compared, Rise is different despite being from the same franchise. The environment, for example, is calmer, calm to the point that a monster hits you and you don't feel that they are hard until you reach rank 8 and each game, even if it takes 40 minutes, seems to take 15.

It takes you 25 hours of the game to know that you are going to repeat the same maps over and over again for the next 1000 hours. It will take you 30 or 40 minutes to complete each mission as you will want to explore and farm as much as possible.

After 40 hours of playing you realize that you wasted your time farming since IT IS NOT NECESSARY because your items become obsolete with a click when you go from Low Rank to High Rank. There is no gradual improvement, simply from one mission to another you have everything obsolete and you will continue using the same Level 7 armor that they gave you at the beginning and you will end up rushing the objective, and killing the monster in 10 or 12 minutes maximum.

After 60 hours you get to the "real" game and you feel that you are starting to have a hard time killing enemies. All this without manufacturing ANYTHING, just improving the main weapon you choose from the 14 classes they give you at the beginning of the game 4 times.

Later in the game, around 100h you start experimenting with amulets and things like that, which is when they really come in handy. But honestly it is not worth spending 80 hours doing the same thing over and over again, since you will only spend 80 hours dodging and left clicking 2150 times until you kill the creature they sent you.

The game is so easy that my friend is at Rank 10 without having read a single dialogue or tutorial in the game.

If you don't like farming games over and over and over and over again. I don't recommend it, for you it will be a 0/10. At first it will surprise you but after 20 hours of playing when you run out of new maps it plummets a lot.

If you like farming games over and over again. Games where you can spend 1500 hours doing the same thing all the time in addition to having friends who like it too and want to hunt monsters together is highly recommended. Something close to a 7/10.

For me, personally, nothing new more than leaving everything behind 200 hours of gaming and micropayments. It bored me so much that I decided to revive my PSP and play Monster Hunter Freedom, which I have put even more hours into than this title.

First monster hunter game, best one so far lol.

Took me two years to actually get around to finishing this despite loving MH and vastly preferring the old style they used here to World's vibe.

This game makes me sad.
You can stop reading here. That's the "review."

It brought back everything I liked about MH pre-World, while keeping all the good QoL from World, and adding a few new things for good measure. But the experience just feels so off.

Movement's better, everything is faster, but the maps are worse. They look better and more distinct, but the level design for some areas is incomprehensibly bad, because they overshot the verticality. This hurts me because my favorite thing about 4U was the verticality.

Combat is more fluid, but wirebugs are annoying. They're still better than the Clutch Claw spam of lategame World/Iceborne but spidermanning around lost its appeal very fast for me, other than getting right back to it after being knocked away.

Rampages suck. Rampages SUCK. The devs agree and it will never come back, and for that I am thankful. No more time will be spent talking about it.

Menu management is probably the worst it's been. There's about as much stuff to keep track of as XX, but the menus are spread all over the place. The delay between menus/traversing areas drives me insane. All the hoops I have to jump through to get a simple thing done drive me insane. Even the Gathering Hub isn't safe from having its menus all over the place and being a hassle to just make a proper lobby.

I was so excited that Village Quests are back, and they do absolutely nothing with it. You get one piss easy fight and the credits roll instantly, then they send you to the hub. I thought of every other MH doing this better and went to sleep early out of disappointment. Reportedly Sunbreak does this a lot better, but I'm still mustering the courage to start it after wrapping up Hub Quests.

They brought back the amazing armor/weapon designs every game except World had, and I'm very thankful for that. I just wish they had made it less of a chore to get through the game and actually get those.

I bought this at half off and I still feel like I got scammed.
Maybe Sunbreak will deliver.

A bit of a step back technically speaking from world, but learned the right lessons. Great game for the right audience.

I had played World and really liked it, even though it was my first experience with the series. But here in Monster Hunter Rise, everything is better. The game is more vertical, more open, it has dogs, and wow, how I loved the new combos. Before, I had doubts if I was a 'hammer boy,' now I'm sure of the hammer's supremacy.
This game made me very happy, as few have done.

dinâmico, menos cadenciado que world, porém definitivamente não deixa de ser um bom monster hunter, recomendo.

Bicho grande. Espada más grande. Matar bicho. Vestir bicho. Hacer espada con bicho. Repetir con nuevo bicho.

Let's just say what everyone's thinking; Using LS is gay

De certa forma, uma versão "lite" de Monster Hunter World, mas isso não necessariamente é algo negativo.
Na verdade, caçar monstros nunca foi tão dinâmico e simples, em todos os sentidos.

Monster Hunter Rise traz consigo tudo o que torna um jogo sobre caçar monstros extremamente divertido, principalmente por conta do combate fluido e diversificado de opções.

A adição do chamado "Cabinseto" não só traz uma verticalidade extra tanto no combate quanto nas expedições em busca de recursos, mas também agrega ao dinamismo que o jogo se propõe a se basear.

O elenco de monstros do título também agrada bastante, apesar de eu particularmente não gostar tanto do design do monstro final, mesmo que tenha proporcionado uma luta bem divertida.

No geral, Monster Hunter Rise cumpre muito bem tudo que se propõe a fazer. Mesmo que sua narrativa sirva apenas como uma desculpa para o contexto de caçar os monstros e seja completamente esquecível, é possível perder boas horas por todas as caçadas e mais caçadas disponíveis.

Fun gameplay and better monsters than world overall