Reviews from

in the past

This game is charming for a while, but then you're reduced to hunting every square inch of the map for anything at all to help you progress and it gets kind of tedious. It's a cool idea for a game, but I really wish someone would take that idea and refine it further.

I's really charming and I enjoyed it quite a lot. The biggest problem is that sometimes walkthrough is practically necessity. If you're stuck, just look up the solution, it's usually not worth finding it for yourself. Controls and interface can be bit junky sometimes. And while it's really difficult to not take any hits, your healthbar is so big, the game is very easy as a result.

Had a great time with this one, charming atmosphere and some pretty tight gameplay serve to make this a really great single-night playthrough. Some of the puzzles were a bit esoteric and I definitely wish there was a bit more, but I still recommend this game for exactly what it is, a charming little puzzle adventure title with cute witches and monsters.

Cute art, fun tunes, but frustrating gameplay. Someone mashed up an old school adventure game with a platformer/lite Metroidvania game.

The combat is janky and annoying, though easy. The game gives you checkpoints in every room, but does not restore health if you die.

The real problem is that you have to collect items and combine them and constantly backtrack. It's exhausting and tedious. I looked up a guide for a bit but eventually got bored.

Keep an eye out for the window with the broken curtain rod.
You're welcome.

Pretty good attempt at a half-Metroidvania-half-adventure game, although I can understand why it might not click with others. This game is worth a look at just for the sprites alone.