Reviews from

in the past

I accidentally sold my dog Rosey, it's still traumatic to think about

no virtual pet game will ever top the feeling of petting your dog with the ds stylus

This game series really made me want a dog as a kid. I wanted all the collectibles and hats.

I mean what really is there to say about it. You raise dogs. I remember my sister loving this game but I was not too big on it. I got some cheap entertainment out of it but this is pretty bare bones

It was basically an updated tamagotchi but it sold like hotcakes when it came out. If a girl had a DS circa 2006 there was an 80% chance she was playing this game. It had no right to be as charming as it was. Eventually you realize there's only 10 minutes worth of gameplay every day and you lose interest.

Les marches pour du loot drop et les compétitions de frisbee sont mes highlights.

the dogs are so cute until they shit on the floor

nothing like sitting in the back of a minivan screaming at ur dog to sit because ur in a competition and it is just staring at u with its empty, black eyes

Have fond memories of creating paths and sucking at the competitions

my 10 year-old self named my corgi "Chaos"

No idea why I played this when I had 3 real dogs I could have been playing with in real life at literally any point.

Es... aburrido. En la DS te vendían cualquier cosa por la novedad.

i remember hating this game because it was too realistic and I know for a fact my nintendogs are fucking dead

Masterpiece, peak fiction, "bath time" is the greatest melody in existence and mozart would be fucking livid with jealously if he could hear it, gameplay so effortless in it's mastery it's safe to say interactive media will peak here for all eternity, a paragon in narrative writing that perfectly deconstructs the hero's journey so ingenuously.

Play this game if you haven't it's incredible, I haven't played the sequel nintendogs + cats but if it's anything like this good god.

one of my favorites from my childhood. i can give it credit that the game feels pretty calming and chill though

I lost my copy as a kid... I also had a real dog so what was the point of this?

Doesn't remotely compare to the amazing experience of having a real dog. Also, not fun to play when there are other people in the same building as you.

Knew I'd forgot something. Whoops.