Reviews from

in the past

I kind of just lost interest

I had fun with it earlier on but I had a hard time staying engaged as the game went on. I guess this sort of game just really isn't for me

Also the game starts running like shit as you explore the map so um be weary (im not sure if this is still true)

pokemon with guns, such a same the game is such a slog to play

um mundo de sobrevivência com bichos que são cópias de pokémon pra Xbox, era tudo o que eu precisava e me diverti bastante por um tempo até que enjoei e perdi o propósito

ich kaufe nie wieder spiele wegen dem hype

- Interesting idea, waiting for it to mature but the foundation is alright.

not my type of game but if it was this would be sick as hell

Fun, especially when you set up a server with friends. It's just shallow as it is right now. But it's early access, you cannot expect much. The platform is there though and I'm looking forward to what comes next.

é genial e mt divertido mas enjoa com o tempo (o jogo é grande) e eu (pessoalmente) nn curto mecanicas de grind/farm oq tem bastante aqui

péssima otimização, chega a ser nojento

Genuinely better and more emotionally compelling than I expected! The "pokemon with guns" thing was never really my bag, but it was fun enough while avoiding that! However, after 10 hours, I felt like I'd experienced everything I cared to. I love me a short game, but that was disappointing in the context of a survival game, especially given how much content still remained unseen.

- pals fulfill multiple roles, which include combat companion and at least one base-related function, such as watering or harvesting
- an impressive amount of options for customizing bases
- every level increase feels impactful, due to the technology tree granting access to recipes for new weapons, equipment or base structures at each level
- custom difficulty options are expansive, allowing various aspects of the game to be adjusted, including stamina and hunger reduction rates
- exploration is encouraged and rewarding
- catching multiple copies of a pal provides numerous benefits; mainly bonus experience and potential access to powerful traits
- partner skills assist in keeping several pals relevant; particularly those that amplify the damage output of specific elemental attacks
- breeding allows for incredibly potent combat or work-focused pals
- legendary pals and tower bosses provide a decent challenge

- occasional crashes and bugs
- noticeable performance issues during auto-saves and while flying on certain mounts
- pathing issues for larger pals severely limit base-building options
- the realistic aspect of the world clashes with the design of the pals
- randomly generated dungeons are too similar in appearance and layout for all regions
- forgettable soundtrack, with a complete lack of music outside of combat
- the overall story is currently incomplete
- castaway journals are too vague and fail to answer many questions regarding the Palpagos Islands
- neutral-type pals are mostly ineffective for combat purposes compared to other elemental types
- encumbrance is a constant issue, even after assigning several skill points to weight
- increasing the partner skill level for pals is unnecessarily time-consuming

Since Palworld is in early access, a score will not be given until version 1.0 is released.
The current review is for version

Bence survival crafting oyunu olarak çok daha iyi oyunlar var. Pokemonların base ortamında köle gibi çalıştırılması güzel fikir ama iyi çalışmıyor. Baseni korumaya zaten hiç gerek yok. Bir iki kere saldırdılar onda da çok zayıftı. Haritada gezmek idare eder. Boss fightlar çok kolay cheesleniyor.

Pokemon with guns... need I say more?

It's one of those games that's been absolutely slandered by Twitter rhetoric and lies. Sincerely, Palworld is a massively innovative take on the genre that is only going to get better as more updates roll out. It's most similar to Pokemon Legends Arceus in feel which is probably why so many people jumped to calling it a Pokemon Killer.

Palworld is an incredibly captivating game that seamlessly combines various genres such as survival, monster taming, base building, and management. Despite being in early access, the game boasts a plethora of features that are already fully developed, a rarity in the early access gaming world.

Like many early access games, Power World is not without its bugs. However, the dedicated development team has demonstrated a commitment to addressing player concerns and resolving issues promptly. This responsiveness to community feedback will be a key factor in the game's future success.

The level of detail and effort put into Palworld is evident, making it a standout product even in its early access stage. While I can only give it 4 stars due to the presence of bugs and the fact that this is an unfinished product, I am eagerly anticipating the future of this game and the potential it holds.

At a time where Game Freak repeatedly showed me that I have no reason to expect them to make good games again - a time that made me question why I ever liked Pokemon - Palworld came along and relit the fire I used to feel when playing Pokemon. Despite being the funny "Pokemon with guns" game, it has so many things I always wanted Pokemon to have for the longest time. More ways to interact with them, a life outside of battle and minigames, having them be an actual part of daily life. It's so much fun.
The fact that this early access game did all that and Game Freak still can't be assed is honestly embarrassing. But then again, I guess GF doesn't have to try.
Do wish there were more actual cities/towns, but that can still come.

After sincerely giving Palworld several honest and very fair attempts to impress me with something, I just have to finally drop the game and admit that it's not my kind of game. I've grown so tired of the monotony of these survival crafting games, and every single one of them has exactly the same game loop ad nauseum. I've played this game approximately seven times previously, but this is just the first one that has Walmart brand Pokemon in it. I want to also go on record and say that the cartoonish elements of the Pals and humans really feel jarring when placed into the semi-realistic environments that the game world provides, to the extent where the entire time I personally suffer from a severe disconnect preventing me from becoming immersed. It would be much more appealing to see a more stylized and interesting environment, but the area is just generic forests and hills, very very uninspired.

For early access this game has a lot to do, its not as challenging as I thought on normal so you might want to up your settings.

pessoal jogou só por curiosidade de ver um pokemon carregando uma ak-47

Divertinho, mas enjoa rápido, o hype foi embora tão rápido quanto chegou.

As a huge (and often disappointed) fan of the Pokemon game series, I've spent a lot of time over the years trying to find good creature collectors, but nothing has really impressed me. Everything I tried was either too derivative, too janky or just not accessible enough for me to enjoy. Palworld is the first game to have broken my curse. It's a new riff on an old idea, and it's done well - for the most part.

Unlike its predecessors, Palworld lets the player do what they want, regardless of how long it takes or if it's relevant to the main game at all. Progression in Palworld is surprisingly long and varied - rewards are not just tied to collecting Pals, but also to improve their efficiency, unlock new functionalities and to decorate bases. Additionally, fighting alongside Pals is very rewarding, and I especially loved how some Pals could be used as ammunition key helpers in a fight. There's also the optimisation, in-depth breeding/condensing systems... I have many good things to say about this IP.

However, around Palworld's mid-game, the novelty of catching Pals, storing them and levelling up your base wears off, and the game does very little to make up for it - most notably a lack of Pal evolutions. Grinding becomes a part of the gameplay loop, and with most of the open world consisting of repeated, barren landscapes (strangely echoing recent Pokemon games), the experience quickly moves from bad to worse. I'm sure that this - alongside many small bugs/issues - will be addressed as the game ages, but for now it's why I've marked it as Shelved.

Palworld is a great play during its first few hours, but after then it quickly becomes stale. Get it on discount, after it releases fully, or on Game Pass.

Idk... I kinda like it. I don't read too much into it, I just enjoy it.

Para a surpresa de todos não é pokemon

Muito divertido, mistura bem a ideia de Ark com a temática mon, ansiosa para ver as futuras ideias, novidades e etc desse jogo.


Não tenho do que reclamar, o jogo foi um estouro inexplicável.
Pokemons, armas, craft, mundo aberto, progresso de base, tudo que um viciado completo poderia querer.

Enjoei rápido, mas tive um bom tempo enquanto joguei