Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly short and simplistic but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...


Is a cutie.

I love him.

the third and final entry in the fever dream series, i love it, it's funny

short, cute, queer, and has a fun sense of slightly dark humour, definitely worth the less an hour of play for how sudden and funny the ending is.

I had to meditate on this game for a couple months after playing it to see what my opinion would be, and I have to say that this game's storytelling, visuals, and general vibe have been sticking with me long after I finished it, even if I think its sequel The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith is the better game overall. It helps that this game leans more into dark comedy and the disgustingly annoying unpleasantness of the main character rather than "oh the cutesy cartoon world is secretly fucked up", even if, yes, it turns out the cutesy cartoon world is secretly fucked up.

It's a game that's set in a cute cartoon world starring a cute bunny character that has a secret fucked up layer to it, but at least there's a substance to it and a rather good attempt at lore-building rather than introducing the darker elements purely for shock value.

I immediately knew something was off when there was no music, I think that's a great way to signal to the player that something is gonna be different about the game without doing anything direct. The art and animation is really cool and unique as well.

I will say, there were a few design quirks that kinda bugged me a bit, for example, if you need to bring an item to an NPC and you have the item in your inventory, you have to actually drag it out to use it instead of just talking to them. I know this tends to be a common thing in point and click games, but with how few items there are/the lack of a toolbar that shows you items on hand made it kind of annoying, especially because you can't skip text. I also forgot the key that opens the bag (I had to watch a playthrough to find out), which also bugged me because there's a lot of empty space on the screen and no visible HUD, so I'm not sure why they didn't just have an on-screen clickable button for the bag.

Overall a nice experience, the ending totally had me thinking there was gonna be some big explosion cloud of darkness or something, so it let me down a little bit. But still a nice 45 minute game.

Fun as hell. I really enjoyed it, and look forward to playing the dev's other games. Totally worth the hour or so I spent on it.

I am more surprised that Parsnip managed to make a coherent cake at all since he was like missing like half of the necessary ingredients.