Reviews from

in the past

stop milking this game, the characters get more bland with each new spinoff this gets

Me divertiu bastante no início e na metade mas esse final achei muito arrastado.

UMA BOSTA. so fica divertido depois de 20 horas(ultimo/4th kingdom), e a historia é extremamente massante e chata. mas a gameplay é divertiad, a erina é peak e tem a haru, nao recomendo cmoprar, muito menos jogar

a game with the moments of brilliance you expect from a Persona game but without the consistency that makes P5, P5R, and P5S some of the best games ever made

a lot of people think this sucks which is like. I don't get it???? I love this game???? it's so fun and silly and I love the art style and the storytelling is really good imo. and don't even get me started on the combat (simple but very effective) and the way they adapted personas for a tactics game (literally genius) I genuinely like it more than strikers I think

Got bored of it. I think my love of the p5 cast is very dependent on the english dub. Lost intrest by 2nd world.

I'm so glad I played this game. Toshiro and Erina are great characters that I loved getting to know, and the Phantom Thieves shine in their own right! The main story was engaging and I found myself tearing up at a few key moments! To be completely honest, the message of this game is something I really needed to witness in my current life, so I took a lot away from this title after beating it. Here's to the revolution of the heart!

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Incredibly derivative of the original Persona 5. The story is boring and predictable and goes from A to B without much excitement. The Phantom Thieves don't have many good interactions and feel flanderized, especially Yusuke. Toshiro and Erina feel shallow and they weren't anything too original. The human villains were unrealistically evil and the obligatory endgame-Persona-game-evil-god-villain is the worst one so far. Just a retread of Yaldabaoth but not even based in mythology. The theme of rebellion was shallow and failed to show how revolutions happen in reality and the "just stand up for yourself" mantra rings hollow. The art style is hideous with the arms in particular looking gross. The music is a worse version of the original game. The gameplay was pretty good, but Devil Survivor is a much better fusion of SMT and TRPGs in every way. Overall it completely failed to excite me and felt lazy and shallow.

boringbear game i dropped... combat doesnt really go anywhere after a certain point and what combat there is, isnt interesting or fun to play...

Look I am a fanboy for all things P5, I have come to realise this. So I was always likely to enjoy this. As a Tactics game it's fine, pretty good even. The Quests in particular can be quite challenging to figure out (the "do this in one turn" quests anyway). But it's just great to spend more time with these characters, some nods to previous games but also the new cast members are pretty cool. And the last 30 minutes are just terrific in terms of scenes. So yeah, sign me up for another if they decide to do more.

I went into this game feeling like another spinoff for Persona 5 was unnecessary, but I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would. I really liked the new characters Toshiro and Erina and the game’s story interested me. I’m not the biggest fan of tactics style gameplay but I thought the gameplay here was alright, perhaps it could have been a little bit better. The ending felt too similar to literally every recent persona game but I come to expect that at this point… I still wish they’d change it up a bit.
I don’t think this game should be written off as “just another persona 5 spinoff” as I thought it was a good time. Maybe wait until it goes on sale though.

It's not bad but it just didn't hold my attention, might come back to it some other time.

é meio repetitivo e isso enjoa bastante, de resto a história é legal

It's generally a pretty decent game. I don't really understand why they went the strategy game route with it but I felt it was fine enough as strategy RPGs go. It is nowhere as in-depth as you might find with others in the genre, but as an additional piece of Persona 5 it is perfectly fine. It overstays its welcome a bit too long for my liking, and the plot gets really silly towards the final act, but it was never really a deal-breaker because I enjoyed the combat.

More of a puzzle game than a tactics game, unfortunately. However, probably the strongest story of them all because after 2 previous games, they get to focus it down on one central character and make it that much more powerful.

Me da rabia abandonarlo tan cerca del final, pero es que ha dejado de ser divertido y tengo cosas mejores en las que invertir mi tiempo.

Es un juego de estrategia táctica bastante sólido, pero tiene TAN poca variedad de enemigos, situaciones y tal que apenas consigue que sus sistemas (¡que son muy buenos y originales!) brillen realmente.

La presentación a lo novela visual no me disgusta, pero la trama es TAN aburrida y está tan centrada en Toshiro (que es un personaje muy soso) en lugar de en los protagonistas que no me ha interesado lo más mínimo.

Ideas buenas, pero mal ejecutadas. El mundo final, que es básicamente relleno y refritos de los anteriores, ha sido el acabose.


I hate having to drop this so close to the end, but it's stopped being fun and I have better things to do with my time.

It's a pretty solid tactics strategy game, but it's SO lacking in enemy and objective variety that it barely lets its (really good and unique!) systems shine properly.

The visual novel presentation is fine, but the plot is SO boring and so focused on Toshiro (a very bland character) instead of the main characters that I had no interest in it whatsoever.

Good ideas, but poor execution. The final world, basically a repeat of the previous ones, was the nail in the coffin.

Can Atlus stop with the P5 spinoffs now? This game is so mid it hurts. And for 70$ too, what the hell, man.

It's a pretty run of the mill tactics game, with enough differentiation that it's engaging. The Persona flare is present, the characters are their usual entertaining selves, while the story doesn't do anything groundbreaking, it's enough to keep you going to experience the amazing gameplay. The unique systems the game has to offer force critical thinking, and the wide array of attacks at your disposal allow for a variety of different approaches to the same encounter. Although, having been playing on Merciless, the difficulty is lacking, and at the very least- inconsistent.

Update: The story definitely becomes much more interesting as you continue to engage and are able to learn more about the world, but more importantly, the new characters. The more and more I learned about the dynamic between Erina and Toshiro, the more I wanted to help them out, and as the threads begin to intertwine, it all crescendos into one of the most comprehensive stories in a spin-off. Although the pacing is inconsistent, and the story can be predictable at times, it is engaging enough to satisfy. Alongside the quality tactics experience, it's well worth your money. The boss mechanics are all unique and varied, and the game is a fun experience to 100%

A game I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would and it was pretty fun to play with it's tactics gameplay. Erina and Toshiro were great characters and I loved the twist involving them. Bottom line it's up there with Strikers as a good follow up to 5.
P.S. Fuck the haters who gave up on it cause of it's art style it's good.

No começo do jogo eu admito que não fiquei muito engajado, mas conforme o tempo foi passando eu acredito que além da minha melhora no jogo a história foi ficando mais interessante. A forma como joguei do meio pra frente fez a diferença também, porque jogar tantas fases seguidas as vezes acabava me causando um grande sentimento de monotonia

Felizmente, existem fases que tem determinadas estratégias bem específicas e elas servem pra dar aquela diversificada depois de passar o carro em duas ou três fases seguidas. No geral, recomendo o jogo, ele é bem feitinho e tem arcos redondinhos.

Eri my beloved

what a fun and unexpectedly emotional story. the gameplay feels like fire emblem strategy set in the persona world, which can be a bit simple in the main story maps but gets increasingly complicated in the challenge/side maps, especially those where you have to accomplish an objective in one turn. the chibi art style might turn people off but this feels very at home with the main game's story and themes with two surprisingly charming new companions.

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Persona 5 Tactica offers a unique twist to the Persona series, blending shooter strategy gameplay with the beloved characters from Persona 5. The decision to eliminate a new character instead of Morgana might raise eyebrows, but the game's engaging mechanics and strategic depth help it stand out from the crowd. The absence of crossover elements like Rabbids is a welcome change, ensuring a more focused experience. While the inclusion of hats as adversaries is an interesting choice, it adds to the game's charm and creativity. Despite some criticism regarding character design, Persona 5 Tactica manages to deliver a solid gameplay experience that will appeal to both Persona fans and newcomers alike.

Score: 7/10

plays like a good Fire Emblem game, but with the charm of a Persona cast and style. Surprisingly deep gameplay and the new characters are great! I respect Atlus for this game as there's no handholding and assumes players have played P5 so no sudden reintroductions of known characters in this game.

Fui pra esse jogo com a expectativa lá em baixo por conta do Strikers, pronto pra me decepcionar novamente com uma nova aventura dos Phantom Thiefs... Recebi um puta personagem bom chamado Toshiro, uma trama envolvente, discuções que casam perfeitamente com a tematica e abordagem do 5 e uma gameplay no geral muito divertida.
Apesar de simples e sem muita variedade, as mecanicas de Persona foram muito bem passadas para um RPG Tático e demora muito mais pra ficar cansativo se comparar com o Strikers

Ok, now that I've tried it I can definitely say that I'm enjoying it more than Q2, P5 Dancing but absolutely less than P5 Strikers. It's more level based than anything, so don't expect any feel of exploration: it's mostly dialogues + battles and occasional breaks for Velvet Room/Customization/retry missions/additional talks to unlock points for the classic skill tree.

When I saw it announced I wish it was the actual fighting game everyone was hoping for, but nope. We'll stick with P4AU until the end. But it's ok, at least they tried with something new, and this game is still overall alright.

Que joguinho gostoso de se jogar, apesar de achar o final um pouco repetitivo. História bonitinha.

Probably the most persona spin off where im just kinda lukewarm on it.

Domt get me wrong, i think theres fun stuff here (fun music, cute character ineractions, solid new ones) but its all pretty ok. Tactica games arent usually my thing but the p5 flair is all over the place made me into it.

It's all...fine. just never really reaches good highs as strikers did for me. i would rec this if it goes on sale for p5 fans tbh bc at full price (as well as with that dlc lol) its a tad much

First two kingdoms are solid, third and fourth kingdoms are pretty repetitive and it leads to the game feeling dragged out, but the ending of the third and fourth kingdoms are both very good and save them for me. Overall the ending of the game is pretty heartwarming and emotional and serves as a really good conclusion to not just the game, but also as an effective swan song to the Persona 5 sub franchise. I’m definitely a bit biased considering Persona 5 Royal is my favourite game, but this game is getting a 7 from me.