Reviews from

in the past

Actually kinda cute and novel for the first hour or so, falls off by the second hour. If you payed full price for this game I'm so sorry.

I should've been bored out of my mind playing this game. And yet... I wasn't? Not sure what it was, but watching TV with Pikachu & visiting other Pokémon to collect little trading cards was stimulating enough for childhood me. Not sure if I'd last as long with this game as an adult, but I can't knock Pokémon Channel for being something completely different & decently put together. The Pichu Bros. anime shorts alone are worth taking a peek at this game out of curiosity if nothing else.

Played it only for that anime short, and that was it. If I had a copy all for me at the times I would have gone for Jirachi as well, but sadly nope.

Live Pikachu reaction

This has to be one of the weirdest Pokemon games of all time. Like it's so brazenly open about the fantasy of a world where all the product you buy and all the media you consume is Pokemon. Maybe that's a cynical read on it but jeez.

It's funny in how much it's a game about nothing. And also funny something like Hey You Pikachu got anything resembling a sequel at all. This game is just funny. Why do you exist, Pokemon channel?

A cute little excuse to play a bunch of Pokemon themed mini-games and watch TV with a Pikachu.

we spent so much god damn time in the fishing minigame trying to get all the pokemon.

made me excited for mail before i had adult money

For the time, the concept was cute, but even back then, and especially now there is absolutely no reason to engage with this product. All you do is watch TV, collect some cards, and decorate your room, that's it. Unless you absolutely adore the franchise and want to simulate the life of a couch potato, don't even bother with this. You'd be better off watching the content on Youtube.

Fucked up. Evil. No character in media has elicited such a visceral negative reaction for me as this dumbass yellow entity. But you have to admire how the second game in the generation where Pokémon's popularity was crumbling is this weird repackaging of N64 era models, new models that might as well have been on the N64, a 20 minute anime short and a Gamecube tech demo as a weird virtual pet card collector trivia idle game type beat. That's probably giving it too much credit. It's not that deep and if anyone paid full price for this game back then they'd likely feel empty inside but you're not so... try this, I guess?

The one whole star is for the bonus Jirachi you can obtain and transfer to your Game Boy Advance games infinite times.

Completely pointless video game otherwise. It's hardly even a game, given you sit there and watch TV with Pikachu for an arbitrary number of hours to progress.

Guess what Pokémon is in the egg for literally NO prizes! Watch telemarketing! Isn't that EXCITING?!

No. No it isn't.

living out my slice of life anime dreams where I laze around watching TV with pikachu

My rating is influenced by nostalgia but it was a fun relaxing game as a kid. I don't know that i'd play it now

You watch tv with pikachu.

Probably the most interesting thing about Pokemon Channel is the emulator it has for the Pokemon Mini handheld.

This game really does suck because of the repetitive and boring gameplay loop (if the "gameplay" can even be called that) but child me just loved repetitive bullshit and Pikachu. So of course I spent too much time on this at that age.

It isn't good, far from it but my god did I love this as a kid.

I spent so much time in this game as a little kid. I didn't care that there was nothing to do or that it was, by definition, a "baby game", I would just put it on the TV and vibe with my best friend, Pikachu. I was an anxious kid, and I remember putting this and Animal Crossing on for comfort in the background, even if I wasn't playing. Man, what memories.

pikachu pioneered reaction channels before youtube even existed

I feel like a lot of people got this for the shiny Jirachi link up functionality to the GBA with Ruby/Sapphire but the whole idea of essentially beta testing Oak's weird broadcasting phase was surprisingly novel to me

a lot of these channels felt like watching friends without the laugh track with the lengthy pauses but the interactive functionality made it a lot more engaging than if they had just overlayed a bunch of real episode footage and used it as a cheap workaround to justify the mechanic

the Pichu Bros special was one of the outliers in this respect but I enjoyed the gradual reveal of it as a kid and getting to unlock new channels while decorating the house with impulse purchases made off of that squirtle grift channel

you could also accompany pikachu certain places which made it also a bit of a spiritual successor to Hey You, Pikachu! in a sense

it may not be something that necessarily rocks my socks off nowadays but this game was my shit back then and I'm glad it exists

who wouldn't want to watch pokemon on the gamecube

when I got this at like age 8 the guy at gamestop told me "uhhh you might not like it there's not a whole lot to do" and he was right but idc idc i love games where i do nothing

for some reason i revisited this so much my senior year of high school ?

im so endeared by it. theres not a ton to it, but damn if it isnt adorable.

I gave this game originally a low star count but honestly I think it's a bit harsh. While I don't think it's my thing, I don't really think this is going to be anyones things as this is literally a game for babies. That being said, despite my low star count, I did find this game enjoyable.
As much as I've called it "a game" it's less of that and more of a pet sim you check up on for like an hour. It's been a fun way to start my day and it's really charming. Watch some shorts, play some light minigames and move on with your day. I played this game as part of my Pokemon marathon and even streamed the part of it after feeling immediate regret streaming it as basically boiled down to being a react andy to literal content for babies. And I hope to stress this enough. This is literally a game for babies. Idk it's cute. It's charming it's hard to find anything to criticize when I can tell this is not made for a 24 year old grown ass woman but probably a 3 year old child. I will say I am really annoyed that I played the wrong version of this game as the whole reason I played this was that I was under the impression that you get a Jirachi for completing it that you could transfer to Ruby or Sapphire but that was only in the Japanese version. In NA, they moved that to the bonus disk that came with Colosseum and it even has a chunk of the same cutscene as if you were getting it in Channel. If I am really that petty, I can replay this game for another week but play the japanese version but since this game is mostly text I don't know how successful I would be at that.
I can't give it anymore stars than I have, but I can't say I hate it.

I love this game. But it kinda sucks. I think my favorite parts of the game were spent away from Pikachu's television.

I'm sorry, but, why would I want to play a game where I literally just watch a yellow rat watch TV all day? Baffling concept. Yet I ate that shit up as a kid, as one does!

To be fair though, it is as advertised. i do be watching pokemon channels 👀

idk I don't think I liked the TV even as a kid, tbh. I mostly just played to have fun with Pikachu. he my best buddy fr 🥺

Interesting concept, but I feel like it was always doomed to fail. It's hard to work with a concept like that, especially in a game. They do the best they can but at the end of the day, it's just boring.

that being said GIVE US MORE SLICE OF LIFE PIKACHU GAMES PLEASE but make them better ok thx :)

Rot your brain while watching Pikachu rot his brain. He won't let me outside. I'm trapped, please help me.

He keeps guessing incorrectly at the quiz show and we're in extreme debt. I've seen Pichu Bros. 3,934 times and he still laughs when the Houndoom dies. I can't take it anymore.

fiction peaked when i sat at home watching pikachu watching tv and trying to get all the trading cards from the shopping program

this is the only pokemon game i will ever play and love lmao

you literally just watch bad TV with pikachu... and yet every channel is burned into my psyche. more importantly, the PAL version lets you transfer jirachi to your GBA, which is pretty sick.