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in the past

My hopes were CRUSHED this is so BORING it is just STORY AND I HATE IT!!!!!! (Ogerpon’s cute tho)

It was good enough. A lot of climbing up the same mountain which was boring the first time and actively detracting from the game every other time after that. Fun new characters but not a whole lot else unfortunately.

It has Gliscor in it and also Carmine and Kieran are fun characters.

ogerpon peak
also i love bullying children
nothing more beside that

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ogerpon best girl

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villain arc inciting incident simulator

Ogrepon is a great legendary and I like the addition of Carmine and Kiki. The story was serviceable and Kitakami has some decent areas. Overall it's the definition of middling.

preguiça pra escrever um review descente pra essa DLC. Foi divertidinha, mas a pokedex da DLC é fraca, com a maioria sendo pokémons já repetidos do jogo base e com pokémons novos bem mais ou menos.

No máximo: divertido

I don't think I've ever been so lukewarm on something pokemon related

I definitely wish there was a bit more to do in Kitakami, but I really liked how it felt more like an actual place than the giant theme park that is Paldea. The story was pretty decent, but that's not surprising considering how Scarlet and Violet had surprisingly solid character writing. Carmine and Kieran were cool characters, but I can't really elaborate on them further since I haven't played Indigo Disc yet. I'm also surprised by how much I like Ogerpon. It's such a cute design and its little cloak/hoodie changing color with each mask is a nice touch.

Ogerpon and Bloodmoon Ursaluna are cute

Very whatever, setting didn't excite me at all so I skipped doing basically anything but the main story

If you're reading this, you already know the deal.
Same graphical issues, same performance issues. All that still hasn't been fixed and will never be fixed, so let's get to the content.

It's cool. It feels like those early Pokémon movie stories, albeit without the "epic legendary fight at the end" part, since this is only part 1 anyway (and part 2 isn't that much...).

There's a buttload of Pokémon to catch, a decently cool story with cool characters, and some "secret" content and a "secret boss" to fight as well. There's a lot of cool little details hidden around the map, and it's a nice city (even if it looks bad because everything in this game does).

It's just not worth the money, though. That's pretty obvious, as much as I enjoyed it. But you still get more out of this than you do out of Part 2.

i got this bc i wanted an excuse to play pokemon again but was swiftly reminded why i don’t buy pokemon dlc. mid.

Encantat de tornar a trobar molts Pokemons que m'agraden i també que a les incursions es puguen atrapar molts dels que evolucionen amb objectes raros.

Això sí, crec que no està molt ben pensat el balanceig a nivells alts, hi ha massa Pokemons suïcides... Igualment m'ha agradat encara que siga curt

Ogerpon lore is kinda cool but thats about all thats interesting in this DLC

This dlc sucks. It's boring and stupid. The characters and writing are awful and actually put me to sleep. The only good thing about this dlc is it brought some pokemon I like back.

Pretty nice, the balloon minigame has the worst fps I have ever seen in a game, like holy shit its bad. Ogerpon is cute. I like the 3 dumbasses, but I hate their shinies. Kieran is a pussy and I made fun of him in my entire playthrough

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Noroteo es muy acogedora, creo que la formula de este dlc con ese ambiente más distendido, la vuelta a las raices japonesas en cuanto al arte ingame y el tempo de la trama que no necesita ni gimnasios ni objetivos a corto plazo para sentirse muy pokemon le puede funcionar muy fuerte en un futuro a la franquicia. Es la primera de dos partes de una trama como ya hemos visto en el juego principal enfocada en la exploración y en profundizar en los personajes (Dentro de lo que cabe, no deja de ser pokémon) y siguen con una sensación de ruptura continuo con lo que lleva siendo la saga 25 años. El juego tiene sus pegas, las tramas son tontorronas, el rendimiento no ha mejorado nada y el desafio sigue siendo inexistente pero el ambiente calmado de la idea del pueblo, los personajes carismaticos a su forma y la formula de resolver el misterio hacen que como poco valga la pena jugarlo.

It's fun but is only half of a complete plot and unless you want to 100% it can fell a bit shallow of content. At least Ogerpon is cute

Isle of Armor certainly had a lot going for it in the fact that it pretty much upstaged a rather mediocre game by giving fans what they wanted. On top of that it gave a lot more thought into Pokemon interactions, habitats, and basically showcased Pokemon games as we know it today. The Teal Mask DLC however is, more or less, just more of Pokemon Scarlet. As someone that is a big fan of Pokemon Scarlet, I certainly don't see that as a problem, but there just kinda isn't much else to dazzle me the way that Isle of Armor did to it's based game. Teal Mask does have neat plot developments, added a new mini game, and gave a new location to explore, but it sort feels more like it's set up rather than an expansion on it's based game. Yes, Teal Mask gives us more Pokemon Scarlet, but it's not exactly doing much else that Scarlet didn't already do, so if you're not a fan of Scarlet, Teal Mask isn't winning you over either.

Teal Mask still has it's own unique story and area to explore though, and I absolutely can say it at least feels new even by pokemon standards. Teal Mask starts off rather in-line with most Pokemon games when it comes to meeting new characters, but this time they actually do have some bite to them. While I certainly wouldn't call the new characters, Carmine and Kieran, hostile, they at least have enough agency to not be so agreeable. This makes me happy in a story perspective down the line because Teal Mask certainly feels interesting when it starts breaking pokemon standards for it's characters, but it never quite gets there to really feel much different from it's usual writing. The mountain area and boondock town we visit is certainly a different vibe from the usual Pokemon fair too, but I just don't feel they capitalized on that as much as they should have. Also the fact we really only interact with two characters this whole DLC feels like such a missed opportunity.

Teal Mask certainly has heart to it, but I feel compared to previous DLC Pokemon has had, this feels a little rushed out of the door. Like there is absolutely something here for players to enjoy, but in terms actual gameplay or exploration it kinda just feels too similar. The story has some nice points to it, but when it comes down to it, it's rather bite sized enjoyment over consistently being good. Still, it is more Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, and for that I have to say I am grateful for. Hopefully it being a part 1 means part 2 will build on it more.

Same issues as in Paldea + the map is even worse?
Ogerpon is incredible.

Looking past all the performance issues…it’s still pretty just alright.

This was a quick play, maybe not even 4 hours, added back some cool Pokemon and got a shiny bisharp so that’s cool. Story is whatever, Ogerpon is cool, onto part 2.

Somehow performs worse than base game at parts which is insane that it’s this unpolished still, Nintendo do better.

You only wanna get this expansion for the new Pokémon, especially if your faves are here (Clefairy Sqaud ww@). Otherwise the story here is basic and short, the region is the most underwhelming region in the series so far. It is basically Kanto lite but with only one town and vast empty lad. Somehow the DLC has even worse performance than the main game. It's only getting a 6 because I like the Pokemon that come with this expansion.

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i wish i could just tell kieran about the ogre, this would have maybe softened the blow of his desperate desire to get stronger (or change the method of how he did it)

anyways. love the dlc, i love the characters, ogrepon is sooo cuteums. wiiiish wish wish it had more content in it tho