Reviews from

in the past

Coop Portal never fails to be fun af

The gimmick of the third Portal is so so fun, it's really unique. Even if it is kinda short, and some of the puzzles are way too hard, this was a really fun mod! I liked the voice acting as well, even if the game kinda ends out of nowhere as well.

Oyun portal oyunlarının kalitesine yakın, bazı bulmacaları insanı bunaltan alt+f4 attırıp sonraki gün gelip çözdürten bir oyun. Ama kendisi ücretsiz, hikayesi güzel düşünülmüş, sağlam yeni mekanik getirlmiş bir oyundur, oynanmalı, hiç bir şey kaybettirmez. Aksine özlediğiniz portal oyununu özleminizi giderir, güzel bir tecrübe daha eklenir. Sadece bir bölümde mekaniksel açıdan bir hata var, onun sebebi de bölümün çözülmesini başka şekilde istemiş olmaları.

such a interesting mod, played through it and finished it day 1, once again its really interesting and really fun to play through if you wanna play more portal

Probably the closest we'll ever get to Portal 3 and I love how the time travel mechanic was used.

I did find myself trapped and confused a lot though

Eu nunca esperaria q uma continuação feita por fã poderia ser tão boa, a mecânica nova de um portal q viajar no tempo foi muito legal e bem executada, as fases mesmo sendo poucas foram muito divertidas e a lore mesmo n sendo mt coisa consegue prender

Chamber 25 is maybe my new favourite Portal puzzle of all time holy shit. You can definitely feel the absence of the writing that makes portal so special here, as well as the atmosphere and music of the series, but given that it's a free fanmade project it delivers a hundred times more than it had to with incredibly creative and challenging levels. Emphasis on challenging btw this game gave me a fucking migraine

Just when you thought Portal couldn't go any farther, it becomes an aneurysm. Love this mod. I used someone else brain combined with mine to beat it.

A interação com o narrador é bem legal mas n se compara com a Gladus, porem a mecânica nova foi MT BEM UTILIZADA

Crazy how much more you could do with a game that I'd once thought was as complete as a game could come

a great mod that keeps the spirit of Aperture alive, but it also melted my brain a bit! thinking in the fourth dimension is very fun, but i was high as fuck while playing one night and i looked around and could not even fathom where to start.
great mod!

Story / writing is not up to par with Valve of course, but the level design gives me headaches and for that I… thank you?

One of if not the single best mod I have ever played. Very high quality in every way. Totally enjoyed.


I'm genuinely too stupid to beat this without a guide...

A custom mod that serves as a worthy successor to Portal 2. The time portal is an ingenious way to add another layer all on top of all the mechanics offered from the first two portal games. The puzzle design was really well executed and provided enough challenge where a few chambers made me sit for awhile and really think through the steps needed to solve them.

Edit: Also played the co-op update with a buddy in local splitscreen because the online functionality didn't work. Was surprised we only got the three portals between the two us but the levels were still very well designed and still required a great amount of thinking from both of us. Would recommend the co-op puzzles as well

back for a 4th time
7,0/10 - Length
4,5/10 - Enjoyment
5,0/10 - Story/Experience
5,0/10 - Originality
6,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 5,5/10

My brain overheated multiple times but it was fun

I feel that the original two Portal games struck a perfect balance of being simple to understand but still complex enough to create plenty of deviously challenging puzzles.

I can't say the same thing for Portal Reloaded.

The introduction of the time travel portal is neat until you realize that it turns nearly every chamber in the second half of the game into a convoluted mess. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I had to use a guide more often than I did for the original games. Also, the game has no funny dialogue, so automatic downgrade.

Still fun, just a bit too difficult for me. But if you like a good challenge, give this mod a try!

Mechanically as good as the others, but it lacks the personality on the side characters that the others have.

eu não sei o quanto de engenharia reversa usei pra fechar, mas quando tem um amigo sabido, é bem mais tranquilo.

o bolo é real dessa vez mano.