Reviews from

in the past

Interesting little mobile puzzle game that feels a bit more like a 15 minute tech demo than anything worth sticking with for a full game.

Pretty fun, chill little puzzle game. Along the same vein as unpacking, assemble with care. Other object based perspective puzzles. Doesn’t blow you away but it’s pleasant and fun.

It was okay I guess. It didn’t leave a strong impression in the 1 hour and 20 minutes I completed the game including the bonus levels. I agree what the others already mentioned.

Played it while waiting to get my oil changed. The story was hilariously bad. Fun little game anyway. About an hour. 1/3

“Possessions” is a forgettable puzzle game on Apple Arcade, in which you rotate a room with a bunch of floating objects until you find a perspective that places the objects where they belong. The game was not challenging, and the story was so difficult to follow that I eventually just skipped the cut scenes. There are definitely better games on Apple Arcade that fill the puzzle niche!

While I like the concept of a perspective based puzzle game, this game fails at connecting its core concept with its "story" mode while also lacking any real interesting puzzles. The story is wordless and confusing, leaving me wondering both what was happening and how the hell this family has a massive pool, a movie theatre, and chandeliers in every room. Unpacking did a much better job at telling a wordless story with the objects being placed in the room, this game does nothing with the actual.. er... possessions. The game is fine for what it is, it just feels altogether pointless.

It was fine for what it was. Don’t expect any sort of challenge - this isn’t that type of game.

It’s very short - about an hour. The puzzles are simple. The bonus levels were slightly more challenging and enjoyable. The story mode less so.

The story mode is really just there. It didn’t need it. They could of made the entire game like the bonus levels (piecing together monuments etc.) and it probably would be a slightly more enjoyable experience.

However, the story mode is just going through set pieces and placing down plates and books… nothing very interesting nor challenging.

Its a nice, simple time-waster while taking the train or watching a show and that’s really it.

“Possessions” is a forgettable puzzle game on Apple Arcade, in which you rotate a room with a bunch of floating objects until you find a perspective that places the objects where they belong. The game was not challenging, and the story was so difficult to follow that I eventually just skipped the cut scenes. There are definitely better games on Apple Arcade that fill the puzzle niche!

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