Reviews from

in the past

Cool game but the console controls makes me wanna kms

estuve como dos semanas pegada al pc haciendo pociones. es muy entretenido pero tampoco da para más.

Parece um jogo mobile. É divertido nos primeiros 30min dps fica repetitivo

o melhor ponto do jogo é a arte. achei bem bonita mesmo.
já a ideia de gameplay em si é maneira no início, mas vai ficando cansativa conforme o jogo progride e você tem que fazer cada vez mais malabarismos pra fazer o tubo chegar lá no cu do mapa e ainda se frustrar quando você esbarra nas caveiras e acaba quebrando o bagulho e perdendo uma caralhada de ingredientes.
demorei um bocado pra descobrir que eu já podia usar os portais desde o início (e só descobri porque estava conversando com uma amiga sobre o jogo), mas não sei se foi bobeira minha ou se faltou instrução do jogo em relação a essa mecânica. de qualquer forma, senti que eles ajudam bem pouco.
nem cheguei na parte em que você usa outras bases além da água mas me parece ser a exata mesma dinâmica só que com outro mapa. se for isso mesmo, acho que isso bate o martelo na questão da repetitividade.
eu ia comentar a parte da máquina com o nigredo, albedo etc mas só de pensar me deu preguiça

resumindo, jogo parece interessante no início mas se revela um tanto repetitivo.

This game is pretty chill. Potion Craft is a relaxing puzzle game that you can play for about an hour. I will say that it gets repetitive after a while, even when you get the alchemy machine.

Still was a bit green when I played it, but I look forward to picking it back up again when there's more updates! A chill time with a creative brewing system that I enjoyed. Gets a bit repetitive after a while but I didn't mind.

Very addictive. Pretty art style and fun to get sucked into making different potions and collecting ingredients. It does get repetitive though and they absolutely need to add more music options.

Played from – to: (2023-09-13 – 2023-09-18) – PC keyboard.
‣ 5/10 – “Potion seller, I want your strongest potions.”
‣ Thoughts: This was an interesting and fun game to try, but it didn’t hook me. The ideas of crafting potions by traveling on a map are cool but drag out the gameplay significantly. The whole experience becomes extremely repetitive and grindy very quick and progression slows down dramatically. Brewing more complex potions requires you to have very specific ingredients that are hard to come by, which forces you to waste a lot of time and effort to get something 5 people in a row will want. This creates an annoying gameplay loop that did not reward my tiny goblin brain. The overall game just felt very slow and sluggish and no matter how much I tried to convince myself that it gets better boredom got the better of me.

to achando bem chill passei horas jogando e nem vi passar

Está entretenido pero me cansé rápido. No me da para tanto este formato.

(Note: I played v1.0.5)

Enjoyable and chill alchemist game, love the art style as well. Although it does become a real slog by the end when you need to make the advanced potions, salts and the Philosopher's Stone.

As of writing this there are new updates coming that will supposedly rework the leveling system and hopefully make it less grindy. Will likely check back in on it later to see what's changed.

What you need to master it:
☐ Collectibles
☐ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

I loved the mechanics to make the potions in the map with the ingredients, but it is repetitive.


- You don't need to do the potions exaclty how the recipe says, while it has the same effects that's all right.
- If you haggle you'll obtain lower quantity of Popularity Points. Use this options always with the merchants in the most difficult option that you have.
- Buy all the ingredients with the normal price or on sale from merchants, always buy rocks.
- There are exquisite clients that will ask for potions with specifics things, I recommend sell them potions when they want an extra effect in the potions, use the options 'continue brewing from here' and add the closest effect, usually they'll be happy. If they ask for something so specific end the dialog and sell to the next client.
- If you didn't get the plants in your garden don't worry, they will be there on the next day. Collect them is important in the earlygame, at some point of the game you won't need them.

I got through the first chapter of this when it was release on Game Pass and I never returned to it. The game has an interesting art style but the gameplay just didn't grab me. I think the exploration of making new potions was a bit laborious and turned me off of it. I only played like an hour of it though, so I'm not going to leave it a rating.

pude cumplir mi sueño de ser un traficante de pociones y eso no tiene precio, pero el juego estaba caro pa lo k es la vd

I really like this game, the early gameplay really draws you in and blooms so beautifully as you go.

You go from crafting every recipe and struggling to produce unique reagents to recording massive amounts of potions and haggling back and forth trying to find the best ways to produce lots of quality potions.

It's a bit of a shame that it doesn't have an ending (as of yet) but it almost feels on brand for the game to just keep going or for you to hang up your cauldron stirring hat when you've had enough.

Think I'll be back sometime for that 100% but for now I've had a whale of a time.

A fun, charming little game about brewing potions and building up your reputation as the greatest alchemist in the kingdom. There's a certain joy to building your repertoire of potions within your recipe book and having them on hand already for customers. The 100% grind was a little tedious though.

Das Spiel hat ein sehr coole Art, wie es das Brauen von Tränken darstellt, leider entwickelt es sich im späteren Verlauf zu einem reinen Grind.
Was ich vor allem etwas schaden finde, ist man nicht wirklich ermutigt wird eigene Kreationen zu entwickeln, da es für die meisten Kundenaufträge reicht einen Effekt zu haben.

I liked this game, it's a nice puzzle game and good for relaxing. It doesn't give much instruction when it comes to moving around the map which I thought was a little frustrating but maybe that's a find out as you go or look it up type of thing. The art is reminiscent of illuminated manuscripts and I'm a sucker for those so it definitely had me with the art style. I also enjoyed the repetition it was kind of calming just doing the little potion tasks over and over. I haven't completed it or know if you can even complete the game but I enjoy what I've done so far.

Charming for a while, but gets boring and repetitive too easy for it to hold your attention for more than an hour

i really like the idea of this but i find the alchemy puzzles tiring and not very fun to do after some time

Tried it on Game Pass. Yes! Looks like I could loose hours here making potions!
Will release on PS and Switch, I might get it for the Switch.

A bit confusing because I skipped the tutorial

The start is nice but it gets super grindy midway, in several ways. I'm tired of grinding and stirring, physically............

Сначала игра увлекает, конечно, но потом игра начинает жутко утомлять поиском новых свойств и своей однообразностью

I'm in love with its art style