Reviews from

in the past

Prehistorik Man brings a charming caveman experience to the Game Boy Advance. Its vibrant colors and quirky sound effects create a fun, prehistoric world. While the platforming gameplay may feel a touch generic and the challenge can be tough, Prehistorik Man's wacky personality and hidden collectibles give it enough bite to warrant a playthrough for fans of old-school platformers.

Genuinelly why does snes online have like 3 caveman games it feels like a weird trend

Beta Joe & Mac, but with Tom and Jerry screams. Pretty funny.

This is like if Joe & Mac was actually good or engaging

tampoco es la gran cosa pero es entrañable, los sprites y la paleta de colores son preciosos, de las pocas cosas buenas hechas por Titus

I started playing this game as a joke since it was on SNES NSO, but after playing it, it was really enjoyable. For a short SNES platformer it really succeeded in many areas, it felt unique and had interesting mechanics, with semi difficult bosses to keep the challenge. Definitely not some filler game as many will see it as.

imagine purposefully misspelling "Prehistoric" for your game's title and not going with "PrehistoRick"

Um dos level designs mais confusos dos vídeo jogos🔥🔥🔥

Childhood platform. Smh I managed to play it as a kid even if I couldn't perfectly understand english. Graphics and controls were very nice from what I remember, but I never went crazy for the atypical progression and the level exploration to proceed. I'll probably change my mind if I'll play it again.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 7: Interplay Vol 2

Its 'fine'. The levels are clean and easy enough, the colours are cute and pretty and the overall platforming is a nice fun little time.... But its also just barely a 3/5 to be honest, the game itself isn't all that memorable, none of the level designs are all too interesting and despite getting a good way through the game, I doubt i'll remember much of it if anyone asked me.

Muito Bom!
Divertido e gostoso de jogar. Também é muito engraçado!
Seu nível de dificuldade é médio. Se quiser um desafio maior é só tentar pegar 100% (ou mais) dos itens das fases. Aí sim a dificuldade aumente consideravelmente.

Surprisingly one of the most stylish and sophisticated games on the original Game Boy hardware (not sure why it’s tagged as GBA here). Probably the best Titus game (not saying a ton), but still very French. First boss was a legit great moment, huge sprite of a dino dude that you mount and scale and crush his butt into the dirt. Level design is kinda boring but the movement and combat are good and music is impeccable.

press the A button to do the funny Tom & Jerry scream

Good sprite art, platforming is eh. The vibes are way too wild for a caveman SNES platformer though, and the level design is weak

I'm trying to articulate my thoughts on this game, mere hours after beating it, and the best I can manage is "well, it exists, I guess".

Prehistorik Man - it's a video game. It's got great sprite work, but that's really all it has going for it.