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Qop es una saga de puzles de los mismos creadores que los Zup!, en este caso la saga Qop es infinitamente mas divertida, compleja y original. Todo esto sin dejar de ser un paquete de juegos hechos por y para farmear logros, en este caso 252.

En este juego nos encontramos unos puzles mas difíciles en algunos casos pero sobre todo mas divertidos, que al final es lo mas importante, el objetivo será llevar nuestro cubo a la zona negra chocando con los distintos bloques que habrán por los niveles, de vez en cuando aparecerán bloques diferentes y nuestro cubo tendrá distintas interacciones.

Son bastante divertidos, dan bastantes logros (muy bonitos) y sobre todo son cortos, recomendados para pasar una tarde si no tienes nada mejor que hacer.

qop is a pretty enjoyable puzzle game in which you slide a box around in a direction and it will continue until it meets a block; if you're familiar with ice sliding puzzles in games then it works like such. The game also incorporates two gimmicks, one in which touching a side of a line block will send you to the other, and the other is pairs of blocks that teleport you to each other. These combine to make interesting levels fun to figure out and easy enough for mostly anyone to enjoy.

took me a little more than an hour to complete the game. But sure, it's fun. Aside that the game is basically for getting achievements it's dope and requires you to make thoughtful decisions throughout the game. Pre-think your next move let's say.

A pack of achievements that comes with a bad puzzle game. At least it's short and you can spells things with the achievements in a profile showcase.