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i've never experienced gender euphoria but i imagine that winning a rabbit and steel run is pretty close

At the same time wonderful and compelling and infuriating. Please enjoy reading and parsing five different indicators to figure out where to stand/float. Sometimes the timing is a little ambiguous. Sometimes we've decided to not show which way that knockback is going. I dunno, fuck it. If you do this a hundred times in a row, fighting your way back to the boss each time, you'll start to memorize it. Especially if you play a slow class that can't actually move far enough in the 0.4 seconds we have provided you to see, parse, and position. With friends, it's a bit more manageable and more fun, which means the game has successfully accomplished its stated goal of recreating the raiding experience as I remember it playing Final Fantasy IV. Everyone being an anime lesbian bunnygirl adds to that.

There's a pretty good balance of powerups that change your rotation without really changing what you need to do in a fight. That's usually something I'd call 'bad' but I think it fits with the goals of the game, and I've seen much worse (Hades).

I repeatedly quit the game in disgust only to boot it up again shortly after, which is the mark of a type of quality. Or a horrible compulsion loop but there's not enough grinding in Rabbitsteel for this to be the case I think. I've definitely started thinking that normal difficulty is much too easy and hard is much too tough, which makes the existence of a higher difficulty absolutely terrifying.

Also, is Assassin just terrible? She doesn't seem to do any damage. I want to play the cool knife bunny come on. I want to satisfy my primal urge to stab.

Don't you know what happens to me when I pick hard

normally i don't like bullet hell games but this is the exception, i'm still horrible at the game and sometimes the visual/audio design is a but unclear but they're actively updating the game with improvements

ff14 savage raids if they were actually fun

It's pretty fun and extremely unique, but a lot of bosses have WAY too much health

A novel game concept to me. Rabbit and steel extracts the raid aspect of an MMO to create a multiplayer rougelike side scrolling shoot em up.

I have played this game with a good friend of mine for a few hours and while it currently has some balancing issues, I feel it is the start of a great concept.

The game’s strength is seen most strongly as a cooperative experience with friends. I believe it can support up to 4 concurrent players in a run and popping on discord with your friends can lead to a communicative and enjoyable team exercise.

If you are familiar with ikaruga or einhander you are not no stranger to the core gameplay of rabbit and steel. I would say where it deviates are the large pointed dance like indicators of enemy attack patterns. Large blobs of instructions will appear on the screen which in my first few playthroughs absolutely baffled me, I was not clear on what to do and as a result died often. It was about my third playthrough that I started to understand what was going on.

I still however find this game extremely mentally taxing to play. There is a lot of information you have to process and it can drag on for quite some time(my last run on normal lasted around 51 min which feels like an eternity when there is this much activity during it).

As I mentioned earlier, this game has balancing issues. Often you will not have enough damage to clear through some points of the game and it does not give you enough opportunities to acquire new gear to keep up with the pace. Really it’s optionality that would save this game. Binding of Isaac for instance has a lot of opportunities to make decisions that will affect the run in small and large ways whereas this game’s impact is felt through how well you navigate the various obstacles each boss battle provides.

That makes me realize I have not mentioned, this game is entirely boss battles, you only fight 4 bosses with the last being a main boss of an area. You go through a total of 5 areas during a run.

The game has a very anime and somewhat deviant art like aesthetic. It is somewhat furry adjacent I guess but not enough to bother me lol. I rather like the art, it’s simplistic and reminds me a little bit of melty blood for some reason.

Overall, this is a game with some problems but huge potential. Indie games continue to impress, these days even more than their AAA counterparts.

i go from feeling like a hero from one stage to getting destroyed in the next. lots of fun, even better with friends. Usually, I am turned off by the genre, but this is actually a ton of fun and easy to get into. Even these types of games aren't your thing, I'd try the demo at least.

I always maintained that raiding in ffxiv was similar to playing in an orchestra. Everyone's got their own part to play that contributes to the overall movement, sometimes the conductor(raid boss) mixes it up.... So what would Rabbit in Steel look like in this metaphor? I suppose, like, learning a popular dance choreography with your friends. Everyone still has a part to play but its more about the movement than the raw execution of your rotation, and it is far more forgiving of mistakes. The barrier to entry is far far lower in rabbit and steel by basically every metric.

The game is fun to play, it flows well, the animal girls are cute, the items give you a decent enough range of expression via build. I think it more enough surpasses the shadow of ffxiv that hangs over it. 3.5 stars.

XIV Players when there is Lines and Circles: this is the greatest game ever nothing will ever top this i will dedicate the rest of my life to playing games only in the circle and line genre

couch co-op is back babey!!!!! so many times have I wish that FFXIV raiding was both more accessible and also had the manic energy of a Mario Party minigame.

I don't play Final Fantasy 14 but I'm pretty sure I could clear its hardest content within a week now. I'm glad the rabbits in my backyard understand Spread mechanics.

Jogo super divertido e fofo de jogar, as classes são unicas e divertidas com suas habilidades, bem desafiador em umas partes e muito divertido de jogar co-op, além de ótima trilha sonora.
Com certeza uma ótima surpresa, comecou com uma jogada despretensiosa que acabou com meu namorado e eu super viciados.

Fun, generally well designed fights with the occasional visibility issues. Easily recommendable to people who want an MMO raiding experience without actually wanting to play an MMO.

Absolutely didn't even see most of the game, but a Normal clear win is a win to me.

The most glowing review I can give this game is that it made me understand why people feel so grand and elated after clearing a MMO raid - a genre I am woefully unfamiliar with. (I promise, I'm gonna do those FF14 MSQs at some point) All it took was viewing it in the form of "very active puzzle solving" and it's honestly a blast. I feel this game's system and roguelike design is very "minimal and clean", not in any insulting way. It's incredibly deliberate in the experience it wants its players to have and only provides the exact tools and freedom necessary to enjoy in that playground.

My only negative for the game is that it plays so damn well in Steam Remote Play, that I struggle convincing 4 people to all buy a copy, unless they don't like couch co-op. (or just want to support an awesome dev - which you should!)

All Hard areas cleared, aiming for Lunar clear

Thumbs up for not needing to spend hundreds of hours of my life in regular MMOs just so I can get that raiding experience.

One of the best roguelike games I have ever played and it's only in update 1.02. I am so excited for what is going to become of this game and cannot wait to keep playing through it all.

The closest I've ever been to being a FF14 bootlicker

This game caught my eye by being marketed as mmorpg raid boss combat replacement without the grind associated to the same genre.
I expected to have some kind of a dps rotation, that was not really the case, abilities were boring.
To me it mostly felt like a below average bullet hell game at times. I just don't understand the hype.

One of the best roguelikes I've played so far

Very fun bullet hell roguelike, that somehow works well as multiplayer even with strangers

It has some visibility issues, but after a dozen hours it's not that much of a problem
Some balancing still needs to be done but it doesn't feel bad

I like the story and the grind to see it all wasn't painful
It's an actual challenge that feels fair, and is nice to learn the patterns
There are some I still have no idea how to dodge but god bless Vanish


Tried Normal mode once, and beat Scholar's Nest, unlocking Hard mode.
Spent 7 hours struggling to beat Red Darkhouse on Hard.
Spent 6 more hours to beat each of the bosses once on the first stage.

When I finally beat the Churchmouse Street boss, I was going to go back to Normal mode and try to beat the game.
But then I beat the second stage, and the third stage, and the last boss.
The struggle paid off, it was awesome!

Wearing its very clear inspiration on its sleeve, Rabbit & Steel takes many recognizable mechanics of FFXIV raiding and applies it to a side-scrolling rogue-like. Fight round after round of unique bosses as you float around to dodge attacks and keep up your own skill rotation.

There are a number of classes, and after each round you are scored based on your DPS. Even on normal (and in co-op up to 4 players) it is quite challenging and there are a lot of different attacks and mechanics to keep track of at all times. The music is tremendous and gives me vibes reminiscent of FFXIII, and it is very satisfying if you can make it through a fight without taking damage.

As it is highly replayable with a high skill ceiling, I certainly expect I'll be playing this for some time in the future. I only have a couple criticisms, one being that some key effects or buffs don't feel as visible as they could be, and in a game where movement is everything, items that reduce mobility feel like an immediate throwaway. But I want to keep at it and get better, if only to hear more of that soundtrack.

The normal mode single-player experience is an 8/10 (insane mechanics and aesthetics but the RNG with the items doesn't work as well as in multiplayer). Two player co-op is a great 9/10 experience and probably the best co-op game I have ever played.

Genuinely a really refreshing amount of fun when it comes to playing a game that revolves around mechanics used in other MMOs and predominantly in FF14. Knowing how to resolve mechanics that you've encountered in fights you haven't been in or just done in FF14 in a different setting is great fun.

If you've always found an interest in raiding in an MMO and wanting to know what you will possibly encounter, this game will happily give you the stress and anxiety of learning how to solve mechanics that may even persuade you into playing FF14 for the raiding until you realise how bad some people are at it.

I'm so bad at this game but I'm a bunny girl so idrc

FFXIV raiding but without the manchildren

easily one of my favorite games of the year as an ffxiv raider