Reviews from

in the past

i've never experienced gender euphoria but i imagine that winning a rabbit and steel run is pretty close

At the same time wonderful and compelling and infuriating. Please enjoy reading and parsing five different indicators to figure out where to stand/float. Sometimes the timing is a little ambiguous. Sometimes we've decided to not show which way that knockback is going. I dunno, fuck it. If you do this a hundred times in a row, fighting your way back to the boss each time, you'll start to memorize it. Especially if you play a slow class that can't actually move far enough in the 0.4 seconds we have provided you to see, parse, and position. With friends, it's a bit more manageable and more fun, which means the game has successfully accomplished its stated goal of recreating the raiding experience as I remember it playing Final Fantasy IV. Everyone being an anime lesbian bunnygirl adds to that.

There's a pretty good balance of powerups that change your rotation without really changing what you need to do in a fight. That's usually something I'd call 'bad' but I think it fits with the goals of the game, and I've seen much worse (Hades).

I repeatedly quit the game in disgust only to boot it up again shortly after, which is the mark of a type of quality. Or a horrible compulsion loop but there's not enough grinding in Rabbitsteel for this to be the case I think. I've definitely started thinking that normal difficulty is much too easy and hard is much too tough, which makes the existence of a higher difficulty absolutely terrifying.

Also, is Assassin just terrible? She doesn't seem to do any damage. I want to play the cool knife bunny come on. I want to satisfy my primal urge to stab.

Don't you know what happens to me when I pick hard

normally i don't like bullet hell games but this is the exception, i'm still horrible at the game and sometimes the visual/audio design is a but unclear but they're actively updating the game with improvements

Absolutely didn't even see most of the game, but a Normal clear win is a win to me.

The most glowing review I can give this game is that it made me understand why people feel so grand and elated after clearing a MMO raid - a genre I am woefully unfamiliar with. (I promise, I'm gonna do those FF14 MSQs at some point) All it took was viewing it in the form of "very active puzzle solving" and it's honestly a blast. I feel this game's system and roguelike design is very "minimal and clean", not in any insulting way. It's incredibly deliberate in the experience it wants its players to have and only provides the exact tools and freedom necessary to enjoy in that playground.

My only negative for the game is that it plays so damn well in Steam Remote Play, that I struggle convincing 4 people to all buy a copy, unless they don't like couch co-op. (or just want to support an awesome dev - which you should!)

All Hard areas cleared, aiming for Lunar clear

Thumbs up for not needing to spend hundreds of hours of my life in regular MMOs just so I can get that raiding experience.

One of the best roguelike games I have ever played and it's only in update 1.02. I am so excited for what is going to become of this game and cannot wait to keep playing through it all.

The closest I've ever been to being a FF14 bootlicker