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in the past

Classic shmup goodness with a killer soundtrack to boot. The main mechanic, a bullet reflecting shield, never feels too overpowered and the game plays around with it in some interesting ways. In my opinion it's the best of the ALLTYNEX trilogy.

Se nota la intención y las vueltas que se le dio a la mecánica principal del escudo para construir un juego alrededor de ello, pero, no se si es porque Jirurun no supo convertir su potencial o que la idea sola no da para mucho, que no hay otra palabra para describir RefleX que tedioso.

There aren't many games where you have an unconditional safety button and yet manage to struggle quite an amount on it.

Shootout to the plot twist of stage 7 and how it changes the rules for the rest of the run.

RefleX is the second game in the Tale of Alltynex trilogy of shmups. It's at this point where the series' DNA is really solidified: familiar enemies, a scoring system centered around a unique mechanic (reflection, this time), an almost melancholy tone set by the grandiose visuals and the organ-filled OST, and a couple of other things, like wings of light and Zodiac Virgo.

As the title suggests, the name of the game this time is a shield that reflects bullets. It's the cornerstone of the game; enemy patterns are far too dense to consistently dodge without it, your main shot is too weak to kill everything on its own, and it's central to the scoring system. Unfortunately, while I do think it's cool, compared to the previous game's (and subsequent game's) unique mechanic, it falls a little flat for me. I prefer more aggression in my shmups, as opposed to this more defensive take.

I'll maintain that a strong presentation is incredibly important for a shmup, and RefleX doesn't disappoint in this department. In fact, this is where Alltynex's trademark insane story beats really begin to shine. The set pieces and enemies you fight successfully convey that feeling of a desperate civil war against a government with scores of state-of-the-art weapons, only for the conflict to be hijacked by an even stronger force. Traversing the familiar ruins of ALLTYNEX OS with your former enemy against the new threat with wings of light, only for them to be taken out instantly and for you to be systematically ripped apart by overwhelming firepower. And just when all hope is lost, you too sprout wings of light, and your ship's capabilities skyrocket as well, allowing you to easily take down the aggressor. And then after a Disc 2 Xenogears-style cutscene describing how the new ship wiped out everything in its path, you're thrown into the final battle against the last remaining Zodiac weapon AND KAMUI ships, as this is also the same battleground where you take down Xaffiquel in the first game.

I don't care; it's hype.