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Remnant 2 feels like a miracle sometimes, and it's crazy cause I was very skeptical about it. So many secrets, so many cool battles and replay value.

terrible performance, bad character customization, an incoherent start to the story, muddy combat, and no raw input. not one part of this game was enjoyable to me, and most of my playtime was spent trying to get it to run at an acceptable framerate with third-party fixes

massive improvement on the first game, better boss fights, better enemies and better systems with better looking stuff, would play again

Yeah just not my type of game
Me and a friend both thought it was boring I don’t know why but I just didn’t like the gameplay loop. I can see that it’s a quality title it just isn’t for me.

I see the capabilities of the game, like it's fun, its meca dodges are cool, the weapons are cool, the different worlds are cool and work differently, each one has really different artistic dynamics and different enemies!
But damn it's poor, it looks like they tried to make a souls-like but it's not finished... it lacks cinematics to explain things to us, we get lost really quickly, we don't know where we need to go, that's so sad!! bosses are the same, they have the potential to be cool, but they are either slow bosses or Puzzle-bosses, and sometimes they are fiiine

just great, better than the first one in many aspects

A great coop game that respects the player! A bit too much so maybe, with special rewards like archetypes being too well hidden and boss weapons too sparse. A way to discard or stow away unwanted items would have helped with sorting through them. The procedural worlds work great, but I was expecting more than the handful we got.

Great improvements with the added Archetypes, now you can certainly feel the difference between one player and the other. Replayability is great on this game as it allows to use different combinations on archetypes.

First ever souls-like shooter I’ve played. Really well done and a lot of fun. I appreciate how different each region looked and the variety of enemies within them.

Boss fights were awesome and very unique. I did a bad job of exploring the weapon mods and character traits.

For some reason I thought I was halfway through the game before reaching the final boss, I wish they added a few more regions but I realize this game has high replay ability. Still haven’t tried out adventure mode, don’t even know how tbh.

If the game had been longer and the story had been more enticing, I’d score it in the 9’s but it felt a bit too quick. Otherwise it’s near perfect.


Uma das piores desgraças que eu já joguei. Me incomoda tanto quando alguém vem falar "soulslike". Não tem NADA de Souls nisso, a não ser um rolamento e "fogueira". Horrível, a começar com geração procedural. Fala sério né? A história é tão irrelevante que nem importa a ordem que o jogo "cai" pra você (é aleatório qual ordem de mapa você vai ter que seguir). Nada importa, você só encosta em uma pedra e começa a matar coisas. O jogo simplesmente te solta em um mapa que é gerado aleatoriamente com inimigos ultra genéricos e fala: vai grindar. Qual a graça disso? Jogo de ficar farmando pra matar bosses terríveis de mal feitos, genéricos, inimigos ultra repetitivos, mapas tediosos.

It's a great game for playing for co-op. However, the boss design felt weaker than remnant 1(too easy/random aoe spam attacks). They tried doing more plot but it felt weak. The environment design also felt slightly weaker at times(One world looked pretty similar while investigation). The game also felt really short.

The general gunplay and shooting movement was fun tho.

i played it for a bit honestly had a blast kinda challenging

Czekałem na tę grę od kiedy tylko skończyłem jedynkę i nie zawiodłem się, jest wspaniała! Satysfakcjonujące strzelanie z wyskakującymi cyferkami, super wymagające walki z ciekawymi bossami, masa możliwych buildów postaci, których dobór znacząco wpływa na gameplay, mega poczucie odkrywania świata z wieloma sekretami, do tego pięknie wspomagane przez soundtrack, którego słucham również poza grą. Jedynkę przeszedłem najpierw w coopie, ale tak mi się spodobała, że potem jeszcze raz sam, dwójkę teraz na razie dwa razy sam, ale planuję za jakiś czas jeszcze w coopie i jak już wyjdą wszystkie dodatki to kupię season passa i przejdę sam JESZCZE RAZ. :D Tak mi się podoba! Plus wiem, że nawet teraz bez dodatków jest jeszcze parę bossów, których nie widziałem, kilka różnych eventów, postaci do napotkania itd, bo absolutnie nie da się tutaj zaliczyć wszystkiego co dobre za jednym podejściem. Dlatego mocno się tutaj przydaje Adventure Mode, w którym po przejściu raz danego świata (są 3) można sobie wygenerować jego skondensowaną wersję, ale ja na tyle lubię Remnanta, że mniej gry to dla mnie wada. ;) Choć w którymś momencie podejrzewam, że będę z tego korzystać dla platyny, bo RNG jest tu mocne i dzięki trybie przygodowym gdy się okaże, że na końcu dostaliśmy nie tego bossa co trzeba "stracimy" tylko 2h zamiast 20. Z wad jak na mistrza czepialstwa przystało zrobiłem sobie cąłą listę pierdół, które czasami mnie irytowały, ale jako, że żadna nie była na tyle duża by obniżyć ocenę to nie będę przedłużał, żeby nie odstraszać. Tylko wspomnę, że technicznie i graficznie czasami jest średnio, a aktorsko bardzo nierówno, są tu zarówno głosy dobrze dopasowane i są takie, przy których komedie romantyczne Netflixa dla nastolatek wypadają jak oskarowe filmy. Największym minusem dla mnie jest fabuła, bo o ile niektóre napotkane postacie, ich lore i pomysły na bossów są super, tak nie składa się to w jedną całość i gdy np. wchodzi cutscenka związana z głównym wątkiem albo gadamy z ludźmi z tego naszego obozu to jest to okropnie nieciekawe i słabiutko wyreżyserowane. I przez to od początku gry, gdzie jest tutorial i dużo paplania z tymi nudnymi facjatami wiele osób może się odbić, a nie wiedzą co tracą. Moim zdaniem jedną z najlepszych gier 2023r (a na pewno najlepszą z tych co dotąd grałem).

This review contains spoilers

Love the procedural dungeons especially Losom. Game ran kinda poopy tho.

It was fun, hit the cube boss and got turned off

pure questo con umbe ho giocato, bello

An okay-ish experience if you like the souls formula. It has good sides, it looks great, feel pretty good to play, the feedback is ok, but damn this is a flawed game. The story is paced terribly and lacks any good character. The dodge roll is kinda bad, which is a shame for a souls like. It's kinda cool to see a lot of different worlds BUT the game lacks a lot of consistency. But it's kinda fun with a friend, just not as fun as I thought it would be.

Por ahora no le pongo nota, porque no he jugado lo suficiente, pero el juego tiene las cosas buenas del primero, y sigue siendo igual de dinteresan jugando en Coop

Will play it when I find a friend who is willing to play it with me

um dos co-op mais divertidos que já joguei na minha vida. basicamente um Destiny com Dark Souls 3. por mais que a história principal seja meio meh, os mundos são MUITO maneiros. todas as quests são massa demais e a dublagem é muito foda. esse jogo tem uns bosses INCRÍVEIS cara, muito refrescante ver algo assim nesse gênero que muitas vezes se condena à repetição do genérico (soulslike).

única parte triste foi que zerei na Game Pass e acabei me amaldiçoando com precisar dar dinheiro pra Microsoft se no futuro eu quiser fazer um NG+. também, ter um personagem no seu jogo chamado Ford não ajuda muito quem faz história a não lembrar do filho da puta do Henry Ford. sabia que ele que publicou Judeu Internacional nos EUA? pqp.

ainda tô xingando o último boss.

Apparently I played this game for 150 hours. I do not remember doing so. I hope I enjoyed my time spent with it???


The gun and feels of the gameplay was really fun and i enjoyed it a lot but thats it. Enemy spam is so over the top and the game feels way too unfair most of the time.

Game has a very good potential. As a shooter soulslike, it has some really interesting ideas and the execution is also solid.
However, it feels like it was made to be played coop.
Single player experience is just not that great.

The strongest part of the game is the amount and variety of puzzles and elaborate secrets. The gunplay is good too but the low enemy variety and mostly underwhelming boss design means I'm always never looking forward to combat in the first place.

Some aspects of character building are pretty fun (weapon/skill loadouts), most others are typical "3.157% extra lightning damage on a wednesday" fodder. I really wish I understood why people talk about build variety or how this game is fun for hundreds of hours because making a meaningfully distinct build just feels like trying to scoop dry sand up into a tower.

The writing was a big letdown too. The world-hopping premise is cool as first but as I started realising it's headed towards the most cliché reveal possible for this kind of setting I lost interest rapidly. Layering really grating "sooo yeah that just happened"-tier quips from nearly every character on top of that really didn't work for me either.

Co-op run was fun. We had a glitch on the final boss which had us get stuck under the map but we could still hit the boss while it couldn't hit us.

The first Remnant was a sleeper hit for me, so when this one came to Game Pass I was eager to check it out. Having finished it, though, I'm left disappointed. Playing Remnant II is like returning to a treasured memory, only to find reality doesn't live up to your expectations.

I will say that the game looks good and feels great to play. Unreal Engine 5 delivers the graphical goods (even on my Series S), shooting feels weighty, and dodge rolling never gets old. Another area the sequel improves is the bosses. Whereas the first game's bosses usually relied on unleashing hordes of minions to keep you occupied, the bosses in this one have more creative tricks up their sleeves.

Where the game falls short is in vibe. While the original Remnant wasn't consistently brilliant in this regard, it had a lot of imagery that stuck with me: The oppressive, rain-drenched tutorial, the decrepit ruins of Earth, the endless dunes of Rhom, and so on.

Remnant II, on the other hand, feels more forgettable. Losomn is a tribute to Resident Evil 4 that's so on the nose it feels like a borderline parody. Yaesha is back but it was never one of my favorite areas to begin with. And N'Erud is superficially similar to Rhom, but with a dense layer of fog that smothers the Dune vibes.

It doesn't help that the story continues from the first game's DLC, which I never played. The original Remnant didn't have a strong story either, but at least the protagonist had a sense of purpose. Remnant II, by contrast, feels like a series of fetch quests. The game explains why I'm exploring all these worlds, but the motivation is vague at best.

There are also all sorts of new class and equipment systems that are a mixed bag. While I appreciate all the build flexibility, I don't like that there are few permanent benefits from leveling up each class. After reaching level 10 in my primary class and the secondary class I acquired early in the game, I wanted to try a new secondary class. But switching from a Level 10 class to a Level 1 class was a huge downgrade, and I was near the end of the game with little incentive to grind. I suppose if you're looking for that Diablo-like grind you might not mind this, but for me it didn't hit right.

Is Remnant II worth your time, then? The long and the short of it is that if you enjoyed the first Remnant, you'll probably find some entertainment in this one as well. Just be sure to come in with measured expectations and you won't end up feeling disappointed like I did.