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bedroom was my fav of the banned footage dlc

Two decently interesting DLCs bundled into one.

Nightmare is basically a survival mode that the game seems to intend for you to play a lot in order to get as many points as possible to unlock more stuff. It's neat, but it didn't grab my attention for that long. I didn't see much reason to go through it again after reaching the end of night 5 for the first time.

Bedroom is far more interesting, and a lot shorter. It just focuses entirely on puzzle solving, which was one of my favorite aspects of the main game. Except on top of that, you have to undo certain aspects of the puzzles you solved in order to keep your captor in the dark, a unique and pretty well done idea. My only issue with this one is that there's a few hurdles that don't really make that much sense to me, I think they could have been explained a little better. Still though, easily the best part of this bundle.

Overall, an okay DLC bundle that does what it sets out to do, just don't expect anything too substantial from this.

A neat compilation of "unseen footage" that consists of a Survival Minigame and a Bedroom Puzzle with a bit of nuance to it. Not essential, but the survival minigame is fun!

Uma dlc curta que acrescenta MT na atmosfera do jogo original. É maravilhoso.

I had an alright time with this. I thought Bedroom was neat but I didn't love the other modes. Overall, I had some fun but it wasn't the best part of the entire package.

The Banned Footage DLC of Resident Evil 7 offered new modes and minigames, making it the most varied of any Resident Evil game.

Nightmare: Survive waves of enemies while upgrading weapons and other equipment by collecting scrap metal. It was fun for a couple of hours.
Bedroom: An escape room with the added threat of Marguerite. Tense, puzzle heavy, and one of my favourites.
Ethan Must Die: Ultra difficult mode, the aim to reach Marguerite in the greenhouse and defeat her. I wasn't able to do it, but then I didn't put much time into it.

DLC que trouxe novas experiências, muito interessantes e diferentes, recomendo

So... this kinda sucked. It adds two mediocre survival modes and a fun escape room, but it has no checkpoints and it's kind of based on trial and error so of course it gets annoying. If you bought the base game and wanted to try the DLCs, definitely don't pay for this one.

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bedroom is silly nightmare can lick my hanging sack

Loved the variety of these add-ons, even though a lot of them were silly distractions. Hmm, maybe I liked them BECAUSE they were silly distractions? Bedroom kicks ass as this solid little escape room thing. And I had a good time pushing through Nightmare and Ethan Must Die.

bedroom is good, i liked it, was nice and puzzling
the other mode was kinda fun too, just didnt like that its kind of a grind, but meeh its fun
ethan must die is frustrating meh

bedroom heeeellla fun, rest didnt play

Nightmare/Night Terror are 100 times harder than Ethan Must Die and I will die on this hill. Anyway, this ain't bad! Nothing special but far better than that Ghost Survivor shit from Resident Evil 2 remake. Bedroom is the MVP - a taut, clever little puzzle-solver that had me genuinely stumped on multiple occasions (RE puzzles are finally back, baby!) though one which probably just should have been a video tape in the main game. Ethan Must Die is insanely fun for what it is, even though I'm almost never into these hyperspecific trial-and-error postgame asset flips - this one clicked with me for whatever reason. Nightmare is CoD Zombies but with only one map you've already seen in the campaign - it's competent and superficially diverting but as you'd imagine drains after a little bit, the weakest of the pack imo. More RE7 is never a bad thing but this is about what you'd expect.

Nightmare - I'm not a big fan of survival type games, but it was fun for a few playthroughs. The rewards you get after reaching certain score thresholds really encourage you to do just one more run and see how far you can get this time.

Bedroom - this was my favorite part of the dlc, but I'm also just a sucker for escape room puzzles. Having to restore the room to it's original state before your kidnapper returns is a neat twist.

Ethan Must Die - basically an ultra-difficult rougelike version of the main game. I gave it a go, but I just don't like how brutal it is on top of being luckbased.

Overall, I wasn't very impressed with this pack. That said, if either of the two survival type games interest you, it's worth picking up on sale.

Banned Footage Vol. 1 contains Nightmare, which is one of the most entertaining survival games I have ever played. Made much better with the terrifying atmosphere and the gameplay. Bedroom was, okay, it took me a while to figure out. And Ethan Must Die got pretty annoying, pretty quick.

Banned Footage Vol. 1 starts off Resident Evil 7's post-launch content support, and for me, it's a mixed bag. I quite liked Nightmare, the game's endless waves mode, as it was fairly challenging and the way the basement level would expand as you fought your way through and picked your upgrades wisely was fun, especially with Jack Baker occasionally chiming in to give your underwear a filling. Bedroom was a fun little puzzle box and solving it while under constant threat from Marguerite was tense and fun, but considering the puzzles are always set the same way it has absolutely zero replay value. It's good, but it's very much a one-and-done 20-minute experience. Ethan Must Die I'll admit to not putting much time into it, it's thoroughly not my thing and it doesn't seem others enjoy it much either. Overall, BFV1 is a perfectly fine pack of DLC that I'd recommend to big fans of the game, but I'd recommend it on sale unless you really want to get mileage out of EMD.

Not as good as End of Zoe (More like Peak of Zoe)


Nightmare: A wave type minigame — done better in other games for sure, but nonetheless a fun and engaging piece of content. I like that there’s a decent amount of variety with the stuff you can unlock on each subsequent run; although they could’ve done a better job with enemy variety, like for example having some of the bosses be randomized at the end of each round, which would've added some replay value. It was also a missed opportunity not having Ethan be the character you play as; it could’ve worked way better thematically. Pretty good though. 3/5

Bedroom: This one’s a creepy puzzle minigame, where your objective is to escape the confines of a bedroom while making sure Marguerite doesn’t suspect anything. Unlike Nightmare, this doesn’t have any replay value at all, as it’s partially based on trial and error — same as Ethan Must Die. It’s pretty good for a one-time playthrough, not much else is here though. 3/5

Ethan Must Die: Okay fuck this one. It’s a stupid, boring, exhausting, tedious, luck-based piece of shit. I realized this wasn’t my thing during my second run, so I just immediately looked up a guide to complete it; I could not be bothered spending hours learning the route, enemy spawns, bomb locations, traps, etc. It’s too much. If you’re gonna try and make a rougelike minigame, you have to make it feel fair and rewarding, two things this one completely missed the mark on. 1/5

DLC's - Ranked
2017 - Ranked

Nightmare - Fun if you like the gunplay and actions parts of RE 7. I did not.

Bedroom - Good shit.

Ethan Must Die - lol

La primera oleada de DLCs del título nos ofrece tres nuevos modos de juego en donde podemos encontrar algo para todos los gustos. En Nightmare controlamos a Clancy, el camarógrafo que tuvo el primer encuentro con la familia Baker; en un minijuego que se basa en sobrevivir oleadas de enemigos por un tiempo determinado, haciendo énfasis en la acción y el manejo adecuado de recursos y municiones sin agregar nada relevante a la trama principal. Bedroom por otro lado, nos permite controlar nuevamente a Clancy momentos antes de los sucesos ocurridos en Nightmare. Esta vez nuestra misión será guiarlo mientras trata de escapar de las garras de Marguerite. Más enfocado en la resolución de acertijos y en la atmósfera, más acorde a lo que se plantea en el juego base. Por último, está el modo Ethan Must Die, que básicamente es un minijuego con una dificultad elevada en donde controlamos a Ethan y se nos dan ciertos objetivos para avanzar. Un primer paquete con gran variedad y muy buena calidad.

Neat little collection of vignette games to hang out more in that world.

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Nightmare - Solid, enjoyable wave-defense mode where you follow the first of Clancy's three DLC adventures in trying to survive the Baker family. You get scrap at the end of each of the 5 waves, as well as from the compactors that passively generate it up to a cap of 1000, and use weapons, ammo, and environmental hazards to survive tons of Molded and Jack. Overall pretty fun, if a bit repetitive. 7/10

Bedroom - An escape room puzzle, you (again) play as Clancy trying to escape the clutches of Marge, who is elated to make you "part of the family". The tension the room organization mechanics add are a ton of fun. Basically, there are certain things in the room that can be moved and replaced, and when certain actions are completed that generate noise, Marge will return in a short period (denoted by a timer on screen), and you have to reorganize the room before she comes back. When she gets back, she'll always act like she can tell something is off, but will only attack Clancy if she actually sees something moved. It's terrifying, tense, fun, and the feel of just doing one long RE puzzle is great, 9/10

Ethan Must Die - Still haven't finished this one, and I won't really rate it since I'm more concerned with the actual story DLC. A fun, albeit wild as fuck, roguelike gamemode where most attacks can instantly or can almost kill you. Overall a good time, even if it is insanely difficult.

Nightmare is a decent lil horde mode, Bedroom was a pretty fun escape room and Ethan Must Die was addictive but brutal roguelike, overal worth a try but doubt I'll bother trying to beat the 2 survival ones

Decent add ons, the survival mode isn't really my thing but will be fun for some and Ethan Must Die is just loads of hardcore bullshit, but the escape room mode was quite fun

bedroom is kinda good
i don't see why i'd play nightmare when better similar modes exist in other games
lol @ ethan must die shit's too much.