Reviews from

in the past

- The 3D gimmick is alright but really adds nothing to the game.
- It is a serviceable game all around, from its plot, writing, music and gameplay elements.
- Not really memorable for an RE game but it being on the 3DS and portable makes it fun enough to play on the go.

tem o chris
tem a jill
a jill não é chata igual do remake, essa é a jill fofinha
lets punch some rocks my friend

A very nice Resident Evil on the 3DS. Recently found out that it has a PS3 port but didn't play that one yet.

Fantastic setting. However it still retains some of the nonsense that plagued the other bad games.

i don't know why, but this game just feels like trash to me
encountered some bugs in the pc version
the controls just look totally stiff too
does not seem interesting at all to me

Excellent game in the franchise, dynamic and attractive, with just the right amount of action and suspense.

This review contains spoilers

personagens totalmente esqueciveis e chatos (menos os dois principais: chris e jill), mas esse jogo é muito bom! O ponto alto eh a ambientação do queen zenobia. A soundtrack também é perfeita, história também e na minha opinião o melhor boss da franquia eh o Jack Norman! Um ponto meio chatinho são os flashbacks de terragrigia, de tanto aparecer fica algo maçante e chato.

I was so surprised how much I enjoyed a 3DS RE game, though I prefer the controls and up rezzed visuals of the HD remaster I think everyone who has a 3DS should try this

Mi primer acercamiento a Resident Evil. Es una muy buena experiencia que exprime al máximo las capacidades de la 3DS, destacable en gameplay, gráficos, ambientación, trama y doblaje al español ("Mayday! Mayday! Aquí el Queen Zenovia, llamen a emergencias!")

Conserva elementos del gameplay enfocado a la acción del 4 en adelante, volviendo al enfoque en el terror que ofrecían los primeros Resident Evil en ambientes claustrofobicos y sentimiento de fragilidad. Es un buen balance entre la primera y la segunda trilogía de juegos

La mayoría de defectos que encuentro son mínimos y comprensibles por la plataforma en que salió, siendo estos el constante reciclaje de modelos, el bajón de fluidez respecto a otros juegos al usar las puertas, y el último que no tiene justificación, la mecánica de esquive. Por lo que veo, la mayoría de usuarios, por no decir todos, tuvimos problemas con esta mecánica, generalmente nunca aprendiendo a usarla (consiste en avanzar hacia adelante justo antes de que llegue el ataque enemigo, pero casi nunca logré timearla bien. Me parece que el timing de los enemigos no coincide con sus animaciones de ataque, por lo que hay que aprenderse el timing de cada uno de memoria)

Revelations attempts to lean back into the horror of the first three games while trying to keep the action from 4 and 5 but it just fails at both. The game is not even slightly scary and the combat is totally bland with most enemies just being bullet sponges who give no feedback during combat. The story is also potentially the one of the most forgettable in the series. Also the gacha weapon mods system is really wacky and a genuinely decent idea that just doesn't fit this kind of game.

For a 3DS survival horror game I thoroughly enjoyed it (I'm not a Resi fan, this is the first one I've actually completed, I'm halfway through 4 and 5 rn).
Thought the story was interesting enough for me to complete and I enjoyed the characters. Characters were admittedly, like, flat? They had personality but it didn't feel like it was emphasized enough.
Gameplay was the fun part for me. I played on New 3DS with the c-stick for about halfway through before getting sick of it being barely responsive and the default controls feel great. I will admit it took me till the final boss of the game to learn how to dodge attacks.
Map was dumb. I liked going through the ship but it sucked how back and forth the game was with it's layout, every time there was a new environment I was genuinely excited because I got to get out of the damn ship environment.

But yeah, for what it was and given the console it was on, I enjoyed it.

It's pretty good but I got stuck halfway through

Joguei uma vez no 3ds e outra no xbox, gosto da experiência e da direção de arte. e principal de tudo. Jill e Chris<3

I didn't really know what to expect going into this game. I knew what the 2nd game was all about, so I expected something along those lines, but considering that this game was originally made exclusively for 3DS before it got ported to everything else, it's a really cool and great 3rd person action/horror game. Before I begin, for the record: I played on a NEW 3DS XL on normal mode, and it took me about 10 hours 20 minutes, deaths and all. I only used a guide to make sure I was fighting the final boss correctly (because he was a tough fucker).

The game is divided up into chapters, which act sort of like television episodes, even giving a "Previously, on Resident Evil Revelations" whenever you finish a chapter or start the campaign back up again. I don't think this game was even released episodically, so I have no idea why they did that really O.o . The story is pretty standard Resident Evil though. Lots of mysteries, betrayal, humanoid and animal zombie/mutants (they're very clearly mutants, almost in a Dead Space kind of way, but Jill even refers to them once as "zombies," at one point.) Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for a mystery, but it sucked me right in, even though not everything made total sense. I thought it was a good mystery, even though it does have a couple "really?" moments.

The chapters have you constantly hopping between Jill in the present, and other members of the BSAA either concurrently or flashbacks. Jill has persistent ammo levels, maps, and weapons mods and max-ammo expansions she can find. The weapon mods can be equipped into your weapons at benches, and added and removed at the benches whenever you want. They're stuff that makes your guns better, and the harder you look for them, the more powerful and unique ones you'll find (more damage, more rate of fire, more stopping power, more crits, fire more bullets with one trigger press, etc.). Also, if you look really hard, you can even find extra, more powerful guns. Though not necessarily always more powerful. Usually just balanced in a different way. The other BSAA agents are just one-offs though. Even if you pick back up with them at a later time, their ammo and items will be reset. It's pretty fun, regardless and serves to keep the pacing up and the environments fresh.

The gameplay is a 3rd person shooter horror experience. I hesitate to call it "survival horror," because the original games really had an emphasis on conserving ammo and picking and choosing your battles, where this game really doesn't. I blasted everything I came across in the face, and I usually didn't have any trouble running out of ammo. Though the threat of running out of ammo was always there, especially at boss fights. Those things really drain your reserves, in traditional RE fashion. There are a couple of points where its feasible to dodge past an enemy or physically go around him, but the ship you're on has tons of really narrow hallways, and the enemies are right fat fuckers, so usually scooting past them isn't possible. There's also no run mechanic, so you're a right slow bastard. There is a dodge mechanic, but it's total wank. I only ever did it by accident.

This brings me to the controls. Though I had a very fun time, my NEW 3DS XL was constantly fighting back at me. The 2nd joystick just isn't very intuitive to use. Sometimes it's like a D-pad where you just push it down a certain area, and other times you gotta jam it with your nail just to make your fat self turn, especially in the under-water parts. I had a lot of issues realted to aiming, but you should KEEP IN MIND: I never even tried to use the other control methods. Given the litany of positive reviews this got when it came out, which was before the NEW 3DS, I have to imagine that that method might be a bit better. The console versions are slightly different, so if you insist on playing it on a 3DS, I think that an original 3DS with a Circle Pad Pro would be the optimal way to do it, though that is only a guess, as I do not have one.

Finally on the graphics and presentation. In a word: Amazing! For a 3DS game, this has SO much voice acting and FANTASTIC music. The final boss theme and credits theme especially were really ear-catching. The cutscenes are in a fairly low resolution, but still look pretty good. The in game models though, even on the bigger XL screen, look great. They look almost like a PS2 or a Gamecube game they're so good. This has to be one of the best looking games on 3DS, even now.

Verdict: Highly recommended. If you want a seriously different experience from the normal 3DS game, this is your ticket. It's a fantastic 3rd-person shooter, and control gripes aside, I was still loving the crap out of it. I'm thinking of even buying the Wii U version just because I wanna see the game in HD (and play Raid Mode with a friend, which I have not tried yet).

Note: I played the console port version of Resident Evil Revelations. I’ve never touched the game on the Nintendo DS beforehand. This is a review of the campaign. I’ve not tried out Raid mode after I finished this game.

Resident Evil Revelations. First released on the Nintendo DS console in 2012, the game itself was mostly a commercial success and was positively received. In 2013 Capcom ported the game into the 360 and PS3 and in 2017 for the PS4 and Xbox One.

I’ve mostly played all of the main line Resident Evil games and it they were mostly a positive from the Ogs to the remakes the games are still mostly well done (Except for RE0, fuck that shit) I decided to take a look into its spin-off title and surprisingly. I found it very decent at best.

The game has you in the pits of different perspectives from Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. Followed with new partners Parker Luciani and Jessica Sherawat. Who’re investigating an abandoned boat dubbed Queen Zenobia investigating of a terrorist group dubbed “II Veltro” as you uncover of a new virus dubbed the “T-Abyss” which transforms people into grotesque fish monsters. The game follows quite a lot of Resident Evil plotlines, bioterrorism, conspiracies, some plot twists etc. The story is pretty straightforward with its premise and while it doesn’t have a lot of depth. I did find some of the new characters very enjoyable. Jackass and Grinder were my favorite of the characters and I wished they had more screen-time.

I found the new characters to be very underrated and I think they need some love. But outside of that, you can expect a B-movie type plot from a Resident Evil game.

The gameplay is mostly third-person, following the trend of the modern Resident Evil video games. Most of its combat has mostly shooting and if enough damage. Can perform a melee attack. I never once had any problems with ammo as it never felt scarce to find. Half the time, most of the sections in each episode can be beaten in a few minutes. This maybe the easiest game to get S-ranks as I died a few times. One of the newest features is the ability to scan items. This will allow you to find hidden ammo and handprints for all the completionist type.

The Scan is maybe the most useless feature as I found myself hardly ever using it. Unless I was low on health by scanning enemies either dead or alive. Scanning them alive gives you a boost in percentage and dead ones only by 1%. All it ever did was give me health, instead of giving me things like key info on potential weak points or information on the monsters.
The Scan mechanic is not a very useful feature at all, and it’s best ignored. I think they could’ve utilized it more, rather than have it as an afterthought. The guns are pretty much standard fair, shotguns, pistols, assault rifles and a sniper rifle which carried me throughout the entire game. Exploring the boat does give you upgrades that you can use to increase the damage each weapon does. My sniper rifle as I mentioned was so OP that I winded up one-shotting enemies with like two or five hits.

Exploring is always satisfying though I dunno if I could call this a survival horror game as it lacks a lot of scares but makes up for it with a decent atmosphere. Some sections in the game require you to go underwater and I’ve never felt any sense of danger. During the final episode of the game, I couldn’t use any weapons and was one-shotted by these blob-like enemies that devour you if you get to close them. The same enemies you fight in the beginning of the game but are hardly ever seen again.

I think there could’ve been waaaaaay more sections like that which can have some engaging horror. Watching your oxygen levels and avoiding some nasty mutant fish monsters. But they’re very short-lived and never gave me a sense of danger. I’d say this game has the most self-destruct sequences which usually in RE fashion are at the end. I’ve encountered mostly three and are very easy if you know how to manage your ammo and crowd control your way into things.

Outside of scanning, there is a dodge-mechanic you can use. This one had me confused because it worked at random occurrences or just didn’t work at all. I found myself just doing a 360-turn and running to the side. Like traditional fashion. Most of the enemies are pretty easy even the hunters were a bit of a joke during the Parker sections of the game. While they’re still tanks, I mowed them down with my assault rifle and even my pistol did quite a lot of damage. The enemy designs are mostly very appealing Resident Evil’s monster designs never get old.
The bosses however aren’t so much. I found most of them to be easy. It’s simply more of the lines of. “shoot it until it dies”, type thing or shoot at its weak point marked in orange.
There is some creativity with some of them but two of them are fought via in turret sections. The one boss you fight which becomes a enemy later in the food aisle was pretty tight but I was mostly bombarded with enemies until I killed it and finished some of them off with very little health to find. The final boss is the best one to me in terms of creativity.

The game is mostly decent and while it doesn’t add anything new to the table it is a pretty solid game. Its mostly a C- as in its playable, but very short and a little too easy.

Played this game in 2012 on my 3DS and this is where my RE journey began. For a person who is not a fan of Zombie genre, likes setting and tension in horror games and not a big fan on action, this one was quite good. On 3DS the ghost ship was creepy, enemies crawled ot from different spots and controls were decent (for 3DS). From this point I decided that I will give series a chance.

tem alguns bons momentos mas no geral é bem qualquer coisa, os controles são wonky e a jill perdeu toda a personalidade em raccoon city

Everyone on this development team was incredibly horny

Um dos meus favoritos, ficando, quem sabe, atrás somente do 4

I still have that case that says "REVELAITONS" on the side, funniest shit I've ever seen

Quem diria que o jogo que eu joguei num portátil consegue ser melhor que dois jogos de alto orçamento dos consoles de mesa (5 e 6). A gameplay não é lotada de mecânicas, nem simples demais, tá num equilíbrio bem bom. A história é surpreendentemente bem elaborada e com reviravoltas a todo momento, te deixando instigado sempre a cada final de capítulo. As boss fights são bacanas e a última foi digna de conclusão de jogo. É uma side story que vale muito a pena pros fãs da franquia que querem ver Jill e Chris numa aventura de qualidade.

Yea enjoyable and great comeback to oldschool Resident Evil!!

one of the most irrelevant games ever published (hyperbole of course, but this coming out many years after 4 is kinda sad), knows it's irrelevant so the plot is overlabored yet gleeful nonsense, the episodic structure basically only serves to give it nonsense cliffhangers, the digressions are unsatisfying both gameplay and narrative wise and force you to see the same environments all over again, but sometimes to very funny ends. the boss encounters are stupid, the main enemy types are just stupid too, dumb fucking game but the more it goes on for the more i get a sense of weird admiration towards its dedication to mediocrity. all in all it's playable and you can do worse on the 3ds (like i did playing super monkey ball 3d) though also better (re: mercs 3d hahahaha). for its credit it has an atmosphere sometimes and it being set on a ship is cute, though the ship itself isn't anywhere near as well designed as the rpd or spencer etc

This blew my mind that it was released on 3DS. Stunning graphics and it was scary too.

"Revelations" is such a apt title for this one. It betrays what the devs at Capcom thought was cool and fun about Resident Evil at the time: watching the stinky onion of a conspiracy peel off layer by layer. No puzzles, no camp, no fun. Whoever told me this was an actual throwback lied. Scooby-Doo ass game.