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RoboCop: Rogue City was a great license game that had great first person shooting and a pretty solid story. Overall i give this game a 8/10

It is obvious that a lot of heart and soul went into making Robocop: Rogue City. This game nails the aesthetics and atmosphere of the first two movies. Thanks to Unreal Engine 5 the areas of this game look realistic and capture the style of desolate 80’s Sci-Fi Detroit perfectly. Advanced lighting and filter techniques make this look retro and modern at the same time. The same goes for frequent firefights with all kinds of bandits and robots. Partly destructible environments, over-the-top splatter and beautiful pyro effects also remind of the cult movies. Add the pushing original soundtrack and you have the perfect Robocop game, right? Unfortunately, the good points of my review end here. While Unreal Engine 5 is great for non-AAA development teams to make stunning environments, the same is not true for animation and character work. I have to admit, some of the major characters like Anne Lewis, Warren Reed and Robocop himself look rather good. But most minor characters don’t look good. It gets a lot worse with all the stiff animations. All of this wouldn’t be as big of a problem if Robocop: Rogue City concentrated on the rather fun, albeit dull and slow first-person-combat encounters. But with Rogue City the ambition was more: The developers wanted this to be a hub-based action-RPG with detective work and sidequests. And honestly, I was bored to tears with all the side activities, collectables, optional dialogue and “detective” work this game offers. Actually, there is no detective work, there is just following markers, holding down buttons and scanning areas. There are a lot of NPCs that offer dialogue with different outcomes depending on the player’s answers, but the writing isn’t good, the side characters are boring and the quests are just way too uninteresting. Then there are RPG elements like levelling up Robocop and his abilities which also feels pointless and unrewarding. There is even an unnecessarily complicated crafting system to enhance Robocop’s pistol.

Looking at the reception this game got, I know that I am in the minority. But in my opinion, the developers should have cut all the clutter from this game and concentrated on and improved the firefights. There was potential for a good and violent 6-8 hours romp here. But instead, I threw the towel after 8 hours of mostly boring busywork when I looked up a walkthrough and realised that I am not even at the halfway point. Games are just too long and bloated these days.

I'm not a Robocop fan, i've never even watched the movies, but the idea of playing as a slow tanky cyborg is awesome to me and i'm happy to say it delivered.

I enjoyed everything the game had to offer (gameplay/characters/hubs/missions/plot/etc) and i don't have any major complains.

I was able to run it perfectly in my outdated PC using the lowest settings, 0 frame drops and fast loading times. I did experience two crashes but luckly the game autosaves all the time so i didn't lose any progress.

If you're like me and haven't watched Robocop yet, don't worry, while i'm sure being a fan of the movies enhanches the experience you can enjoy this game just fine if you haven't. In fact, it's thanks to this game that i'm interested in watching them now.

Didn't expect the budget Robocop game from 2023 to be so damn fun.

A real underdog story.

Really no reason for it to be this good. Made by Teyon, the same team behind the infamous Rambo videogame from 2013, kinda tie-in of a famous (dead) movie series and AA title. the recepit for disaster. but this is very very good. fun shooting with a lot of gore and destructable environment and good visuals (excluding the characters models that are... low budget indeed)

Um jogo relativamente simples e eficiente, gameplay é super satisfatória, e mesmo sendo um jogo limitado em muitos momentos é super convincente.

toda una carta de amor a las peliculas de los 80. Un buen uso del Unreal 5 y un gunplay de lo más divertido. Una de las joyas ocultas del maravilloso año 2023

It's a bit generic, but it still feels satisfying to play it through to the end, and if you're a RoboCop fan, there's a lot to digest and enjoy.

RoboCop has good graphics, but the weird characters give it an indie vibe, possibly due to the Unreal Engine. Shooting is fun at first, but it gets boring because the game feels repetitive. Most importantly, it is not worth your $50.

Basic first person shooter. Great if you loved the movie.

Sempre fui um moleque que adorava o Robocop, tinha bonecos, via a série da Record, lembro de ver uma animação. Só depois de mais velho que fui ver que os filmes eram bem mais adultos e pesados, o que me fez adorar ainda mais. Fiquei com um pé atrás quando vi que esse game foi desenvolvido pela mesma empresa responsável por aquela maravilha dos videojogos chamada Rambo: The Video Game. Mas acabei dando uma chance mesmo assim. E me surpreendi.

Robocop Rogue City não é um game maravilhoso, mas ele cumpre o que se propõe a fazer e muito bem. O game capta bem a atmosfera dos filmes com o visual futurista da década de 80, o gore característico do filme tá lá e é absurdamente gráfico. Os personagens, a história e suas temáticas. E a performance do Peter Weller como Robocop é sensacional. Tu sempre quer ir vendo como a história se desenvolve e, conforme tu vai comprando upgrades, fuzilar bandidos e robôs folgados se torna ainda mais divertido. Principalmente quando tuas habilidades tão fortes e tu consegue mais força de disparo e blindagem pro Robocop.

Mas o jogo tem sim seus problemas. Embora o gráfico seja bem bonito, não consigo sentir que esse seja um game da geração atual. Em diversos pontos ele me parece mais um game que teria saído pro PS3 lá em 2008. A mira é meio travadona, várias coisas não reagem aos tiros e aos impactos, os inimigos, mesmo os humanos, são esponjas de bala que precisam levar mais de 10 tiros pra morrer. E diversas vezes eu vi uns delays de render, cenário flickando e mais de uma vez as legendas, que estavam em português, se embananavam e ficava o diálogo em português e a seleção de respostas em inglês.

Apesar de todos esses bugs, consegui me divertir bastante. Porque de fato o game é sim divertido, oferece uma história bacana com toda a pompa e glória de uma boa franquia dos anos 80 tanto nos visuais, quanto nos personagens e com um gore pra ninguém botar defeito. Não acho que ele valha o preço, mas com certeza numa promoção ou se sair na PS Plus ou Game Pass da vida, vale sim uma zerada descompromissada.

Enjoying lighthearted schizo gameplay; also likes Robocop.

A faithful love letter to an iconic 80’s franchise. Playing as a slow tank robot never felt so good. The story is an amazing sequel to Robocop 1 and 2 and respects the source material and characters immensely. The only issues I felt were some enemy types being very frustrating to play against like the snipers, some skills in the skill tree never really showing any value to the core gameplay which is 80% combat, and a crash during the final boss.

This was a lot of fun. I'm just echoing most people's thoughts at this point by saying it's probably the best 7/10 we've had for a long time, and despite it being a pretty mid-tier game, it's more entertaining than a lot of the AAA stuff I've played over the last few years.

After playing Terminator Resistance, and dropping off it, I wasn't too sure what I'd get from this, but it turns out it was a much better laid out experience. Little hub areas with a few side quests and a lot of that trademark dark humour. I had a good time. There was quite the difficulty spike here and there, and occasionally it felt like the story was dragging out a bit, but for the most part it's a good time. According to my xbox I played approximately 20hrs. I only started this 3 days ago, so I guess that goes to show how much of a good time I've had.

As an aside, I watched the RoboDoc series as well, and it makes an excellent companion piece. There's a lot of behind the scenes and pre production references dotted throughout the script, with some things being mentioned in side quests, some environmental nods, and various other little tidbits. It made for a neater experience and probably made me appreciate the game a bit more. The effort gone into recreating locations and characters is pretty incredible considering its hardly a AAA title. It's probably one of the better licensed games I've played for a good while, too.

If you like RoboCop, give this a go.

Crazy to think that one of the best games from the year of our Lord, 2023, was a licensed Robocop video game.

kill people, and then being a cop. its just so fun. it lands that balance between doing average cop stuff like giving parking tickets to poorly parked cars and letting a teenager go of with a warning, and popping someone's skull open with your bare hands. you have all of these shooters going all out with the movement while robocop just sits you down and makes you and unbeatable machine that slowly kills everyone in the most brutal way possible.

Malgré un début laborieux, le jeu devient vraiment intéressant au bout d'une heure ou deux de jeu. L'histoire est étonnamment profonde avec des choix qui ont de réels impacts, les missions sont diversifiées et immersives, et les quêtes secondaire également, elles aident vraiment à donner l'impression de faire partie d'une unité de Police unie.

La vraie bête noire du jeu c'est les performances qui laissent vraiment à désirer qu'importe la qualité choisie sur une config pourtant très solide.

Normalito el juego, tiene mecanicas muy buenas pero algunas veces se hace tedioso de jugar por lo repetitivo

good for brain dead gaming, it was fun like VAnquished.

Very fun, deliciously brutal and occasionally touching, but drags on a bit.

I would, and did, buy this for several dollars (euros).

Is this the first movie tie-in game to elevate its source material?

Rogue City is the ideal AA game and will be pointed at for years for people looking for a more sane direction for the industry. Every single compromise deriving from a smaller budget comes with greater payoffs.

You shoot (mostly with your pistol), punch, and throw shit. You're a one man wrecking crew and it feels like it, but the tug between man and something less than that is everpresent as the core story beat. It's a struggle over whether robocop will succumb to the easy pitfalls of law & order fascism in a society that no longer functions for anyone but the powerful, or wield their power as a liberator and become more human even if it involves greater pain and sacrifice.

It's a far more convincing simulator of the character than any superhero game I've played, and it was already a tougher job to pull off.

НИ-ХУ-Я, вот просто, НИ-ХУ-Я

O mais surpreendente deste game é o fato de ter sido desenvolvido pelos mesmos dev do glorioso Rambo The Video Game, porém diferente de Rambo este game é uma grata surpresa, não sou um antigo fã de Robocop mas quando li relatos sobre o jogo me despertou interesse e fui atrás dos filmes, que por sinal são incríveis. Eu não tive o fator nostalgia, mas foi muito bom rever os mesmos rostos no jogo, imagino para quem viu isso anos atrás, deve ser uma ótima sensação.

O game possui um enredo interessante, é uma boa história, não acho que seja no nível dos filmes porém entretém muito bem, as vozes são boas o que peca bastante é na captura de movimentos, os personagens não tem expressões é todo mundo "Robocop" mas as vozes conseguem dar uma vida.

A gameplay é dura, tu é o ROBOCOP e pra min esse foi o principal acerto, tu é pesado e extremamente resistente, um tanque de guerra com um canhão na mão, não existe recoil é muito divertido a perspectiva que o game te dá, a brutalidade dos tiros é animal é prazeroso, tem umas habilidades de mais resistência, dash, stun entre outras coisas porém o mais legal é andar e atirar divertidíssimo, joguei no hard e não achei difícil, as maiores dificuldades que tive é em relação ponto negativo, o jogo ele perde o tempo de acabar, ele tem um sistema de mundos semi abertos com algumas side, que não são legais e isso vai prolongando a experiência e entra na questão de perda de time, quando acha que acabou ele extende ainda mais e fica cansativo e repetitivo, eu recomendaria ignorar os extra pq não são nada demais e tu foca no acerto que é a campanha principal. Grata surpresa, tem suas falhas mas em geral gostei bastante.

"Platina" fácil para quem gosta...

pretty good but extremely repetitive so far :/

I was so happy this game wasn't ass

Partant du principe que ce jeu ait été développé par un petit studio (Teyon), Robocop : Rogue City s’en tire selon moi avec les honneurs. En effet l’univers est fidèlement respecté et le style FPS convient parfaitement à celui-ci. La lourdeur de Robocop dans nos déplacements, le bruit assourdissant de ces pas ainsi que le fait de ne pas pouvoir s’accroupir même durant les multiples fusillades nous immerge totalement dans la peau de ce personnage mi homme mi machine. Le scénario est digne des films originaux et la durée de vie est tout à fait adéquate pour ce qu’il y a à raconter. Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas nier le fait que le jeu souffre de nombreux bugs, d’un framerate inconstant et et même de temps de chargements pour ouvrir de simples portes… Malgré tout cela, j’ai quand même passé un bon moment devant ce jeu, on a l’impression de voir parfois un ancien jeu mais un ancien jeu qu’on avait bien aimé. N’est pas là le plus important ? Voir une suite (améliorée) à ce jeu ne me dérangerait pas.