Reviews from

in the past

Debe ser la mejor sátira metavideojueguil sobre la fantasía de poder. Parte de algo muy continuista con respecto a su predecesor, pero gradualmente altera la experiencia hasta convertirse en algo completamente superior.

Good for a week of mindless fun and a few good chuckles. I'd venture to say the last good Saints Row game made.

Just dumb fun, co-op is pretty good.

If this is what it takes to get Independence Day'd, then make me a US president.

Man, this game is just so much fun. Even if I don't think all the humor lands, and some missions are a bore, overall this is just such a fun game to play.

It's like Saints Row 3 but with superpowers. The dialogue is cringey but I played without audio most of the time. It can be fun to turn your brain off and mess around. But in reality, it's really repetitive. The game even does the meta thing where it's telling you that missions are just fluff to extend the game length. The side missions are literally just completing the overworld minigames 90% of the time. Pick up for free or on a deep sale.

ah yes my favorite genre of video game, superpower and dildo swords

Yes it may have put the nail in the coffin for the franchise, but at least it's fun.

this is the best crackdown game ever made

O jogo mais engraçado que já joguei kkkkkkkkk mto bom

J'aimerai bien le finir mais pas tout seul

Tiring, weak follow up to 3. Has its moments but once you've cleared most of the map and realize guns and vehicles are useless. The game becomes pretty dense

crazy and fun everything i needed

Pretty funny. I found saints row 3 to be a bit better than this entry.

I remember playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and enjoying the wacky comedy and uniqueness of the game. Before that the only saints row game I had played was Saints Row 2, which I loved playing. The reason I have ranked this 3.5 stars is due to its lack of replayability. A lot of open world games allow for hours of endless fun, but SR4 lacks in that. After completing the main story you're left with a decent amount of activities to complete but even if you set out for all challenges as I did, you're left with about 10 hours of nothing to do until the 40 hour mark. That includes after the DLC. The game is fun but the platinum takes a lot of idling, so plan to watch a few movies or series in the background, or have another console at the ready, with the controller walking your character in one direction.

I can't even begin to fathom any sort of "story" element inside of this game. You literally cannot predict what happens next and any sort of continuity that the other SR games had is completely obliterated and thrown out the window, With that said this game is absolutely amazing.

Fully embracing the wacky, its chaotic nature is fun in the beginning, but it eventually loses its charm over time.

eu até gostava do jogo mas fui jogar de novo recentemente e percebi que ele eh ruim, :/

Very boring. Cringey tryhard humor. Feels very similar to Saints Row 3.

good game, garbage remaster

there was NO REASON for deep silver to push this one for the og owners of the game, other than pushing the epic games online bloatware on people,i mean, you can't even revert to the game you bought for (yes i know with steam console shenanigans it's possible, but at this point pirating the game is easier), so good luck trying to beat a single mission in this remaster without game randomly disconnecting, causing you to redo the mission over and over again, fuck

this game is so absurdly dumb i love it #fuckzinyak

Continued the same path that Saints Row 3 took in diverging from the franchise, but went bananas with it and the resulting game is a total chaotic mess that can be fun at times and at plenty of other times unfunny, annoying, confusing, or way over-the-top. It can feel pretty fun to run around and destroy everything, but it totally lacks any substance, even though the writing is very self-aware. Though I do love the included DLC that lets you summon Ashly, Anthony, and Papa Burch from "Hey Ash Whatcha Playin?".

Um sombra do The Third.

Saints Row 4 é um jogo divertido e engraçado de se jogar... pelas primeiras 4 ou 5 horas, depois disso você percebe o quanto o jogo é repetitivo e cheio de problemas de design. Pra mim esse jogo é nada mais q uma tentativa frustrada de ser metade do que o The Third foi, tentando renovar a formula trazendo super poderes e possibilidades a mais, mas quem disse que isso é bom? Basicamente, as inovações desse jogo deixaram certas coisas do jogo monótonas ou inúteis, a ponto de mais pra frente no jogo você sair limpando legiões de inimigos armados até os dentes só com um simples soco ou o fato de você voar que deixa basicamente 99% dos carros do jogo inuteis.

Como dito antes, esse jogo tenta ser uma melhoria na fórmula o The Third, mas falha miserávelmente. Jogo é legal, mas enjoa muito rápido por mais que ele te de inúmeras possibilidades e estilos de missões, mas isso não significa nada quando o seu jogo é só um filme do Michael Bay no qual você só sai destruindo coisas na base do soco sem nem ligar pra consequências ou sair voando por ai igual ao super homem.

Resumindo: divertido porém zero desafios e enjoativo.

Some neat improvements like the lighting looks nicer and so does the models.
Other than that there's not much changes in terms of gameplay and other things

Great superhero game. Not a good Saints Row game. But that's not what it was aiming to be. It did it's job at the time, but it's still fun to play.

Saints Row IV is the fourth entry in the Saints Row series, and the best way to describe it is as a shitpost game. What direction of the Saints go after becoming international celebrities? Well, American politicians of course. The Boss is now the President of the United States but unfortunately for him he and his whole cabinet get abducted by the evil alien Zinyak. The Boss now has to go through a simulation of Steelport with super powers, to bring down Zinyak and free all of his friends. The game plays similarly to Saints Row the Third but now includes super powers. These powers include blasts, super speed, and jumping which is a ton of fun to play but renders a lot of previous mechanics completely pointless like using vehicles or certain weapons which for some people definitely killed the game for them (with the complete disregard for a serious story.) I however feel like if you view this game as nothing more than a shitpost made by a group of devs having fun, It can be quite enjoyable. It's not as good as the first 3 entries for sure, but the amount of fun references, and fun super powers to play with make the game more than enough fun to give a try.