Reviews from

in the past

A mid game, but I recommend to play it on mobile. I didn't get challenged by playing on PC, and THE SAME GAME is on Apple Arcade

The difficulty is unbalanced, and very repetitive

Biggest reason I'm reviewing this is because apparently Warner Bros is taking this and every Adult Swim game down. Heartbreaking stuff, I had no idea this would not only be the last Adult Swim game but that it would end up delisted. I also don't understand the logic of delisting these games since they own the rights so it should just be extra money if anyone does buy it. Honestly copywrite laws need to change or something, a company shouldn't just be able to pull shit for no reason. Also I was hoping Adult Swim games would go back to publishing since they had a great track record of cool random games but that's certainly not going to happen now.

Moving on to the game itself. It's just fine. I could make up some shit about it being an underrated masterpiece but it's not. It's a very fun and simple hack n slash. Kind of a DMC like but a bit slower. The most enjoyment from the game comes from being a Samurai Jack fan. While my opinions on the final season are all over the place I think I've settled on being glad it exists so I'm glad this game does as well. It's nice seeing the world and characters in game form, and then being able to interact with that stuff in game. The game design also feel very PS2 era where devs would throw anything into the game to try and see if it was good. Overall I think if you're a Samurai Jack fan it's worth a playthrough, just make sure to get it before it delists.

The most important thing to say is that the game is canon in the brilliant animated series about Samurai Jack and takes place at the end of the last season. Well, it turned out well, but what’s original here is just the shell, a game for fans from the authors themselves. For those who like to collect everything they can on the map, there will be something to do, plus a secret canonical ending when collecting all 50 seals.

Самое главное что нужно сказать, игра является каноном в гениальном мультсериале про самурая Джека и происходит в конце последнего сезона. Чтож, получилось неплохо, но вот что оригинального тут, так это только оболочка, игра для фанатов от самих авторов. Для любителей собирать все что можно на карте будет чем заняться, плюс секретная каноничная концовка, при сборе всех 50 печатей.

güzel balşayıp güzel devam ediyor boss fight larıda fenadeğil
silah ceşitleride yeterli bence oyunun zorluğu dengesis
zorluk çokdengesis artıyor son 3 bölüme kadar oyunnun
zorluğunormal ama son kısımlarda çok apartılı olarak artıyo
bence oyun enbüyük eksis bu

Sooo I’m not sure what happened but I think I lost my save due to a bug. I’ve completed 3 levels, continued the next day and there was no option to continue or select a stage. I could only select new game even though the file icon showed my progress and the last level I played. I was hoping to select the stage I was in after selecting new game but that wiped out my entire progress. The game is not good enough to start from scratch again, especially if there’s a possibility I could lose my save at any point. Here are my impressions based on the 3 levels I completed.

It seemed okay but nothing mind blowing. I’m not familiar with the cartoon or the previous games. The story starts with a plot I’m not familiar with. The game is a hack and slasher similar to Ninja Gaiden but not as good. Still though, I was surprised by the responsive controls. I’m not a fan of the camera because it’s active on top of being able to control it manually. You can’t turn that off. The game does throw a lot of skills, moves and weapons at you early on. It feels lacking in balance and doesn’t have a good build up compared to other games. The stages are mostly simple and there are no real puzzles. There has been a good variety of enemies and different ways to beat them. There is also an upgrade system, a shop and being able to make your weapons stronger with the gold you find.

Samurai Jack looked like a decent time that is aimed at the fans. It doesn’t excel at anything in particular but there aren’t many games like it on Apple Arcade. It’s worth giving a try if you can do so on the cheap. The bug with the save is a serious issue though and I don’t know if you should give the game a try if you will encounter it like I did.

esse jogo podia ter sido tão bom...

Pretty fun devil may cry like. Be warn that it retcons the ending of the show if you liked the ending of the show.

Açıkçası küçükken izlediğim ve bende yeri olan bir çizgi dizi olduğu için başladım, o yüzden şans verdim. Lakin aşırı amatörce bir oyun oynamış ama oyunun haklarına sahip şirketler Adult Swim ve Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network'un de sahibi Warner Bros. Bu kadar büyük şirketlerin sahibi olduğu bir markanın bu kadar amatör bir işle yapılmış olması üzücü.

Oyunun iyi kısmı alternatif sonda çizgi diziye de bir alternatif son getirmiş olması. Bu alternatif sonu yapmak için oyunda çeşitli yerlerde toplanması gereken 50 adet Corrupted Emperor's Kamon var. Bunların hepsini toplayınca alternatif sona erişiliyor. İyi kısım alternatif son olması ve bu sonun iyi olması, kötü kısım bu sona eşya toplayarak ulaşmak. Aşırı saçma ve "basit". Zaten sürekli etraftaki fıçı, kutu vs. kırarak altın topluyoruz bunlar can sıkarken bir de böyle olması oyundan soğutuyor.

Çizimler, animasyonlar, senaryo, replikler aşırı amatörce ve cringe. Bir de neredeyse seslendirme yok oyunda. 2 saat olmadan bırakmak zorunda kaldım. Tek iyi yanı iyi bir alternatif sonu olması.

had potential but as is doesn't really stand out in any way and is kinda artificially long and repetitive for what it is, the legend of Korra game vibes

What a pleasant little surprise. This feels like a nice little throwback to old-school action games, and there's a lot of charm to it. Not the greatest thing ever created, but it's a fun time, especially if you're a Samurai Jack fan.

Lowkey completely forgot I had this game. It was pretty boring but maybe I just never got to any good parts. Might pick back up idk.

I had hopes for Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time. I thought that because the show is already over this wouldn't be a rushed tie-in game, and after throughly enjoying Adult Swim and Double Fine's game Headlander I believed Adult Swim Games was a decent company that knew what to look for to make games better than your average show or movie based video games. One of the ads for this game was the Samurai Jack creator Genndy Tartakovsky talking about how this game was so much better than the previous Samurai Jack game and it made me excited, but sadly to me this game is clunky and difficult to get through. Either this game was rushed or the developers need more practice at the craft. Or maybe I couldn't understand the game. I checked twitter. A lot of people are loving it.

The latest Samurai Jack game is a combo-breaker hack-n-slash, where you play as the titular Samurai Jack in a brand "new" adventure where just before Jack achieves his goal of traveling back to his present and defeating a less powerful Aku, Aku traps Jack in a timeless pocket dimension where he must face some of the greatest foes Jack has already faced. It's a very forced-in new plot but honestly it still fits the world of Jack. It's a weird fuckin' world.

SJ:BTT really just feels like a show recap, and a kinda bad one at that cuz half of the game is really just focused on the final season of Samurai Jack. I see twitter people praising the animation but honestly I think it's bad. Sure the character models themselves are on point, but you quickly realize that all the animation was done through motion capture suits and it starts to give me some real Sonic '06 vibes. The environments are large, open, and very bland. People say it's faithful to Genndy Tartakovsky's art, but that man LOVES lush environmental shots with pinpoint detail, especially in the last season.

The gameplay of SJ:BTT is meh. Now I could be wrong here. I'm not good at hack-n-slash games that need complex combos to get through enemies. I was definitely button mashing. I started on normal difficulty and eventually had to switch to easy mode, because for the life of me I can't figure out how to play this right. Eventually I unlocked a warhammer and then just relied on that to get me through the rest of the game. I heard the skill tree leads to better movement and easier mechanics, but if your hiding necessary moves to make the game fun in your upgrades I'm calling it bad game design.

Overall I think Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is just a very middling experience. I appreciate all the voice actors coming back for their characters and Genndy giving his blessing, but the game that's been released feels like it could've been so much better. It feels like a game that came out 2 generations too late.

Cara, esse jogo é uma mescla de partes boas com partes muito ruins. Eu realmente queria dar uma pontuação maior pra ele, mas simplesmente não tem como...

Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time é um Hack'n'Slash que se passa durante o último episódio do desenho Samurai Jack (que é muito bom aliás, assistam!), onde, em um evento separado do desenho, Aku lança Jack em um espaço-tempo paralelo onde ele deve passar por cenários alternativos que referenciam diferentes episódios do desenho. Quanto a parte de referências, o jogo é muito bom, puxando personagens, inimigos e informações de diferentes episódios de Samurai Jack - E um aviso já meio óbvio: O jogo contém diversos spoilers do desenho (literalmente o jogo começa com uma cena da conclusão da batalha final contra Aku)

Mas bem, seguindo para o jogo, Samurai Jack BTT parece ser uma versão beta de sí mesmo que estava quase pronta para ser lançada, porém os devs decidiram lançar ela mesmo assim, com diversos bugs e falta considerável de polimentos. Eu não estou exagerando quando digo que o boss final literalmente despawnou no meio da minha batalha contra ele. Sim, ele simplesmente SUMIU! Me obrigando a resetar a batalha... (isso sem falar que tinha vezes que a I.A do boss travava e ele ficava vários segundos paradinho só tomando porrada até finalmente lembrar que deveria estar lutando).

Os ataques de Jack tendem a ser lentos e desajeitados (melhorando um pouco com upgrades) com opções defensivas de dodge e parry. A movimentação do dodge algumas vezes fica presa no cenário do jogo, te impedindo de fugir de um combo inimigo, e o parry, por alguma razão, não vira automaticamente na direção dos inimigos, mesmo nos que você está com a mira travada - infelizmente não consegui identificar se ele funciona independente da direção que está apontando pois, nas vezes que eu testei, umas vezes funcionava, outras vezes eu tomava um tapão na cara. Falando em tapão, algumas vezes quando Jack toma dano ele passa por uma animação que impossibilita boa parte dos seu movimentos, o que é bem irritante mais a frente no jogo, quando uma horda de inimigos começa a te bater em combo em você não consegue fazer nada a não ser se preparar para o calamitoso abraço da morte.

Algo que eu preciso mencionar é quanto a câmera do jogo. Você pode atacar inimigos com a câmera travada ou destravada, mas ambas possuem desvantagens cruéis que começam a ser percebida melhor da metade do jogo para frente. Com a câmera destravada, você tem melhor visão, mas o Jack constantemente muda de alvo automaticamente para o que está mais perto, fazendo com que o combo que você iniciou em um inimigo mais perigoso pule para um inimigo mais fraco ao lado te deixando aberto para os ataques do inimigo mais forte. Com a câmera travada você consegue focar seus ataques em um inimigo só, mas você fica cego a tudo que não esteja a sua frente, e isso é fatal.

O jogo possui diferentes armas melee e ranged, porém, quanto as melees, achei boa parte delas lenta demais ou com uma área pouco efetiva de ataque frente a hordas de inimigos cada vez maiores e mais fortes - Acabei usando a espada do Jack (arma default do jogo) do começo ao fim. O jogo possui um sistema interessante de combos que varia de arma para arma, assim como uma skill tree dedicada a desbloquear mais combos, porém você meio que acaba utilizando apenas 2 a 5 desses combo por serem os que menos resultam em você ser atacado pelas costas enquanto faz eles. O jogo também possui diferentes itens para ajudar Jack em sua jornada (poções de vida, força, etc) porém, ao final da fase, cada item usado desconta a pontuação total feita na fase, então eu fui até a última fase do jogo sem usar item algum - o que eu não sei dizer se foi um erro ou não, sabendo o quão injustamente desequilibrada a última fase é. Não havia forma de passar a última fase sem apelar para os itens.

Quanto a parte artística: o gráfico é básico, mas suficientemente bonito para o jogo, os diálogos de boa parte dos NPC's que você encontra pelo caminho são bem pobres, há falta de animação em elementos secundários durante algumas cutscenes (como bonecos que parecem um PNG estático voando por aí) e a arte dos níveis é variante, sendo bem básica no começo do jogo mas ficando muito boa da metade pra frente. É quase como se você pudesse ver a evolução artística dos devs a cada fase nova em relação a fazer cenários.

Mas enfim, o jogo é divertido porém mediano, possui boas referencias ao desenho, mas sinceramente, se você é fã do desenho e tem interesse no jogo, acredito que a melhor opção seja assistir alguém jogando do que jogar ele em si. Mesmo que ele tenha partes bem divertidas, ele também sofre com bugs e falta de polimento que faz com que certas batalhas sejam bem desequilibradas e estressantes por questões muitas vezes fora ao controle do jogador.

Meh licensed game of one of my favorite series

Good and challenging and likely about to be delisted from online stores so get on it if you're an action game nerd

At the turn of the century, Genndy Tartakovsky had already cemented his status as cartoon superstar with the megahit of Dexter's Laboratory and co-developing the incredibly profitable Powerpuff Girls. After these successful ventures, he wanted to explore daring territory, a show that would be suspenseful, full of visceral action, some dark themes, and still retaining a tasteful amount of comedy on the mix. That show would be Samurai Jack. Much like our titular hero, we warp towards the future, just about 20 years. Adult Swim would present a long waited final season to the show without the usual restraints of children's programming all while still keeping the signature style it is recognized for. And then a video game based on these events is announced.

Battle Through Time is a 3D action game with a style that is considerably similar to the likes of Devil May Cry, with a skill tree, many kinds of weapons to choose from, and without a combo system. Alas, it is unfortunate that the variety of enemies you fight in this adaptation is pretty scarce, and there are plenty of features that only feel kind of basic when compared to the likes of many predecessors of the past couple decades.

So is it a bad game? Not really, in fact I would say it's easily the best video game ever made under this license, to which unfortunately it might not be a bar too high to pass. This was developed by Soleil, a Japanese studio that does handle plenty of licensed titles as well. They did do a pretty good job with this title, alas I suppose it is not absolutely stellar.

It simply could be much better, it turned out just above okay, I suppose.

-¡¡¡¡¡ AKU !!!! -
Fue buen juego basado en un serie, tiene buen estilo de combate y lindo diseño.
Tambien su historia es muy buena y se carga un final muy lindo y merecido para Jack que es canon :D

Su unico problema seria que su sistema de combate por ratos no se siente bien hecho y las peleas se sienten muy injustas.

Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time (2020): Grata sorpresa. Un juego breve y en apariencia sencillo e infantil, pero con un elaborado sistema de combate. Obviamente no es Bayonetta (nadie puede serlo), pero es muy disfrutable y entretenido. Recomendable si os gusta el género (7,05)

A surprise excellent Samurai Jack hack 'n slash and a great redemption to the lackluster finale! That secret ending (even if I didn't get it myself) is everything! As a big Samurai Jack fan this game is a wonderful trip through time and is 100% canon, enhancing the finale with what was lacking in it. It sucks the actual finale in 2017 wasn't so hot (I always felt Season 5 should've had 13 episodes like the rest instead of just 10) and that it took a game 3 years later to fix that but hey since we're here, what are you gonna do?

Pretty decent, had fun with it. I used the fist the entire game.

Peguei todos os Kamon. O problema deste jogo é que ele acaba.

Love this game not only does it feel like a genuine love letter to Samurai Jack but it also managed to do the impossible and deliver a way more satisfying ending then even the series had which was so awesome.

Esse jogo é o auge da gameplay daquela época áurea do Playstation 2, gráficos muito bonitos, algumas armas variadas, arvores de habilidades e roupa rasgando quando se leva dano kkkkk.
O ponto negativo e que alguns diálogos durante a gameplay são apenas textos e isso quebra um pouco da imersão (nas cutscenes todos possuem áudio), a historia pra mim que não conheço muito a animação começou um pouco confusa mas depois foi se ajeitando (não é um esplendor mas é bacana).
Acho que faltam jogos assim serem lançados com mais frequência, aventuras com hack and slash mais simples

Fun little game, had more depth than I was expecting but from ex Team Ninja staff I shouldn't have been so surprised.
Game is pretty brutal tho even on normal.

3-5 liseli öğrencinin toplanıp unity'den geliştirdiği oyun gibi amk

This game is a mix of good and very bad parts. I really wanted to give this game a higher score, but there's simply no way...

Samurai Jack Battle: Through Time is a Hack'n'Slash that takes place in the last episode of the Samurai Jack cartoon (which is really good by the way - Watch it!), where, in a separate event from the cartoon, Aku launches Jack into a parelel time-space where he must go through alternative scenarios that refer to different episodes of the show. As for the references, the game is very good at it, pulling characters, enemies and info from different episodes of Samurai Jack - And an already obvious warning: The game contains several spoilers from the cartoon (literally the game starts with a scene from the conclusion of the final battle against Aku)

But well, moving on to the game, Samurai Jack BTT seems to be a beta version of itself that was almost ready to be released, however the devs decided to release it anyway, with several bugs and considerable lack of polish. I'm not kidding when I say that the final boss literally despawned at the middle of my battle with him. Yes, he just DISAPPEARED! Forcing me to reset the battle... (not to mention that there were times when the boss AI would crash and he would stay still for several seconds just getting beaten up until he finally remembers that he was supposed to be fighting).

Jack's attacks tend to be slow and clumsy (it can be improved a bit with upgrades) with defensive options to dodge and parry. The dodge's movement sometimes gets stuck in the terrain, preventing you from evading an enemy combo, and the parry, for some reason, doesn't automatically turn towards enemies, even the ones you're locked on - unfortunately I was not able to identify if it works regardless of the direction it is pointing because, when I tested it, sometimes it worked, other times I got slapped in the face. Speaking of being slapped, sometimes when Jack takes damage he goes through an animation that prevents you from doing any those actions, which is very annoying later in the game, when a horde of enemies starts hitting you in combo and you can't do anything other than prepare for the calamitous embrace of death.

Something I must speak of is the game camera. You can attack enemies with a locked or free camera, but both have cruel disadvantages that start to be better noticed from the mid game onwards. With the free camera, you have a better view, but Jack constantly auto switch target to the closest enemy, causing the combo you starded on a more dangerous enemy to jump to a weaker enemy next to it, leaving you open to the strongest enemy. With the camera locked you can focus your attacks on a single enemy, but you are blind to everything that is not in front of you, and that is fatal.

The game has different melee and ranged weapons, however, as for the melees, I found most of them too slow or with an ineffective area of ​​attack against hordes of increasingly stronger enemies - I ended up using Jack's sword (default weapon of the game) from beginning to end. The game has an interesting system of combos that varies from weapon to weapon, as well as a skill tree dedicated to unlocking more combos, but you kind of end up using only 2 - 5 of these because they are the ones that least result in you being attacked from behind while executing it. The game also has different items to help Jack on his journey (life potions, strength potions, etc.) but, at the end of the level, each item used deducts the total score made, so I went to the last level without using any item - which I can't say if was a mistake or not, knowing how unbalanced the last level is. There was no way to get past the last level without using items.

As for the artistic part: the graphics are basic, but beautiful enough for the game, the dialogues of most of the NPC's that you find along the way are quite poor, there is a lack of animation in secondary elements during some cutscenes (like models that look like a static PNG flying around) and the art of the levels is variant, being very basic in the beginning of the game but getting very good from the middle onwards. It's almost like you cold see the artistic evolution of the devs with each new level in terms of scenarios.

Concluding, the game is fun but average, it has good references to the cartoon, but honestly, if you are a fan of the cartoon and are interested in the game, I believe that the best option is to watch someone playing than play it yourself. Even though it has very fun parts, it also suffers from bugs and lack of polish that makes certain battles very unbalanced and stressful for reasons often beyond the player's control.