Reviews from

in the past

i played this for 20 hours in 2018 in like 10-15 fps in order to streamsnipe someone i still dont know what the game is even about

Muita gente odeia o quão detalhado esse jogo é.
Mas pra mim o problema é que após achar umas armas, equipamento, um carro e uma cabana de madeira, não sobra nada pra fazer.

A game so fucking awful it made every other game in the genre unpalatable to me (except Fallout 76 for some reason). The games claim to fame is that it has meters for quite literally everything involving the human body and it turns out there's a good reason over-designed byzantine bullshit in games isn't more common. If you care about that sort of thing go to medical school, at least then you'll get paid handsomely for your effort and won't have to carefully manage the fingerless glove meter.

I played this with a friend years ago and I said out loud "I am not having fun" multiple times. I cannot think of a bigger mark.

Le jeu est très dur, mal optimisé, ignoble pour retrouver ses copains, mais je vois un potentiel. Je dois absolument y rejouer. Jeu de survie dans un monde post apo de zombies, très nerveux, avec pleins de trucs a gerer et une tres grande map

great surbvival game, could add better functions but overall great game

You depend on other private paid servers, you can't play on your own without paying, even tho you bought the game already. There's no much to do other than avoiding death, there's no bosses, or hard zones, no level cap, none of that. Just explore the map, keep your body healthy and in shape, and don't die. Which sounds boring but until you get to that point where you explored the entire map it's pretty fun. Base building is okay but could be way better, I ended up building a boat and trying to escape the island, and I did, until the sharks arrived.

Lol this is truly slop. Absolute worst in the genre of walking sims with guns and zombies.

Just cant enjoy it, I wish I could enjoy games like Dayz and Rust, yet there just so hard to enjoy when all you do is walk.

Personalmente no me atrapó ni me gustó, así que aunque jugué bastante poco ni siquiera quise probarlo más tiempo para darle una oportunidad.

Everybody gangsta till some fuckers shot you from 200m away with their awm

super advanced survival game with great graphics, cool open world and the combat feels brutal although it suffers from lots of lag and desync issues
but i do love this game and ive been supporting the devs since the actual minute the game could be preordered

its so incredibly dense with so much shit to keep track of like literally your shit, your blood oxygen level, how many teeth you have left, if you've had your daily amount of vitamin B12, etc. But what honestly do you do when you've got a gun and semi okay gear. Currently stuck on that because is whats really left base building??? kind of a shame that the complexity kinda falls off when you find a decent melee weapon. otherwise fun to watch your colon meter fill up and have to pop a squat while you're trying to sneak around a military base with metal gear ass mechs walking around that will blow you up with bullets the size of small children