Reviews from

in the past

A perfectly fine little action game, carried mostly by appealing to fans of Gundam, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider. I like all 3 so I got a kick out of it, but it's not a must play or anything.

One of the very first SNES releases, although it ultimately didn't make it overseas. I suppose that maybe they thought Western audiences wouldn't recognize the characters, which is bizarre to think about nowadays considering it's a fucking crossover between Ultraman, Kamen Rider and Gundam. Everyone nowadays knows about at least Gundam, no? Maybe this wasn't the case at all and they just canned the NA release for no discernible reason, but other absurd localizations of the time (such as turning that shitty Hokuto no Ken game on Genesis into "Last Battle" or whatever) lead me to believe that was at least a possibility. Fuck if I know how popular all these things were in 1990.

The game's pretty alright, reminds me of Pocky & Rocky. It provides three characters at the start and maxes out at six, going from one character per series to two. You can switch between them with the R button, and none are particularly bad, but I often found myself sticking to Kamen Rider and V3. I think they might've been a bit faster than the others? I made sure to switch around now and then though because of a weird choice with the music, where it changes depending on your character selected instead of what stage you're on. All the themes got kinda grating after a while, but it's better than letting just one become extremely grating I guess? Should've just made more songs I think. Landing jumps is also a little weird from time to time due to the angle, but that and the music are the only major issues I really had.

I had a pretty decent time overall, would recommend if you're into stuff like Pocky & Rocky or Blaster Master. Apparently there are five Great Battle games on SNES, all of which supposedly play pretty differently, and all of which have full translations by Aeon Genesis. Maybe I should see those too some time.

I'm probably not the best person for reviewing this game. I know almost nothing about Gundam, Kamen Rider, or Ultraman. Like I know they exist and stuff but I just...don't have time to watch their source materials. So you might ask, why even play or review this? Well I actually hear good things about the Great Battle line of games. This first game was one of the earliest titles for the console coming out becoming the 9th game and also the last to come out in 1990. It's surprisingly not a bad game and not even the worst game of the 9 games.

There's 7 levels of this adventure as you control 3 different characters with one from each series. There isn't too much of a difference between them. Their shot is a little different animation though I can't tell if power has a difference. I should address I use the default controls so please keep that in mind if you ever decide to play this so you know what does what. You only have one normal attack but you also got a special attack and once you obtain one, you can have an option assist you but it costs the same as using a special attack so keep that in mind. I find it weird how there's only two options and yet the last one is so late in the game. I probably should have used them more but I liked using special moves more.

So you go through a top down action style for the whole game shooting at enemies as you go. You'll also fight many bosses that don't require too much thought to beat at times. There's also platforming but it's so basic and uninteresting that it really doesn't matter. I do like how you can stand close to an edge and not fall though this presents it's own problems where you can be restricted on a direction depending where you jumped at on the very edge. This game also has a problem where enemies can just cheap shot you at times especially in the later half but at least they die pretty quickly.

You can switch characters with the R trigger and you can even unlock 3 more characters and once I got the 2nd Kamen Rider character I stuck with them for most of the game. The main reason is HE DRIVES A MOTORCYCLE FOR HIS SPECIAL! That's badass! I don't know what the other one does though, I couldn't figure it out. You also get a knight gundam for the last level but I couldn't test his special because I wanted to reset my lives and it took my remaining special meter and there wasn't more in the stage. :<

I do have one annoying gripe with the game. You can't strafe like why!? Would the game be too easy if you could? I just was wishing you could for most of the bosses because sometimes it's a pain to hit them especially the ones that like to move around a lot. There's also a problem with inputs. I'm like 95% sure it's not my controller's fault because there were many times the button just wasn't registering, it annoyed me the most with jump not coming out.

The game isn't too hard and even if you die you can just respawn where you're at. You only have to do a full stage again if you game over. There's surprisingly no hard mode which shocked me but I did play on normal mode for this run. While you can still die pretty easily if you're reckless, you should be fine for the most part if you set your lives to 5. Just keep in mind you can only continue a couple of times and there are no cheats for this game.

The game itself looks nice for an early game. I will admit some of it kind of just feels like they were put at gunpoint to show stuff like mode 7 in the game but again it's all fine and dandy. You know what's not fine though? The music. It does that thing games like Little Samson and Spongebob Revenge of the Flying Dutchman do where the music is dictated by the character you have. That means you're stuck listening to the same three songs unless it's something like a boss or the last stage. Since I played as the 2nd Kamen Rider for most of the game I was just forced to hear his song for most of the game. I really don't get why they would design the music like this. Also the sound effect for when you get hit bothers me, why do they sound like that?

Overall it's a decent game and one I could see fans enjoying. I'm hoping these improve as I play the others someday. This game was going to get a US release under the name "The Great Battle" but sadly it got cancelled. I'm not even sure why tbh. While this isn't as good as some of the other early games but at least it's not Bombuzal, yeah you heard me that game is terrible. Will the other 4 games on Super Famicom be any good? I guess I'll just have to see for the future.

Short but fun. Challenging enough without being too hard. Played this for GotW on retro handhelds discord


Primeira review em portugues pra esse game? Nice :v

Eu descobri essa série de jogos recentemente e como sou fã de Kamen Rider e Ultraman (desculpa fãs de Gundam, eu só vi The Witch from Mercury) , resolvi que vou jogar todos os que sairam de super nintendo...talvez seja uma ideia terrivel :v

Nesse game, nós controlamos o primeiro modelo de Gundam, o primeiro Ultraman e o primeiro Kamen Rider e temos que salvar os nossos parceiros (Gundan Knight, Ultraman Taro e Kamen Rider V3) e salvar o universo das forças do mal (eu esqueci o nome do vilão agora :v).

O jogo é o unico dos 5 que tem visão top view. Aqui nos disparamos projeteis pra causar dano (os kamen riders lançando botinhas me pegou). Temos uma barra de especial, onde cada um tem o seu poder (o do primeiro kamen rider é uma merda). Podemos encontrar alguns aliados em salas que enchem a sua vida, sua barra de especial (Pigmon <3) e alguns ficam de ajuda causando dano, mas é bem rapido isso.

São 7 fases no total e a dificuldade vai aumentando em cada uma. No começo é super facil. Mas no final, puta merda hein. O chefe final aqui é um porre (não ajuda tambem que ele lança uma bolha que inverte os controles). Mas o game é super curtinho.

No geral, é um game ok. Me divertiu por alguns momentos, mas é mais pra quem curte esses personagens. Agora vamos ver como são os outros.

Played on January 29th, 2023.

Fifth GOTW finished for 2023. Music was great (and changed across the three main characters), and the game looked great. Movement was a bit clunky, and chugged when there were multiple enemies and projectiles on the screen, but overall felt good to play. Fanservice crossover bosses were fun, but the story was pretty shallow.

Out of all the five entries in the Super Famicom-only SD Great Battle games, this is by far the first one

Just a fanservice crossover game between ultraman/kaman rider/Gundam. The story is the basic kidnapping plot, in order to put you against all kind of famous enemies from the three shows. The platforming is a bit clunky. I also experienced slowdown when there were to many enemies on the screen. Luckily that was only a few times.

It's cool to have access to three unique heroes with their own projectiles and super move. Later in the game you unlock even more characters. Kamen Rider can stop time? How awesome is that? I just wish they didn't use the theme music of the character you play as the only music you get to hear, instead of unique stage music. Gets a bit repetitive after a while.

All in all it's a decent game for the time it came out (the start of the SNES lifespan) Just don't expect anything out of the ordinary. The later Great Battle titles make huge leaps in quality.