Reviews from

in the past

Will probably be the closest I get to Pirates 6 for years, which is simultaneously cathartic and depressing.

Not perfect. Often repetitive and filled with Sea of Thieves lore that I don't really care for yet the game insists on dedicating entire levels to, but goddamn it feels so good to experience a new Captain Jack Sparrow adventure again.

Geeked out so hard at all the little references to both the films and the ride that made my heart soar so high. And seeing Jack sail into the horizon once again, quite possibly for the last time depending on the direction they go with Pirates 6, was deeply bitter-sweet and so beautiful. Felt like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Genuinely understands and has a greater reverence for Jack Sparrow, PotC lore, and the history of the series than DMTNT ever did.

Sea of thieves é maravilhoso não tem como
Sempre que jogo com os meus amigos da uma felicidade imensurável

Pirates of the Carribbean seems like a great combo for Sea of Thieves. Unfortunately let down by underwhelming levels that drag on far too long.

As someone who loves the Pirate movies I went into this with very mixed feelings.
On one hand it's Pirates of the Caribbean a movie series I love, on the other hand it's Sea of Thieves a game I've never really liked.
Overall I'd say it was just fine, I liked fighting Davy Jones and all the POTC stuff we neat but it still has that Sea of Thieves stink that I just can't wash off.

Jopgo legal mas esquecido pela Microsoft

I got this game because of the Pirate's DLC. It's a very hit-or-miss game. Half of the time there were some cool gameplay segments that referenced the series, and the other half, we were doing boring and repetitive statue puzzles that barely changed or evolved. There are combat segments that go on for far too long, ESPECIALLY since the combat is clunky and unintuitive.

The regular gameplay loop outside of the PotC quests is pretty fun for a bit, though. I could see some people getting really absorbed into it. You get cosmetics for your pirate and ship, so there aren't many good reasons to continue playing if the gameplay alone isn't enough for you.

The Pirates of the Carribean content was fun for a bit but a bit repeptitive in nature. For free content it did get me back into Sea of Thieves for the better part of a month.

Pirates of the Caribbean is cool, Sea of Thieves isn't.

Esperando debugar pra poder concluir, mas até o momento, muito bem desenhado, tanto em puzzles como combates.