Reviews from

in the past

you like old arcade racers? you like Sonic? you'll like this tho I would say go for the sequel

Its playable but I'm glad this one stayed in Japan. All of the maps are basically the same wth a different background. The gameplay is basic and boring. 4 characters only. They all control bad. A serious contender for the most boring sonic game of all time.

Really making use of the game gear's screen real estate by covering half of it with a map

puta curvas weon, PUTAS CURVAS

Not a big fan of car racing games the pixelart look so bad there is nothing else to talk about

its like those old arcade racers but so so terrible

Goooooooooooootttttttttataaaaaaaaaaaa gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

A kart racer on the SEGA Game Gear. By god, they tried, but didn't quite stick the landing. Because the Game Gear's screen resolution is so low, you can't see oncoming turns until right before you need to start turning, so it can be pretty frustrating. They really should have just made this on the Genesis.

i mean i'd rather play this than get my teeth pulled does that count for anything

This is a kart racing game. I am not good at kart racing games. Shockingly I am not very good at this game. It lets you play as Sonic, the obviously correct choice Tails, Ames, or the obviously wrong choice Robuttnik. It has a bunch of tracks that are loosely based on Sonic 1 stages. It’s fine, I guess, if you’re into this kind of thing? I’m not.

Oh, I watched all the ending cutscenes on YouTube (because I knew I’d never get them myself) and mine is by far the cutest. Just saying. Also, Amy’s is... extremely this era Amy. It’s v uncomfy. Do not recommend.

sonic adventure dx brought me here

sonic de corrida, não tem muito objetivo e atualmente é muito datado pra se divertir com ele... os gráficos são bonitinhos pelo menos

ainda bem que não desistiram dos jogos de corrida tão cedo...

Sonic Labyrinth turned out to be really fun compared to my memory of it, so I wanna give the rest of the Sonic GG library a second chance too. I picked Sonic Drift first, and it's good! I feel like people also really hate this because they play it with the same expectations as Super Mario Kart and don't understand that it plays more like Outrun - hell, AM2 had a hand in its development. Like Super Monaco GP and Top Gear, map-reading becomes integral to anticipating and making tight turns, as well as buffering the brakes for drifts. It's actually too easy once you learn the tech, and the track complexity doesn't really pickup on the later circuits. But hey, it's cute and fun regardless. Lowkey loved my time with it on Sonic DX as a kid, and still loved coming back to it today.

You get to be Classic Amy in the fucking Roger Rabbit car. It's amazing.

Veredito: Pro inferno com o que falam dele, é muito melhor do que dizem.

Sonic no Game Gear tem uma fama péssima, e não é sem motivo: tomar no cu o lag de Sonic & Tails 1 e 2. Sonic Drift não é exceção e todo mundo diz que é uma merda, mas na real? Aposto que é um daqueles casos que geral zoa sem nem jogar, só pra seguir o bonde na internet.

Não me entenda mal, ele é modesto e simplista ao extremo: cada corrida dura no máximo 1 minuto e pouquinho, são 3 torneios, e em meia hora eu já tinha ganhado todos no Hard. Olhando de longe parece uma versão piorada de Mario Kart, mas a influência é muito mais de corridas arcades noventistas: Top Gear, Cruis'n, Rush, etc.

Todas as 18 pistas vêm com recordes pra você bater no modo treino, as poucas mecânicas (drift, turbo, etc) funcionam muito bem, rola um sound test super completinho e dá pra jogar multi.

Sonic Drift faz bem pouco, mas o pouco que ele faz tem carinho e é caprichado. Prefiro mil vezes isso do que um jogo ambicioso e mal polido.

Sonic Drift is fucking awful, who's idea was it to put a shitty ass racing game on the Game Gear, holy fuck why was this made. The controls are super slippery and feel super heavy, why did they make this game???

Better than God’s Chef fr

unironically better than sonic advance


Worst Sonic game I have EVER played holy shit

Jogo ultra simples e curto. É válido pro Game Gear

Impressive for a kart racer on the Game Gear but the game is incredibly short with 3 Grand Prixs each featuring 6 tracks, one based on each zone from Sonic 1. It only features 4 playable characters (Sonic, Tails, Amy and Dr. Robotnik) which is disappointing but there weren't many characters in the series at this point anyways.

It's an 8 bit racer with bad handling, lame track design, laughable character selection options and almost nothing interesting or standout about it. What did you really expect here?