Reviews from

in the past

Huge downgrade compared to shattered dimensions In terms of gameplay, The fact you're just running In a lab the entire game so no variety In the location, and the fact It's only 2/4 characters from the previous game. The story however Is Interesting with the banter of Peter and Miguel being fun to listen to. I'd say If you're able to give the game a shot If you liked shattered dimensions or If you're interested In the story

Não foi tão marcante mas tem uns momentos que ficam marcados na minha cabeça

This makes the second Spider-Man game I've played to have Elon Musk as the main villain

second favorite spiderman game of all time, holds a special place in my heart

i lost my disc when i was a kid but i will come back to play and finish this as an adult who isn't terrified of atrocity that thing still kinda scares me feels straight out of resident evil

Сиквел Shattered Dimensions казалось бы что, могло пойти не так

Увы издатель почуял запах бабла и на волне успеха Shattered Dimensions поручили студии разрабов создать сиквел, к сожалению у разработчиков не было времени создать полноценный сиквел, и из-за этого она получилась сиквелом наполовину. Eсли в Shattered Dimensions у нас было 4 играбельных версии Человека-паука из разных вселенных то здесь поскольку из-за нехватки времени студия Beenox, решила адаптировать первый комикс кроссовер двух чп из разных измерений, а именно классического Удивительного Человека-паука Питера Паркера и Человека-паука 2099 Мигеля О'Хара. Боёвка в принципе таже что и в Shattered Dimensions, но за исключением добавления нескольких новых анимаций, ударов и способностей у двух пауков. Босс файтов тоже стало в два раза меньше за всю игру у тебя будет лишь несколько драк с Анти-Веномом одна драка с Чёрной кошкой 2099, одна драка с монстром Atrocity или же Злодеяние и одна драка со злым Питером Паркером из будущего. Сюжет таков учёный из будущего Уокер Слоун перемещается во времени чтобы создать корпорацию Алкимакс до того как она была создана что кардинально меняет временные линии настоящего и будущего и Удивительному Человеку-пауку и Человеку-пауку 2099 приходится объединиться и общаясь по временному дискорду они пытаются не дать Уокеру окончательно трахнуть таймлайн. Один из ярких плюсов игры являются диалоги между Паркером и О'Харой химия между ними классная за счёт чего диалоги выходят очень живыми. К сожалению если в Shattered Dimensions было большое разнообразие локаций тут все не так хорошо большинство событий игры происходит в серых неинтересных локациях которые несколько раз реюзают, ну и миссии стали репетативными и неинтересными

Увы сиквел Shattered Dimensions как по мне вышел средненьким, геймплей средний, сюжет тоже, миссии репатативные и неинтересные, класная химия между главными героями, босс файтов стало в двое меньше, и всему виной сжатый срок разработки назначенным издателем.

P.s. Хоть разрабы не удивили чем-то новым, но зато удивили костюмом Чёрной кошки за это отдельный респект

Pretty good. Dialogue between Peter and Miguel is written quite well and was fun to see. Gameplay is good. It was a tad repetitive but I didn't really mind it (I mean I played this game 4 times through lol). Another game from years ago from which I have memorised random lines from.


Worse Spider-Man shattered dimensions. This game isn’t bad but it truly is Spider-Man’s potential guy with great concepts and Anti-Venom and that’s about the best I can say.

esse é mto daora mas prefiro o shattered dimensions

Love Miguel, don't love repetitive gameplay as much


juego de cagada solo a mi primito con DOWN le gusta

The lack of open world is very disappointing but hey, 2099 and Noir are here.

Not as good as Shattered Dimensions but still pretty decent. I definitely didn't like this one as much as Shattered Dimensions because I played them back to back so the gameplay was getting pretty stale.

They don't change a whole lot gameplay wise from the last game to this one but I think the story and writing make this game worth playing by themselves. I think this is a great Spider-man man story and definitely worth your time. This game is also really short so that stops the game from getting repetitive although by the end I was rushing to finish the game because I had had enough with the gameplay and boring hallways that all look the same.

Edge of Time is Shattered Dimensions but nearly everything is worse. The combat has worse enemy variety, the upgrade system is extremely stripped down and there's less combos to unlock meaning things get repetitive very quickly. The dodge mechanics are way worse and they didn't even bring back the lock on for enemies for some god forsaken reason. And there is so much padding with keys to unlock doors and tentacles blocking your path all the f ing time.

However, the story is pretty cool and has a lot of interesting concepts. Atrocity is rad as hell and fighting an evil Peter in a suit that looks like a spider is pretty sick I'm not gonna lie. Peter and Miguel's constant clashing is some good shit.

It think it was alright, nothing too special. In my humble opinion Shattered Dimensions was miles better than this one.
The 100%/platinum is quite easy,
You need to clear a lot of challenges, collect all the golden spiders, hit a 200 hit combo and finish the game on hard. The hard playtrough only took me like 2-3 hours so it ain't hard at all.
Took me 15 hours overall i think

This goes alongside Arkham Origins in the category of unfairly maligned superhero games. Fixed almost all my issues with Shattered Dimensions. Controls are much more fluid with almost all of SD's jank removed. The focus on 2 protagonists instead of 4 allows for a much more focused and compelling story (written by Miguel's creator himself Peter David). The voice actors for both spider-men, Josh Keaton and Christopher Daniel Barnes (from Spectacular and the TAS respectively), each do an amazing job and have great chemistry with each other.

Only probIems I had were the length and the stagnant environment. I beat the game in one 6 hour sitting and the entire game takes place in one building, which did get a bit old towards the end.

Great game especially if you're a fan of the characters.

jogo legal demais, morra antivenom morra!

Esse jogo aqui é a definição do dicionário de mediano, por um lado, a gameplay é legal e o combate é até bem diverso, o Peter e o O'Hara tem vários golpes e da pra fazer combos com eles, isso é bem bacana, foi o que me manteve até o final do jogo, mas é uma pena que a gameplay não casa com o resto do jogo, os inimigos são repetitivos, tem pouca variação, os cenários são bem repetitivos, os objetivos são bem repetitivos, é sempre "Mate esse inimigo e pegue uma chave pra abrir uma porta", ou então "puxe essa alavanca e vai correndo até a porta", até a trilha sonora desse jogo é repetitiva, a mesma orquestra genérica que toca no início do jogo, vai se repetir várias e várias vezes até chegar no final. Eu não vou opinar sobre a história, pois, eu não sou um grande fã de homem aranha, e eu joguei pulando as cutscenes

Enfim, um jogo que não é ruim, mas não é bom também, é mediano, 5/10, ok, etc...
É só mais um desses jogos genéricos de super herói que a Activision fez as pressas quando Spider-Man ainda não era exclusivo da Sony, falta mais polimento no jogo, principalmente em variedade

Gamertag aonde foi jogado o jogo: Mrparanoico66

This review contains spoilers

this is probably the worst Spider-man game I've played, the combat style doesn't suit Spider-man, making it not feel like a hero game the bosses are also a disappointment, with the majority being just playable cut scenes, the only boss that can be saved is the black cat that you face in the middle of the game, as she has an acceptable moveset, and doesn't keep playing several cut scenes while you fight with her she


Worse Spider-Man shattered dimensions. This game isn’t bad but it truly is Spider-Man’s potential guy with great concepts and Anti-Venom and that’s about the best I can say.

subestimado, maior problema dele é ter combates muito repetitivos mas é o primeiro jogo que jogo no ps3 em muitos anos e eu amo o homem-aranha então foi maneira a experiência

This has always been a rather underrated entry in the many spider-man games that exist. I remember, when I was a kid, being really disappointed that Shattered Dimensions threw away the open city gameplay that had been developing since Spider-Man 2 back in 2004. I think Edge of Time was doubly head scratching since that only had two of the four spider-men available from Shattered Dimensions. This is probably why I skipped the Beenox spidey games and why their reputation had been buried for so long. Now that Insomniac is making their own high quality Spidey games exclusive to Sony, there is no way these games can be ported or remastered, as Activision lost the rights to Spider-Man games a while back. Years later, I started hearing some pretty positive things about the storytelling in this game, and it seems to have gained a cult following amongst spider-man fans. I finally checked this out for myself and it was immediately apparent that I missed out on quite the hidden gem.

This games narrative is handled by an all time great comic writer, Peter David. He not only invented 2099, but he also wrote some of the best Peter Parker stories out there (I'd highly recommend Death of Jean DeWolfe). He was absolutely the perfect choice for creating this Peter and Miguel centric story. It results in this great and creative team up story that deconstructs Spider-Man as a character, and has fun time travel sci fi stuff going on. It's a very comic book story, but it's written with a lot of heart and understanding of the two characters. Peter and Miguel are a fantastic duo. The way their relationship develops through the in game banter is really great. The time paradox concept allows for some inventivs setpiece moments and it never feels overcomplicated. It's a narrative that's really surprising and smartly thought out, and it's what holds this game together.

It was interesting to go back to the Era before the hyper polished insomniac games were a thing. Instead of a high budget open world spidey game. You get a highly linear mid budget affair. This game has a lot of problems. It's combat is really limp feeling and never really gets much better or escalates in difficulty all that much. The world design is really boring and it's all just metallic complexes that look the same throughout the whole game. I do wish it took a page from Shattered Dimensions and made the two timelines visually distinct from one another. It is a very middling video game that has a very repetitious gameplay loop, but what escalates it so much is its pacing and time paradox concepts. The strict linearity allows for it to have a controlled narrative that keeps moving forward. Playing this makes me wish more linear spider-man games can exist right now. Playing as both spider-men across two timelines is seamless. You are constantly switching between both characters and solving problems for eachother. This aspect gives it a ticking clock element throughout most of it. Right before a section gets boring you are thrust into another engaging sequence. It has a constant sense of danger that really gripped me. Even if the games mechanics aren't polished, it works well enough and the games constantly shifting level design and challenges really brought the game together.

This combination of linearity and great storytelling makes this one of my absolute favorite Spider-Man games. It is also just the right length. It never overstayed its welcome and it ends at the right time. It's a game that's really intellegent in that it really understands its limitations and the advantages of its narrative. It also just has great adaptations of Peter and Miguel, some of the best ever put to screen. Josh Keaton and Christopher Daniel Barnes are perfect casting for Peter and Miguel, and I think it might have some of their best voice work in general. It was a feast for me as a fan of both characters. I am really happy I played this. I highly recommend this if you have a way to access it. It is a great spider-man game.

Как же Мигель крут ( в отличий от мульта).

вот бы они так же писали сюжет, как биографии персонажей

хотя тогда бы все охуели от однотипного геймплея ещё сильнее

o jogo seria mais legal se não fosse tão repetitivo, só do anti venom tem umas 5 boss fight

A step up from Shatterd Dimensions. Edge of Time has a real decent plot and making it a character action game where you switch between Peter Parker and Miguel O'hara on two different time lines that influence eachother, is still something we havent seen again. Yes, the labs and metal corridors can get repetative but the game is short enough that youll reach the credits before it gets too much