Reviews from

in the past

No better way to spend a sick day than by playing this in its entirety.

The fact that this licensed game was really good makes this version peak

This was fun. Tedious yes, but a good time. I have my complaints but all and all it was very good.

I found the Levels to be well designed, memorable, had great settings, but were also way to long. I don't know if they were told to make them so long, or if they coulnd't stop thinking of ideas. They probably should have split them into more levels, but at least they were fun. I found many objectives to be tedious and frustrating. Most were fine, but definitely more than there should have been were annoying.

Gameplay wise, it's a nice 3D platformer. Though the jumping could have been better, it was decent enough. Getting to play as Patrick and Sandy was cool, both having different move sets. I do wish Squidward was a playable character, but the 3 we could play as were good.

The best part of the game, is the Art design and SpongeBob atmosphere. It seriously feels like you're in Bikini Bottom. They did such a good job with it, that it's one of the most impressive things I've seen in any game I've played. The Levels bring back old episodes and make them the entire level, it's really cool to see.

Characters were awesome as usual, since they all came from the show. Voice actors did such a great Job, though not having the Voice actors for Mr. Krabs and Mermaid Man did suck, it was at least passable.

The Story was just fun, straight out of the Cartoon. Not much else to say besides that it felt very Spongebob. I honestly can't say enough about how well they did making this feel like a Spongebob Episode.

A lot of the Music was from the show, but a lot of it wasn't as well. Either way, it was really good. This game had a lot going for it, but they sadly dropped the ball in other areas. It's a shame since the OST is really good.

I touched on it earlier, but a good bit of the objectives felt very tedious. I didn't even bother finishing Kelp Forest, I hated that shit. It's just a dumb oversight by the Devs with some of these objectives. They could've done more play testing or something. It holds the game back for sure.

I wish they made some sort of Sequel to this. I know THQ released other Spongebob games, but they set a good foundation here that I would like to see a direct sequel. Maybe Cosmic Shake can fill that hole for me. Besides some dumb mistakes by the Developers, they did a damn good job here. Very Good Levels, Great OST, Great Characters, Very Funny, Fantastic atmosphere, and a Funny Story. If you want a fun 3D platformer with tuns of Charms, and/or you love Spongebob like me, I'd definitely recommend Battle For Bikini Bottom.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

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one of the best combat 3d platformers there is. very inventive and holds interest all the way through

I originally got a taste of this game from a friend's house and I was completely blown away. Years later when I actually got to play it, I never felt a better sense of joy. This game is truly timeless. I might not be the biggest fan of collectathons but this game is very much an exception

Probably the best licensed game of the era, at least to me. As a huge SpongeBob fan growing up, this game was just the best. The care in creating the levels themed around major parts of the show is just a delight to experience. Few games bring me as much joy as this game does with its fun tunes and world design. It doesn't hurt that the story here, while basic, is still a fun ride that really captures the spirit and energy of the show. It's also surprisingly varied from a gameplay perspective, with combat arenas, races, collectables, and more to keep the game from feeling too repetitive, even throwing in some decent challenge with the boss encounters and some of the later levels.

This game was childhood bliss, and the fact it has maintained such a strong fanbase over the years, with a truly dedicated speedrunning community to boot, and even merited a remaster years later, goes to show how great this game was, and still is today. It may be basic and "childish", but it's a great game that was made with care, and is an all-time comfort game for me.

Biggest sleeper pick in the entire GCN library. This game, even as a licensed game, is incredibly fun and replayable. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy are all fun to play as, and I like the game’s sense of humor is more aligned with early seasons of SpongeBob. While some levels are janky, this game is stupendously fun and I’d recommend everyone at least try it out

the remaster sucks just emulate this game instead

I always used to think The Spongebob Movie Game was better than this but i realize now i was just being a hipster, this game is so goddamn good, i love 3d platformers.

i had to return this to blockbuster before i was able to finish it

Perfectly okay 3D platformer, not exactly polished, but fun because it's old school Sponged Bob. Not something I'll ever replay but ehhh fuck right?

it's not a perfect game but god DAMN do i love it. it's my favorite game of all time and will always mean a lot to me

Perfect perhaps? Nah, but maybe?


Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY. Leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused. EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME,

and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! this episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular stable in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all.

all Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself. but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick. can it.

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made me a furry when I played as Sandy Cheeks.

one of the greatest games ever made

not just peak spongebob, but peak gaming as a whole

The game I remember most from my childhood. Still an incredible platformer that holds up today.

I may step on toes here, but this is the best collectathon in history

formative memory game, i try to play it on any device i can.

Overall a well designed game, despite mixed reviews. Graphics have held up decently over time and the levels have fun and interesting design. Main story is pretty easy, but getting 100% can be a challenge.

Also on PS2, PC, and Xbox. Also has a remake on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Peak for people who grew up in the 2000's

attempting to control the cruise bubble with any amount of precision feels like trying to will your limbs awake before paralysis sets in

applies doubly to every fucking slide