Reviews from

in the past

Probably the worst of the SpongeBob 2D platformers. Everything here feels like a flash game that was glued together in a week.

The controls and slow animations feel clunky, the graphics clash, the music consists of random jingles that don't loop properly, it's all just a poorly assembled mess. The plot isn't there either, as it's just getting random items for Mermaid Man while familiar characters get to appear in a dialogue box between stages if they're lucky. It all radiates low production values.

This could still be fine if the levels were well designed, but boy are they not. Levels are straightforward, incredibly short and filled with enemies in awkward spots. Under normal circumstances, this would make the game very hard, but as SpongeBob has so much health and health-restoring items available that he's basically unkillable, the only thing to fear are bottomless pits as you mindlessly walk to the end of the level while ignoring everything. A favourite is the mercy invincibility you get from jumping into a spike pit, which lets you ride across the entire spike pit without taking any additional damage and thus skip it completely. There's also "power-ups" in this game to add to SpongeBob's barely-existing abilities, but they are so janky and tacked on that it's easy to forget they exist.

As for content, the entire game took around 45 minutes to complete on my first playthrough, and after that, there's nothing. Unlike other SpongeBob games, this just doesn't have anything else to do or unlock, not even difficulty modes. I suppose you could replay it, but it's gonna be the same experience.

If you're looking for a good SpongeBob game on the GBA, try Revenge of the Flying Dutchman. This one feels SuperFluous in every way.

Jogo bem ruim, sistema de vida bugado, além do sistema de combate ser horrível, por conta da hitbox.

this game is very short (took me about 1h to beat) and thats about all it has going for it

The main appeal of this game was all the crazy horrific monsters littered everywhere like the dog-headed seal in level 20. Other than that, this really feels like it was someone's first time developing a game.

Not exactly bottom barrel, not exactly good. Cool sprite work though!

It's similar to the PS1 version just worse in every possible way.

I can't believe how many people worked on this game. I hate this.

I was hoping GBA would make licensed platformers better but I guess it's just not there yet

it's supersponge but now portable. whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you

A pretty simple 2D platformer, nothing all too special. Controls well, looks fine, sounds fine, fine levels etc.