Reviews from

in the past

the campaign and ground to space mechanics are so neat but the controls just do not feel right and it holds this game back from being great

all the new battlefront games had to do... was COPY. THIS. GAME. IT WAS MADE ON A HANDHELD. and they couldn't have both the new battlefront games have space and ground as part of the same battlefield, a full fledged campaign, and galactic conquest.

Grinded this so much back in the day, never had the urge to revisit but its a classic that is good for what it was

Doesn’t hold a candle to its console/PC counterparts, but if you want Star Wars Battlefront on the go, it does it job. The story mode about a clone trooper becoming a Jedi after Order 66 is pretty cool too. I also just find it hilarious that a PSP game from 2009 developed by the studio that made Rogue Warrior has land-to-space battles but a console/PC game from 2017 developed by the guys that make Battlefield doesn’t.

Its ok, very old and lacking im gameplay, has cool battles

The REAL Star Wars Battlefront

Not as good as renegade imo but still very fun

The story for this game is absolutely insane… and better than the sequels

Dont remember much but regardless i enjoyed playing it

I can’t differentiate this one from the other one.

Muy buena historia y es divertido destruir destructores estelares

Renegade but better. Story is decent, land to space battles very good. DS version can eat ass.

While many problems from Renegade remain present, I can overlook them because of the improved starfighter combat, ground to space maps and the ambitious attempt to restore the campaign of BF3. It may not always work, but it brings back some of the charm that was missing from the last one

I played this game so much on my psp back in the days. But when I tried it again via emulation, the controls felt so bad.

Back in 5th grade, my friend let me borrow his PSP to play this game (He also let me borrow Ratchet and Clank). My first time playing online I was cheesed by A freeze gun -> Orbital strike combo

Not that good but I have fond memories of the campaign. Not the Battlefront 3 we hoped for but at least it lives on through this decently fun time on a handheld

A futile attempt to make Battlefront 3.

Fun game at the time, terrible controls

This was the game if all time. I remember mainly messing around with the instant action as a kid.

Nobody tell them that this is where Battlefront 3 went.

Man I wish they finished Battlefront 3

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THIS is how you take the "storm trooper to jedi" narrative disney.