Reviews from

in the past

If you played the Fallen Order, then you will love this one;

It's essentially an improvement of the first game, the combat and parkour are very fun to play;
The history isn't that good, but enjoyable;

I also really liked that Cal maintain his abilities that he gained on Fallen Order, as a lot of game sequels nerf the main character;

Anyway, play this game.

okay im not no star wars guy but i enjoyed it a bit for what it was. the story didnt really interest me at all. but combat is super fun and satisfying (some bosses are obnoxious and are programmed terribly) and the music is obviously insane. // the real issue with this game lies in its performance and graphical artifacts. every time a cutscene starts the whole game jitters into place, becuase for whatever reason, the cutscenes are 30fps?? even though theyre rendered in real time?? pop in and aliasing is also terrible. besides that its enjoyable but probably wouldnt recommend unless youre a big star wars fan

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e simplesmente tudo é melhor do que no primeiro jogo, incrível demais

It's got a lot of Jank to it, but it's still pretty good.

Everything in this game is better than Fallen Order except for the story which was still pretty good. Loved it.

Really loved the story and really loved the different stances. I played this through 3 different times on Jedi grandmaster and 100%ed it.

I enjoyed playing through Jedi Survivor, I'm happy with the planets that were chosen to be explored during this game. I enjoy Cal as a character but I spent so much time in between my initial playing and when I got to the last like 2 hours before it ended that I don't remember much of a personality Cal had honestly. I enjoyed the introduction of Bode, he was a character I got attached to in all honestly. The plot twist with Bode was not expected. I'm not fond of the ending, while the Mantis Crew got their happy ending I just think that it's rush with the downfall of Bode and the Mantis Crew taking in Kata. I also am not a fan of Cal/Merrin, I think it's forced, boring, and I would rather them be friends. I don't think they get enough on camera substance to be a couple and they both are the most un-romantic people I've ever met.

Mejora bastante a su antecesor en todo, la única pega es que cuando lo jugué estaba bastante roto.

An absolutely beautiful game set in my favorite era of the Star Wars universe. Cal continues to be a compelling main character in a story that is absolutely worth experiencing. The gameplay is solid and I really enjoyed the new saber stances. The difficulty feels pretty spot-on, with some decent challenges near the tail end of the game (though I wish the first half of the game wasn't so easy). The side content feels pretty meh (uninteresting "open world", samey collectible cosmetics, boring minigames), but the main story is meaty enough that you can safely ignore them. Really looking forward to the next entry in this series.

This game is peak Star Wars, the combat is fun the traversal is smooth and the story is done to perfection. This only came out last year and it's my all time favourite game. Just hoping the third one can live up to my expectations.

Uma carta de amor aos fãs de Star Wars.
Comecei esperando mto e recebi mais ainda, se tornou um dos meus jogos favoritos disparado.

Star wars episode: Prince of Persia.

yapacağınız optimizasyonu sikeyim

Esse jogo do Star Wars é muito bom a história eu adorei mas o problema é que no Xbox séries s Trava muito e fecha o jogo Mas além disso joguem vale a pena

Hikayenin bazı kısımları çok hoş bazı kısımları baya osuruk. Elde büyük bir potensiyel var fakat hiç iyi kullanılamamış maalesef. Özellikle final bana baya sönük geldi. Hep daha büyük bir şey olacakmış gibi hissettim ama olmadı.

Oynanış açısından ilk oyundan daha çeşitli ve çok daha eğlenceli fakat düşman çeşitliliğinin azlığı ve yetersiz force özellikleri oynanışı baya aşşağı çekiyor.

Görsel olarak bence baya hoş gözüken bir oyun. Renkler ve genel dünya tasarımı baya hoş.

Bu oyundan en büyük beklentim keşif sorununu çözmesiydi. Keşifin kendisi çok daha eğlenceli ve hem platforming hem de puzzlelar güzel dizayn edilmiş fakat gene topladıklarınızın %80 i kozmetik. İlk oyundaki sorun devam ediyor. Büyük eksi.

Performans zaten götten seks.

Ama günün sonunda her şeye rağmen eğlendim.

Jogasso, cheio de referências, com uma história muito boa e um final que deixa a entender que vai ter um terceiro jogo. Só tem uma coisa ruim, eu ainda quero um poncho, q eu não achei nenhum até agr😔☝️

Isso sim é uma história de star wars, e facilmente uma das melhores mídias da franquia.

Uma sequencia perfeita e um dos melhores jogos q eu ja joguei
Tudo é melhor em relação ao anterior apesar de isso ser obrigação, mas não é só melhor como adiciona diversos novos elementos na gameplay, tira a linearidade e adiciona um mundo semi aberto
Isso da uma aula pra Disney sobre tudo de Star Wars como uma historia incrivel com personagens incríveis e um desfecho q pode mudar muito a lore pro futuro da franquia
Pra mim se posso colocar um defeito é sobre a perfomance de Kobah q mesmo hj ainda da umas pequenas quedas mas sendo sincero foram bem poucos e não considero um defeito
Jogaço q recomendo a todos q gostem de Star Wars ou até quem não gosta, só joga logo agora q ta no Gamepass.

É isso que chamo de sequência bem feita, tô falando sério

Eu sei que esse jogo aqui teve muitos problemas no seu lançamento, problemas esses de perfomance que impactam na gameplay até hoje, mas não quero começar esse review aqui com o pé esquerdo, bora falar de coisa boa, começando pelo o tanto que eu fiquei encantado com os gráficos e a ambientação desse jogo. Sério, tudo nisso aqui parece ser muito real e chega momentos que você até confunde se é um jogo ou é um filme, o trabalho feito na UE5 aqui é de bater palmas

E sua história mano.. é um salto gigantesco comparado a anterior, o nosso protagonista ainda ta naquele processo de amadurecimento e você vai acompanhando isso ao longo do jogo, só que é claro ele ta bem mais evoluído que no jogo anterior, e falando em evolução.. todas suas habilidades dos jogos anteriores ta presente aqui mas não para por ai, porque nosso Cal vai aprendendo mais habilidades nessa sequencia deixando a exploração muito mais gostosa e satisfatória, utilizando claro de seu jeito de Metroidvania como no seu antecessor.

Seu combate também ta muito melhor ta tudo muito fluído e bom, só que chegamos na parte ruim do jogo.. ele tem bugs que infelizmente ainda não foram consertados e que atrapalham um tanto na jogabilidade. Teve muitos momentos do jogo que eu me vi bugando em um ataque e em outras eu só fui atrapalhado pelo maravilhoso Stuttering da nossa UE5 que não foi corrigido até hoje.

Sem contar os problemas de FPS e de carregamento de textura que incomodam bastante quem se importa com isso, joguei o jogo inteiro em um NVME M2 e ainda assim demorou de carregar as coisas mais do que devia.. por pura falta de otimização é claro.

Enfim, se vocês jogaram o Jedi Fallen Order não há motivos pra não jogar o Jedi Survivor, é uma evolução do caramba e você vai se emocionar MUITO com ele, de verdade.

Fun combat, Good traversal, and level design; still not as good as traditional Souls, but better than most. The story is overall good but has some missteps that hold it back, and I feel Fallen Order has a better story. Performance was a significant issue, though, and it made the experience worse than the first game.

Story 3 | Gameplay 4 | Audio 5 | Visual 4.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4

Total 4.4

In a world where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano exists, my favourite Jedi has firmly became Cal Kestis
I think it's astounding how much the game industry has improved in balancing incredible narratives with engaging gameplay mechanics and also synching them up so you feel more in harmony with your protagonist then ever.
In Fallen Order, Cal Kestis was a traumatised Padawan trying to find his way back to the warm embrace of the Force. In Survivor, Cal Kestis is a seasoned warrior with a reputation of his own, his skillset and mind for the Good FIght intact. Maybe too single minded on the "fight" part but Survivor's narrative does and excellent, and I can't stress this enough, EXCELLENT job of interrogating the Jedi path known to Cal as an excuse to confront an indomitable enemy through three key antagonists, while also teaching Cal the means of fighting this Good Fight and also maintain a healthy mindset.
There is just no regression here in any capacity, neither in storytelling, nor in gameplay. We do not lose any abilities, if so they are repurposed. The world is built to accommodate the player's and Cal's skills both old and new. It provides answers to old frustrations, while also giving way to natural curiosity and building on the rock-solid fundamentals Fallen Order has put down. It is simply humbling how much of a passion project the Jedi franchise feels after this second entry, made all the more impressive by the unfortunate, but ever present, technical state of the series. It is sad to see stuttering, low fps, glitches and crashes sour the experience time and time again. It is a testament to the talent of Respawn entertainment and Stig Asmussen however then, that Jedi: Survivor is an incredible experience all around despite it's technical shortcomings.

the story still bugs me but gameplay makes up for it

The game has an ok story, a little too long for my taste, they could have cut several parts. Some scenes are ridiculous and childish, especially the romantic part of the game.
The gameplay is very good, especially the combat part. I really liked the platform part too, but towards the end of the game it gets ridiculous, it’s a lot of jumping around, kind of pointless, it starts to get boring and no longer fun.
But the game's biggest problem is performance. WHENEVER the game opens on the PC it compiles shaders, I've never seen this in a game, it usually happens the first time and then it doesn't need to happen again. Despite having this compilation of shaders every time the game opens, doesn't seem to have any effect. The performance is one of the worst I've had in a game in recent years, there are stutters everywhere, In some situations with sudden scene transitions, the game got so stutter that I had to close the game and open it again for the performance to be "normal".
I waited a year after launch in hopes of improved performance, but it seems like there was almost no effort to resolve the issue. Which is a shame for a AAA game of this level.
What should have been a fun experience became overwhelming and frustrating due to the performance. I couldn't wait to finish it so I wouldn't have to open such a poorly optimized game.

Eu como um fã de Star Wars, declado o melhor jogo da franquia.

A great addition to the Star Wars universe. The characters are what make this game standout for me. Alongside Cal Kestis and BD-1, who are two of my favorite characters in Star Wars canon, many side characters are given the chance to shine, including several new faces. The gameplay is fun, but can feel clunky and unresponsive compared to other games in a similar genre. I do wish the world maps were more concentrated and not filled with extra collectible fluff, but this seems to be an industry standard for AAA titles.

Como podes hacer un juego tan divertido y optimizarlo tan para el orto? ni en bajo iba a fps estables. Chupala EA

Como um grande fã de Star Wars esse jogo foi uma experiência única, infelizmente só não dou 5 estrelas por causa de certos bugs desse jogo que deixam a experiência deveras paia.

pretty solid! now let's see the pc port