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in the past

it's kotor but way buggier and with INCREDIBLY well thought out quality of life improvements

I don't know why it took me so long to get around to this as a big Star Wars fan. I did struggle to get it running well on PC, but that's old games for you. Regardless, this game is wonderful. Lovely improvements over the gameplay of the original making for some interesting builds (still got the same OP dual wield flurry but at least it's fun). It does still have the ability to use dark side powers as a light sider using high charisma which, as a lore/philosophy of the universe fan, I dislike, but I get the intention. The writing is absolutely phenomenal and an absurd improvement over the first game, with deeper characters with complex motives and beliefs, plus some amazing force intrigue. Kreya sucks, but trust me it's worth it.
Sadly, though, this game suffers from the standard obsidian treatment (see also: new vegas) because even with the Restored Content Mod (an absolute MUST if playing this, easily installed from the steam workshop) it's really obvious that there was some major cut content.

Finally finished a childhood game. It’s a little dated but It was great being an OP Sith lord. It feels a little rushed and i wish i could have interacted with my crew more but hopefully the remake in the next decade will fix that. solid rpg.

this holds as the best rpg i've ever played, bar none.

chris avellone is a master at using the star wars setting to deconstruct itself. the writing is so cutting, clever, poignant, and complete. it's a masterclass of video game narrative.

the companions have agency incomparable to any other video came companions that come before or after.

the game has puzzles and sequences some may find tedious and boring, but i found very much fitting given its presentation, and i found it executed very well. i think it should have been set standard as the natural progression of rpgs, but alas, the game isn't that popular.

the game didn't feel that unfinished, even without the restored content mod. i found it really fitting that the game just ends there, leaves you wanting more, leaves you to the weight of your decisions.

it's honestly such a great rpg, very much ahead of its time. there is little out there that holds a candle to it.

Rating: Fantastic
Wow, what a game. This is one of those pieces of media that manages to change your perception on life. The gameplay was far more enjoyable in this game than the first, despite being fairly similar. Maybe I'm just used to it now, but I was actually having fun with the combat unlike the first game.
This is probably the best written Star Wars story ever, and that is saying a lot. Kreia is now without a doubt my favorite character in the entire franchise. Every word she says demands your attention and you can tell there is some real wisdom behind her words, even when you don't quite understand what she's saying. It's all backed up by some incredible voice acting. Tears were welling up during the final confrontation. If I were Force-senstive, I would wield my lightsabers the same way she does. I always wondered why we didn't see people do that.
Some of the other companions didn't really stick with me; I wasn't a huge fan of Mira. I really like Visas but she doesn't really say much in the female playthrough. I also connected more with the Jedi Exile in this game than I did with Revan in the first one, despite them both being fully customized characters.
This is a game that I am itching to replay and there is so much more to see on a second playthrough that I am honestly considering doing it right now. It's that good. Definitely in my top 10 games of all time. I will never look at Star Wars the same way again after playing this game.

I absolutely adore this gem, but for the fact the game is quite evidently unfinished, I do have to knock off quite a few points. It's a shame since this is honestly the peak of Star Wars storytelling for me.

В принципе игруля топчик, но очень хотелось бы ремейк. Устаревший на данный момент геймплей с его топорностью и медлительностью (с первой части мало что вообще изменилось, кроме добавления нескольких навыков прокачки), ленивое наспамливание и расположение врагов, а также сегменты, отбирающие у тебя управление гг и дающие в большинстве слабеньких напарников очень и очень бесили со второй половины игры, в особенности планета наёмников и склеп на луне.

В написанных диалогах игры уже изначально чувствуется иная приложенная рука. Он стал куда более художественным и сложным, но из-за этого местами и менее понятен. То ли дело было в качестве перевода, то ли в лишней закрученности подаваемой мысли. Но в принципе это пошло на пользу. Больше претензия здесь у меня к самому сюжету. Он НАМНОГОООО БОЛЕЕ неравномерен в сравнении с предшественником. По ощущениям было так, что первые десять часов это чистый линейный и уже надоедающий пролог (чуть больше 1/4 игры между прочим), потом ты следуешь цели на четырёх планетах, которые по времени также не сбалансированы и где-то там твои ТИПО главные злодеи что-то делают и появляются дай Боже 1-2 раза в ролике, не связанном с тобой, в последние часы со сбором того, что требовалось от гг происходит супер резкий НАКАЛ страстей, будто бы до этого было не часов 15 спокойного шествия, а что-то зубодробительное и нереальное. Ещё под конец оказывается, что Д'Артаньяны вообще бомжи и главное зло кто-то или что-то иное. Вот с ними мне немного жаль, что их влияние настолько скудно, хотя у них и дизайны зашибенные, и красуются на постерах игры, и даётся ложные надежды с самого начала игры. Но всё-таки финальный замут мне очень даже зашёл, мысль о неоднозначном отношении к Силе, джедаям и ситхам мало где затрагивалась(!!!!!!!!один из основных плюсов!!!!!!!!), также не забыто влияние Ревана на Галактику и будущий замут его, расписанный в книгах и ММО-игре.

Произошёл UP с напарниками. И ирония в том, что по Харизме в первой части дилогии все "разговаривающие" сопартийцы превышают над новыми (исключением считается бабка и как раз персонаж из первой игры), а также равномерность развития общения как минимум с некоторыми из них куда более плавная (в пример идёт Бастилочка)))). Но по влиянию на окружение, хоть и линейное в продолжении выглядит куда круче, они ощущаются как не просто безмолвный нпс, который ничего не делает, если с ним не заговорить. Основной пример это появление катсцен без участия гг, но с участием напарников, как на корабле, так и вне. Но иногда выглядит очень нелепо и непонятно зачем оно нужно в случае конфронтации на твоём судне (думаю, там понятно будет, кто видел или увидит). Также присутствует уже собственная явная система влияния на них, а не как раньше в виде невидимых пределов отношений в диалоге. Отношусь к ней неоднозначно, т.к. в общем-то это выглядит интересно и придаёт больший системный вид уже как игроку, который хочет видеть, как влияет на окружение, но ситуаций, в которых ты можешь влиять на эту шкалу не так много, оооочень даже немного. Так под конец несколько персонажей у меня прокачаны так, как хотел, несколько сидят на середине пути из-за вступления в отряд уже к концу игры или банально не были в отряде в тех ситуациях, когда они могли получить +реп, что не всегда явно. Идеально как по мне такая система реализована в DAO, где и куча ситуаций под персонажей, и подсластить момент подарками можно. Ещё один громадный минус в том, что отсутствует усложнённая система романа с противоположнопольным персонажем)))

Локации были как и довольно неплохие, так и полный ужас, который хотелось бы скипнуть, а также копипаст старых лок, но это ладно уж. В прологе лока мне понравилась, но в итоге дальше не было чего-то прям интересного: городские планеты скучны (бесконечная беготня туда-обратно по коридорам, как в метроидвании, много загрузок и визуальный стиль невпечатляющий и дешёвый), природные пойдёт, неплохие (тоже представляют из себя линейные коридоры, но таких лок не так много + куда большее визуальное разнообразие). Менеджмент инвентаря тоже изначально завлекал, но чем дальше, тем мне казалось всё более незначительным перекладывать шмотки туда обратно и отсутствие сортировки адекватной полностью убивало интерес дальше копаться в этом. Для меня легче было снизить сложность на очередном душнецком файте и пройти с позитивом оставшуюся игру.

В итоге игруля по общим впечатлениям отличная даже, но с учётом душки в геймплее, лвлдизайне, непонятках некоторых сюжетных эпизодов и неравномерности повествования мнение под упало. Скорее всего из-за проблем в разработке появились эти проблемы. Сейчас прочёл, что Биовэр сказали сделать игру за год и они отказались, поэтому игра ушла в руки Обсидиан, мдэмс. Жду очень, что великие дяди обдумают всё и решать сделать качественный ремейк КОТОРов, чтобы было всё прям по красоте и поставить обеим частям супер высокую оценку и главное в полной мере кайфануть с игрульки.

Obsidian's first and possibly best game; yes, they got the short-shrift on the release date, resulting in content being cut in addition to more than a few gameplay bugs. However, years and years later, everything's been restored and fixed thanks to fan patches, and this frank and critical look at the Star Wars universe can finally be enjoyed to its fullest potential.

Masterful telling of an idea that could only be teased in the Star Wars cinematic universe. A real journey into the grey areas of good and evil.

One of the best Star Wars stories every told.

If you liked the refreshing and challenging ideas teased and attempted in The Last Jedi, but wish they had been more fully-realized, rather than absolutely squandered, then this is the game for you. It questions and critiques age-old tropes of the series like the hypocrisy and fallibility of the Jedi and the very fabric of the Force itself.

Though it may sound counter-intuitive, the secret to this game's genius is the fact that it was written by legendary games writer Chris Avellone (Planescape- Torment, Fallout: New Vegas), who, when tasked with writing KOTOR II, was admittedly not a huge fan of Star Wars. Now, there’s been a lot of this happening lately where Hollywood hires people who clearly have disinterest in or even disdain for the very franchise they've been tapped to helm, with disastrous results. In Avellone's case, however, his outsider perspective, mixed with some very serious research into every piece of Star Wars media under the sun, and (surprise) his writing ability all lent themselves to making this one of the greatest, most simultaneously critical and loving Star Wars stories ever told, which is certainly in the top tier of the EU and wipes the floor with anything released since Lucas sold the property.

If you ever dreamt of there being a successful and mature deconstruction of Star Wars that did so without showing any hatred or mockery for its own audience, but instead a great amount of faith in them to follow along and grasp themes far darker and more complex than any of the films, including thoise by Lucas, well, what are you waiting for? Ignore the fact that this was notoriously released unfinished, which was once a major issue but no longer. Simply grab the Restored Content mod/patch (which doesn't restore everything originally envisioned, but as much as possible) and enjoy one of the best RPGs and definitely the best Star Wars RPG ever made.

(Only a half-star less than perfect, score-wise on here, due to the fact its vanilla form needs a mod to fill in a lot and the first two areas of the game are a bit of a slog on replays. I'm personally of the opinion that they're good opening areas the first time through, though. Others disagree. However, yeah, just clarifying, for those curious, why I'm not giving a perfect score to a game that I genuinely adore more than most things.)

It was fun.

Then it stopped running.

Better written than the first one, but it tries to delve into some philosophical territories, and the results are often semi-embarrassing.

Cheiro de masterpiece... Não é melhor que o 1, mas isso não tira em nada sua grandiosidade que aliais É MUITO MELHOR que muito rpg atual.

Think I preferred the first one more.

I have a hard time deciding whether I liked this more or less than KOTOR 1. Both games are absolutely fantastic, but the highs of this game are so incredibly high, while the lows are realllllllly low. Nar Shaddaa. If you've played this game you'll know how terrible this part can be.

This game also has the problem of having a godawful Steam port and also literally being broken and unfinished apparently?? I used the Restored Content Mod so I wouldn't know but that's what I've heard. But mod aside the port is just really bad, sometimes it would take minutes for me to load into an FMV and then another couple minutes to load back into the in-game cutscene, only to have to wait even longer for another FMV, into another in-game cutscene.

All in all, holy shit I loved this game so much I want to get all the achievements eventually

Update: I got all achievements :)

I know, it's an unfinished game... but Obsidian really is the best in the business at taking an existing formula and improving on it. Just about everything in this game is better than the first--yes, even the story! Again, it does drag a little in the beginning just like the original, but if you can just get past Telos, things really start to pick up. The companions are great as always, and being able to train up Jedi apprentices is a majorly cool thing. The universe feels vibrant and alive, with plentiful side quests and interesting characters to meet along the way. Even without the extra content mod, I'm always down to revisit this world.

Druhý KotOR obstál zkoušce času a i po dekádě od vydání má stále co nabídnout. A to i novým hráčům. Dokonce mu paradoxně čas spíše pomohl dozrát a stát se tak lepším titulem, protože původně vyšel v uspěchané a nedodělané podobě plné bugů (kvůli tlačení na předvánoční termín vydání); což se časem díky tvůrcům a komunitě podařilo „vychytat“. Dokonce díky aktuálnímu remaku na mobilní zařízení vznikl i oficiální patch pro PC (pro deset let starou hru!), který přidává HD podporu, ovládání gamepadem, achievementy, umožňuje mody skrze Steam Workshop apod.

Mechanikami jde o naprostou Bioware/Obsidian klasiku, tak jak ji znáte z Jade Empire, prvního Mass Effectu, Dragon Age a samozřejmě prvního KotORu. Tedy pauzovací real-time souboje, společníci co mají vlastní ksicht i osobnost, (sub)questy, ukecané dialogy, rozhodnutí „buď a nebo“, karetní minihra, tuny vlastností a schopností… Prostě žánrový nadstandard, který výtečně funguje dodnes a není třeba si nasazovat růžové nostalgické brýle kvůli obavám ze zastaralosti mechanik.

Ovšem to co z druhého KotORu především dělá klasiku, je ona nadstavba v podobě společníků, příběhu a jeho průběhu. I bez nich by šlo o výtečné RPGčko, ale díky nim se řadí mezi to vůbec nejlepší, co na poli vysokorozpočtových RPGček pro masy (a to není myšleno pejorativně) vzniklo. Tuplem pak potěší, že Obsidiani Star Wars licenci nezneužívají jako ostatní k omleté variaci na „space operovou černobílou pohádku o dobru a zlu“, ale že obě strany síly tu ve prospěch své pravdy razí přístup „účel světí prostředky“ a tvůrci se nebojí ani zabrousit i do vyspělejších témat.

Zádrhelů je minimum (ze závažnějších snad pouze, že level design některých planet/dungeonů je poněkud generický a upřednostňující rozsah nad jejich kvalitou a náplní), ovšem kladů je bezpočet a nemá smysl je všechny vyjmenovávat. Lépe si to (opět) zahrát a zavzpomínat/zjistit, proč byl/je (a dle svých kvalit i nadále bude) KotOR takovým žánrovým pojmem.

Amazing game where the sequal was more complex than the original and also added more content. So much more added content that the modding community had to come to the rescue to finish the game!

I wanted to like this, but man the control are rough.

This review contains spoilers

I loved KOTOR 2 as a kid. I could never decide which I preferred between this and the original, but, as an adult, the answer is definitively: the original. I'm currently going through my collection to hit all these titles that I loved and haven't played in years. I'm really learning which games are timeless and which aren't. This ain't it.

I no longer own an original Xbox, so I figured the 360 would be the natural choice to play my original disc. I'm thinking that may have been a terrible mistake. I encountered countless and constant audio glitches. Loud, abrasive bits of sudden static on menu screens and music patching in and out or missing entirely. The frame rate was absolutely abysmal. If there were multiple enemies on screen, we're talking single-digit dips. If you happen to be holding the directional stick during one of these dips, the game sometimes caught up all at once and I found myself on the complete opposite end of the map from where I was. I also encountered one or two sudden freezes and had to restart. I don't remember -any- of this as a kid, so I'm fairly confident in blaming the 360. You may have a completely different experience on PC or Switch or something, but this was ugly.

I wish I could judge this game as its own entity, but unfortunately, sequels don't work that way. I hated the opening levels of this game. The Peragus Mining Facility is viciously boring, as well as Telos, the first main level outside of the tutorial. It made me yearn for the first level of the original game, Taris. A sprawling metropolis divided into three distinct areas because of class warfare. There were fun mini-games, plenty of interesting side quests and followers, and a rousing climax before you're set loose on the galaxy. Telos was bland to look at and bland to play. I thought it was interesting to revisit Dantooine and Korriban, even if there wasnt much going on. The final parts of those levels, preparing for a fight versus mercenaries and a confrontation of your past and values, are really the only bits worth remembering. I thought Nar Shadaa was a pain in the ass. Unnecessarily labyrinthian level-design and long back-and-forth treks for mundane quests. No thanks.

One of the main differences of The Sith Lords to the first game is the Influence system. And I -hated- it. To be truly effective, it seems completely contingent on when you acquire a follower and if they just so happen to be in your party at the right time, in the right place. When the time came to explore a planet of my choosing, I decided to go with the sequential order they were listed on the Star Map. Apparently, this is the least efficient way to make use of the game's systems. It took me to Korriban first, which nearly everyone agrees should be last and Nar Shadaa very late, which everyone agrees needs to be done as soon as possible. One of strongest aspects of this franchise is the characters and exploring their backstories through progression and conversation. In the original, you could get new exposition after leveling-up or completing a chapter of the story. It felt like a reward back then. I couldn't wait to get back on the Ebon Hawk and talk to every character to find out more. The Influence system robbed me of that. I never learned anything at all about Mira, having acquired her on Nar Shadaa late into the game and never encountering any opportunities of Influence on her character afterwards. It'd be one thing if each moment of moral choosing was programmed to affect EVERY character, but it isn't. You need a -certain- character at a -certain- moment and it prevented me from connecting with any of the characters on a deeper level. Except Kreia.

Kreia is the saving grace of this entire game. Her voice acting is fantastic and her arc is.....the only one I got to experience actually. (Aside from Visas, whose whole story and emotional climax they shoe-horned into the last few minutes before you confronted her master.) I loved how cryptic and knowledgeable Kreia was of The Force. Her insights into your character and the way she guides, nurtures, and manipulates you through the game should endear everyone to her. I found myself making decisions solely to please her. Her disdain for the stringent moral dichotomies of Force followers, Jedi and Sith, hearkened back to themes they explored with Jolee in the first game, but they felt so much more realized and important here.

Everyone really praises the story up and down, but I don't think I was as impressed as all that. I don't quite see what all the fuss is about. I really loved the fact that there is a narrative explanation for the fact that you get stronger by "killing hundreds of people" and that there is a reason why you influence your followers so fully. The "wound in the force" nature of your character and their abilities is very intriguing as well. To be disconnected after severe trauma, it sounds like sci-fi PTSD. Very powerful idea to explore. Ultimately, it fell a little flat for me. As you confront Darth Traya in the endgame, you learn that she hates that the Force can seemingly exert it's will on the lives of individuals and guide them where it so chooses. It's her desire to rid the Universe of it's influence so people can be free to live the lives they choose. I love that for a villain, but a little plant-and-payoff would've been nice. At no moment prior to this did I ever gather that Kreia HATED the Force. She always spoke of it in hushed, reverent tones and seemed eager to teach you as much about it as she could. Never a bit of dialogue like "distasteful as this is, it is quite useful". It kind of blindsided me. Ah well.

The titular Sith Lords were a bit of a mixed bag. Darth Traya being the best of them. Darth Nihilus seems like he was never fleshed-out more than being a general concept with a spooky mask. Just a less interesting, evil version of your own character in terms of his abilities. I liked Sion okay, I was reasonably pleased with the frequency he showed up and his character design. I liked his final fight as well, where if you could persuade him of certain notions through dialogue, you "eroded his will" to continue, affecting his stats. That was a cool idea.

I wish a lot of things about this game had been different. I wish Obsidian wasn't put under such crunch to get it done and had been able to refine and polish the script and gameplay to the sheen it deserved. I don't know if I'll play it again. Maybe. Definitely not on 360.

Be sure to play this game on a platform with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification available. Said content is free and available via Steam Workshop, but you can also get it on GOG, the original PC release, and even the IOS & Android versions.

This is one of the greatest games ever made, IMO it even surpasses the stellar original game's already compelling narrative.

The best Star Wars game ever made. I hope you like nihilism….and if you don’t, there’s hope for you at the end of this rainbow

Это апгрейд предыдущей части, но из за сжатых сроков игру пришлось нещадно порезать, помянем. Ну спасибо мододелам, что попытались восстановить что можно было.
Также в этой игре ЛУЧШИЙ персонаж во франшизе. Не зряж про эту бабку двухчасовой ролик высран на ютубе.

Apathy is death

I actually bought this after beating Kotor 1, when it was on sale on GoG for like 2 dollars, and played it completely on the steam deck. It still holds up quite well, with some blemishes here and there as far as issues with the game. More or less, it feels unfinished, as there are certain things that never seem to play out or are resolved suddenly, or just remain unexplained, especially the ending. The game doesn't "just end" so to speak, but it seemed like it didn't matter what you did to affect the ending. The party it's full of some very interesting characters, and some completely forgettable. I was surprised that one character apparently loved mine, when I think I barely ever spoke to them. I did learn that if I had gotten this on steam, there is a cut content workshop item that cleans up the oddities that go unresolved in normal play. Oh well.

Achei meio broxante o final, e algumas partes achei desnecessariamente extensas. Mas no geral, possui as mesmas qualidades do primeiro.

A sequel that is not as good as the first, but it's a lot of fun. Interesting to learn about the oncoming threat that is fully revealed in swtor and not to mention the strange new sith abilities that make them more feared. I liked learning what would happen to the other characters after I left so it gives some closure there and now I can't wait to read my star wars book: Revan which ties this game to SWTOR.

Kinda heartbreaking because I think the story here was like two more draft cycles away from being an all-time great. The more complex theming here is obviously very welcome; I loved playing the first game but thought the story was pretty slight. As is though II's just not incisive enough for me, it feels too adrift in its abstract Star Wars-isms. I get what the theming is going for, but you can't just have good ideas. You have to dramatize them, make me feel them in the pit of my gut. You know, like Planescape: Torment (by the same writer) was extremely good at doing.

It doesn't help that it's such a fuckin' bummer. I love tons of games that end on sad notes, but I dunno y'all, I finished it on my birthday and I was just like "cool, great, why did I put forty hours into this." Again, it could've been chef's kiss perfect if it had really come together for me, but even with the patch I just don't think the story's all the way there.

Thoroughly subverts and deconstructs the puerile black and white pro-altruism morality tale that is Star Wars, that's why the final boss is the embodiment of the dark triad (Darth Ayn Rand, she read Beyond Good And Evil one too many times) and you're scolded for falling to the dark side instead of getting a heckin epic badass ending where you and your evil psycho wiefU voiced by Jennifer Hale go on to conquer teh world. It's easy to tell Chris Avellone hated the source material, hence why this game that was meant to lead into a sequel is laden with references to obscure expanded universe crap, which Bioware went out of their way to ignore while making their love letter to the franchise where the hero must collect all the mcguffins and defeat (or become) the evilbadman with a superweapon. Playing as a mayun nets you a martial artist wife-U who blesses you with armor from wisdom (I have this feat IRL) while playing as a gUrl saddles you with a character with as much flavor as a wafer, naturally They made the latter the canon option. End of line.

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got like 7 hours in and dropped it, it semes good but i was probably just exausted from the first one.