Reviews from

in the past

Replayed on Series S via backwards compatibility. Honestly? This game barely gets a 4/5. It's a pretty short game I honestly enjoyed, but feel it could've used more time to flesh out its concepts. If they added more weapon variety, did a bit of squad AI polishing, and did a little bit more with the level design, I think RC could've been better.

Overall, Republic Commando is worth the $10 on Steam and the Xbox store. It's a fun romp you could chew through in a weekend and well worth a look if you wanted a Star Wars title that didn't focus on Jedi/Sith characters for once. Still wish we got Imperial Commando to polish these ideas, but alas.

An FPS that is just ok. The Star Wars theme helps, and the squad command mechanics are innovative, but this game shows its age and the levels are so repetitive that its easy to get bored. Also the enemies (especially Super Battle Droids) are such bullet sponges that it can get a bit frustrating when 5 or 6 attack you at once.

i was too poor to buy halo 3 and an xbox 360 so i got this at 90% off on a hand me down og xbox

Fun didnt age so well but the squad mechanics are quite good

Peak Star Wars, best stand alone story by far

Realistically, is this more a 3 or 4/5? Probably.

But the kid me says otherwise. The atmosphere in the second proper level is unlike most anything in other Star Wars games, and I loved this squad so much. Still waiting for a sequel, someday.

I see why people love this game but I just never really got into it. I personally think it needed more actual cutscenes and story moments. The game also has random difficulty spikes.

This Game needs a remake or a Sequel. Make it happen, DIsney! The O.G Galactic Commando SOCOM.

The era when it was banger Star Wars game after banger Star Wars game.

starts strong but falls off in the second half.

I enjoyed this so much more than I thought I would. Although it may be simple today, I really appreciate the tactical sqaud mechanics and the variety of weapons. Definitely a game I will be coming back to.

decent game, some parts are kinda boring and hard but most parts are very enjoyable and the story was good

Agora eu entendo pq os Clones se fudiam contra Super Battle Droids PQP

I now understand why they call them SUPER Battle Droids. Holy shit.

The game is short but what's here is SO SO GOOD. It took me a bit to understand how i'm supposed to play it but onve it clicked it became one of my favorite FPS games of all time. We need the sequel.

2005 shooter but it’s still a bit weird

sorry KOTOR and fallen order, but this might be my favorite star wars game. it's short, but sweet. it's a game about the boys. republic commando is what i want out of a halo game, but in star wars. commanding the team is really fun, and they've each got very distinct Silly Little Guy personalities. hopefully we see more than just Scorch show up in the bad batch tv show. on a technical level, the game is very old and is hard to set up on newer machines. if you're alright with playing at a low resolution in 4:3 with fucked up mouse acceleration on the menu, continue. if not, maybe check out the community guides and mods before playing.

A great FPS game that I would love to play Co-Op one day

Типовий шутер середини нульових, на сьогодні він відчувається повільним та застарілим, керування підлеглими дуже просте, хоча і місцями цікаве. Сюжет зірок з неба не хапає, але комунікації з товаришами бувають прикольними, і починаєш за них переживати, якщо з ними щось трапляється. В цілому, як шутер на декілька вечорів в сеттінгу зоряних війн, то непогано.

SW:RC comes from the beginning of the “hey we can makes games play kinda like moooovviieees” era, where all the exciting stuff happens around you in the distance, but your own contributions are scripted and lackluster. The beginning cutscenes are mildly interesting, showing you an unusual side of Star Wars, but then the gameplay starts. The main weapon is a sluggish rifle with sluggish laser bolts – none of the sharp, fast, percussive feedback of the first Star Wars FPS Dark Forces – and the touted command system is essentially a holo-prompt guided participation-trophy mini-game.

a classic halo-like shooter with a good story

Surprisingly solid for what it was.

I used to think this was a horror game because of the trailer on my Battlefront game disc :)

Empty spaceship is best sci-fi concept. Every sci-fi game should have a level like that. The buildup from thriller/horror to proper warfare is brilliant. Even Kashyyk at night was kinda scary.

Loved Scorch and John Williams score is 24/7 which ruled.

Real ones saw the discarded lightsaber on the abandoned ship.

Not only it is a great FPS but the story is really good.

I liked this game way more than I thought I would. The first third is extremely boring, but after it picks up a lot. The second third is really cool and super fun. The last third is also good but starts to overstay its welcome. The ending is really abrupt and odd.
Final score: 8/10

One of those games which no matter how recently you played it, your memory about it is better than the game itself.

This is too much trouble for me right now, difficult to get functionally enjoyable on pc.

Fun first person shooter. Has aged, but still holds up.

Make Republic Commando 2 you cowards