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in the past

The most overrated Star Wars game? This received strong reviews back in the day, is still held in high regard by the fanbase, and secondhand copies could go for pretty high up until it got rereleased on the Switch and PS4. I remember finding mine in a store years ago for roughly $21 and thinking that was a steal. Little did I know that when I would finally get around to playing it much later, I wouldn't end up having much fun.

Let me be clear, I absolutely LOVE what they were going for tonally. From the insurmountable odds, enemies that were fodder in the movies being turned into legitimate threats, and the occasional splatters of alien blood on your visor Republic Commando expertly captures the tone of a gritty war film. It does a better job of showing a darker, more desperate side of the franchise's conflicts from the perspective of an expendable grunt while still managing to stay true to that classic Star Wars feel than the likes of Rogue One or Andor have. At least until that ill-fitting credits song. If you thought Godsmack was out of place in Prince of Persia, let me tell you mid-2000s misplaced teen angst had nothing on this.

Unfortunately, the actual gameplay isn't as enjoyable. RC is a tactical first-person shooter that doesn't get the shooting, combat sequences, or arguably even the squad control mechanics right. I get you aren't supposed to be a gung-ho killing machine in these types of games, but I at least expected to be able to AIM properly. Targeting with the right joystick is bafflingly stiff, awkward, and clunky making it hard to hit exactly what you want to even with the overly large reticle taking up the center of the screen. To put it simply, Halo this ain't. That's a real problem when the campaign inexplicably wants to try its hand at being a regular FPS at points by stripping you of your AI-controlled allies and forcing you to go it alone. The poor gunplay and speed at which your enemies can kill you can make these stretches quite a drag.

Luckily, most of the time you're with your three AI teammates. It doesn't necessarily make things all that much better, but battles are less of a pain. Well, before they start artificially increasing the difficulty by continuously throwing more of the bullet-sponge special foes at you at once, that is. Your fellow members of Delta Squad are impressively competent on the battlefield. Honestly, the most you'll ever really have to do is point them to spots where they can lay down sniper or heavy weapons fire, focus all their attention on a specific threat, and occasionally tell them to heal up. For the most part though, they can handle themselves and whatever danger is headed their way so there's not always a reason to give them any direction at all. It kind of makes it hard to be excited about anything when you realize the action almost exclusively consists of walking forward until reaching the next area where you'll need to hunker down for a bit to fend of repetitive waves of hostiles, and that in most cases the smartest strategic leadership decision you can make is to just simply sit back and let your subordinates take care of everything. Especially in the stages where ammo pickups are scarce often leaving you with dry blasters. Also, I mean, come on... Ammo? In a SW title?

A shame, because the settings these firefights take place in are genuinely fantastic. From the massive canyons on Geonosis to the sprawling bowels of a Republic capital ship and the immense forest that is planet Kashyyyk, the level design has such a way with scope so that you're fully aware of exactly how VAST these locations actually are in a manner I've not personally experienced from another piece of Star Wars media despite the linear paths you travel through them. I caught myself wishing there was more going on with the writing to accompany the sights. RC is solely focused on delivering its central premise alone, so there's not much happening narratively. Delta are an amusing bunch, particularly Scorch who sounds and acts so similar with his constant sarcastic lines like Grif from Red vs. Blue I legitimately had to check to see if they were voiced by the same person (they're not, it's some dude named Raphael Sbarge), but they really aren't given a whole lot to do. There are some interesting lore tidbits such as the revelation that bullets were once a thing in the galaxy far, far away, and while I wasn't expecting something too significant from an EU story I did at least think there would be a semi-decent plot to keep me invested. Yet, after progressing through the three different scenarios you're treated to a hilariously abrupt conclusion that feels less as if intended to hammer home the theme of stepping into the role of a highly dispensable soldier, and more along the lines of they ran out of development time to include the final mission or two.

Republic Commando isn't a bad game. It simply never does anything it sets out to do all that well. Except maybe multiplayer, it's most praised aspect on release. Naturally however, the servers have long since been shut down so on the OG Xbox in 2024 that's far from a selling point. Even if you were up to go the split-screen route, man, I'd have to recommend you just choose Halo instead any day. As a hardcore fan of the property, I view this as an altogether skippable and forgettable experience. Of all the prequel era SW I've been annoyed by seeing get demoted to "Legends" status (because it's not like Disney is doing anything with this period of the franchise anyways), I'm not too sour about this one.


I really don't want to be too mean to this game.

To give the game the most credit firstly, the atmosphere is solid. Gorgeous aesthetic with really strong environment design, models, sfx, music, all really capture the Star Wars feel and the stormtrooper squad. At some points it's even badass with giving commands to your squad.

Unfortunately that appeal lasts a solid 30 minutes in my opinion before it just goes to really middling shootouts, boring corridors, and run-ins with several several spongey enemies. You strafe, shoot, revive someone if you need to, repeat ad nauseum. There's just too much combat to justify this shit, and it extends to 9 entire hours apparently.

Not my cup of tea, but who knows the aesthetic could sell someone on the entire thing but I reckon you need some high tolerance for it. It's ok for what it is, it's just average nothing more. (5/10)

Probably the star wars game that provides the most immersive spaces for players to walk through in that franchise's universe. However, this immersion also includes constant reminders that most of the humanoids in star wars are extremely faschy.

Basically just Star Wars halo, what more could you ask for?

An FPS that is just ok. The Star Wars theme helps, and the squad command mechanics are innovative, but this game shows its age and the levels are so repetitive that its easy to get bored. Also the enemies (especially Super Battle Droids) are such bullet sponges that it can get a bit frustrating when 5 or 6 attack you at once.

Banger Game, The game is some of the best star wars media out there and made me extremely happy.... well not when I played on hard anyway.

I've never been much of a Star Wars fan. Despite that I have watched a lot of it and played even more. That makes me feel confident in saying that this is probably the best thing to ever come from the prequels.

There isn't much of a story, but what story it has is greatly uplifted by its characters. Your squad are all incredibly charismatic, likeable characters. They did a great job of making them feel distinct despite them all being clones. They aren't deep by any means, but when the game threw the "are you invested" test at me, I definitely passed.

The game plays like a fairly standard console shooter of its time. Closer to something like Medal of Honor: European Assault than more tactical PC shooters like Rainbow Six 3. It does have tactical elements, you can order your squad around and make decisions like whether to breach a door with explosives or to slice the console and sneak in, but the friendly AI mostly takes care of itself so it feels more like a standard shooter for the most part. The worst part about the gameplay is the weapon limit. Three of your four weapon slots are all attachments for your blaster. You only get to carry one additional weapon. What makes it worse is that all the other weapons are the coolest in the game. You get a really cool Trandoshan shotgun and an LMG. You get a Geonosian beam weapon that has clicking finger-like machines on its side that speed up when firing, drawing the blood from the bugs and using it as a weapon. You can even use the Wookie bowcaster! That alone is my biggest problem with the game, you don't get to use all the cool weapons as often as you should.

Speaking of Wookies, when you get to Kashyyyk you can feel the budget and time starting to run out. You start to notice padding that hasn't really been in the game prior, on top of the overall lack of polish in that part of the game. The last act on Kashyyyk is the only part of the game I found noticeable bugs. Nothing game-breaking mind you, but distracting all the same.

This is very much a game that you should play. It is one of the best Star Wars games, with a cool new take on the setting that is darker and grittier, but still recognizably Star Wars. Seeing the world from this perspective is a breath of fresh air honestly, it was nice to see. If any Star Wars game deserves a reboot/sequel, its this one.

this game made me afraid of the super battle droids, a task everything else failed to do.

It's a real shame I never played this game earlier because, despite it being focused on clone troopers (which was one of the things I didn't like about the prequals) the team behind this game made them all varied and interesting with their own personalities and each one specialising in a certain field, however all commandos can do the jobs, just some are better than the others.

The story is actually quite interesting as you lead a group of elite troopers, Delta Squad and there are a lot of neat little things with the UI such as how when you get blood or machine oil splatted on your visor, it cleans itself. Same with rain too. Aside from your pistol and your ever-changing rifle (that has three modes, Assault, sniper and rocket) and various types of grenades you can also pick up a single alien weapon, which is a shame you can only pick up the one as there are a variety of weapons from the Genoshan's energy beam cannon, the Trandoshen's shotgun to even the Wookiee Bowcaster.

I also loved using the melee weapon which is a blade that comes out of your left gauntlet, generally killing most creatures in one or two strikes.

The story ends just before the end of episode three and before the order is given to fire on the Jedi. The game also contains cool unlockables to learn about the game and it's production, which is something generally missing from most games these days sadly.

Though as much as I like the game, there is one really annoying enemy. A real fuck-you kind of enemy. There are these flying droids that drain your shield and health and by the time you shoot them, them kamikaze straight at you, often insta-killing you so you know, fuck those things. I'd take on a spider-droid anyday.

And if you're not sold on it yet, the character you play as (Delta 38) is played by the actor who played Jango Fett.

I'd recommend picking this up when you have a chance.

Republic Commando's selling point of being a "tactical FPS" is certainly overstated, but as a simple, linear FPS experience, you could do way worse. Star Wars fans have enough interesting "boots on the ground" story details fleshed out to them through some interesting Clone Wars battles, and everyone else gets a rather competent shooter, but one that's certainly aged.

While Republic Commando remains to be pretty fun, it cannot escape its age. The old PC port is a total shamble to get going on modern systems, but newer console ports have made it more accessible to play. Nonetheless, there's still plenty of "old game bullshit" to go around: crazy difficulty spikes, wonky controls, and awkward performance dips await those who at least go in on the Switch version.

Cool Star Wars FPS game. It's pretty short but also hard even on normal difficulty. The game ends so suddenly which caught me off guard. I hope this game gets a sequel cuz playing as Clones is raw.

George lucas is a feeble old fuck

Starting off with the quality of the port. It's decent aside from the mouse acceleration on the main menu being lightspeed. So I was forced to use the arrow keys to navigate it. Though in game it was fine. If you want a Resolution Higher than 1024p you'll need to install a Widescreen mod.

The game's visuals are great. The game delivers a darker grittier take on Star Wars while still keeping the spirit of the movies intact. I did encounter some bad pop in here and there but it wasn't constant enough to be a major issue. The reload animations for your guns are super slick and the textures are pretty nice. One annoying detail is that your visor can get splattered with blood or oil and it obscures your vision. This happens frequently when you melee weak grunts and gets incredibly irritating. The visor displays all of the info you need to see in a cool stylish way while not being cluttered.

Aside from the usual John Williams score the game features some original music that has songs sung in Mandalorian. All of them really add to the atmosphere of the game and they don't feel out of place at all despite being so different from the norm of Star wars.

The story is rather generic and is really just an excuse to introduce certain things from episode 3 and the OLD EU. Where the game shines in this department is the characters. Every member of delta squad is enjoyable and talkative without coming off as annoying. Temura Morrison stands out in particular as the VA of Boss and spouting out one liners. The story is well paced but ends on a blatant incredibly frustrating cliff hanger. Said cliffhanger has no build up and just happens with no warning. Coming off as desperate.

The biggest issue with the game lies in the incredibly stupid enemy AI and the cheap artificial moments of difficulty. The enemies AI is not affected by the difficulty( this only changes their damage values). So even on hard they will bunch up in a cluster for easy pickings or will stay in one place forever and never bother to flank you. I also had many instances where enemies would get stuck on objects in the environment and stop firing altogether.

The game is very repetitive. You simply clear out one room of enemies, Hack a terminal then rinse and repeat for the majority of your playtime in linear hallways. The game loves to spawn more enemies on you when hacking terminals in order to pad out the difficulty. Two moments in particular stand out. One has you getting swamped by scavenger droids in a narrow hallway and another has SMG wielding mercenaries respawning until you finish hacking a terminal.

There are several moments where you are in a ocean of enemies and need to once again, hack a terminal. The worst example of this being "Belly of the beast" where you have to complete the level in five minutes. I failed this mission enough that I was able to speedrun it. This is just one of the many ways the game pads out it's difficulty. It also loves to load up on enemy turrets in these sections and it also has Droid dispensers that endlessly spawn droids, You disable these by yet again hacking them before you can hack the terminal you need to end the section so the script will trigger. This makes the game a chore to play.

The shooting is fine for the most part aside from the default assault rifle being a little under powered. All of the guns you would expect in an FPS are here and they all look and sound great.

Your Squads AI is actually very impressive. They never got in my way and they always followed what ever command I gave them to a tee. The squad commands are streamlined and intuitive and make the extremely repetitive combat much more enjoyable. Despite this, Your squad mates function all the same and don't feel unique in a gameplay sense. And eventually. Not even using the squad commands makes up for the poor enemy AI and horrendous gauntlets you constantly face.

Overall this game is really only worth playing if you're a big fan of Star Wars and Clone Wars era content, The boring monotonous combat and incredibly stupid enemy AI make actually playing the game a slog. If you really want to play it I recommend getting it for under 5 dollars like I did


I have never played any other FPS game in my life.

This game is really fun. It’s not just a so-so FPS with a Star Wars coat of paint on it. I adored the squad commanding mechanics and how essential they were to progressing.

Can’t forget to mention how fun the characters were. Delta Squad had such a fun dynamic and I wish we got to see more of them just hanging out and talking.

If you got an extra £12 then why not?

sorry KOTOR and fallen order, but this might be my favorite star wars game. it's short, but sweet. it's a game about the boys. republic commando is what i want out of a halo game, but in star wars. commanding the team is really fun, and they've each got very distinct Silly Little Guy personalities. hopefully we see more than just Scorch show up in the bad batch tv show. on a technical level, the game is very old and is hard to set up on newer machines. if you're alright with playing at a low resolution in 4:3 with fucked up mouse acceleration on the menu, continue. if not, maybe check out the community guides and mods before playing.

I still have nightmares about those Super Battle Droids.

Very unique Star Wars game, I always liked games like this and the Battlefront series that took you to the point of view of a soldier in the galaxy. For Republic Commando I never finished the campaign till now, just finally found the time.

The only real problem I had with this game is that the main rifle you have doesn't do much damage especially against tougher enemies. Though one of my favorite weapons is the vibroblade, I find myself using it a lot because it can insta kill basic enemies(B1 Battledroids for example).

The squad tactics and commands work for the most part. I recommend giving the sniper and anti-armour positions it's super efficient and your allies never run out of ammo. However I feel like there should be more depth with this feature, such as giving your squad mates one of pickup weapons. Although I like the levels I feel like they should have put more areas in the game.

As for the multiplayer side of things I was not able to find a game, it seems pretty dead. Though what I have seen from it looks decent fun. I think they missed a big opportunity with this mode, they should have made something like a "Counter Strike" mode where the Commandos are the counter terrorists and have to disarm a bomb. While the Trandoshans are part of the terrorists and have to arm the bomb.

Overall, Republic Commando has a really good atmosphere to add to the franchise. I think it's a shame the never got its sequel.

The closest Reach-ODST experience you can get with an amazing squad system and ai.
Wish it was longer tho

-Gameplay is really good but feels kind of old and out dated like most of the fps games from the 7th and 6th generations. But considering how old it is, it's pretty impressive; the AI is better than many of the games that come out these days.
-The Graphics are fine; great for 2005.
-Atmosphere doesn't really feel like the star wars movies, which is obviously because we are neither a Jedi nor a Sith; I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars franchise but I think they nailed what they were going for in this game.
-Story is probably the best thing of the game; the four commandos have really good chemistry and the missions they go through are interesting to follow; not to mention the cliff hanger in the end...

It's a must play if you like Star Wars or shooters that are a little older; but there is something with this game that I can't seem to figure out... Looking at the elements separately, they hold up well; but the game as a whole pack feels really out dated.

A very competent tactical shooter that offers a more streamlined experience compared to its peers. The gunplay feels decent enough, and the squad based mechanics works well enough most of the time. On the harder difficulties you'll definitely appreciate your squadmates more, but be sure not to put too much trust on them, they're far from perfect. The AI pathing can be a bit iffy, and it can get too chaotic for them to properly help you. Other than the combat, there's a gritty and grounded story to look forward to, which adds a lot to the serious tactical feel of the game. I can't say the music or the levels themselves are too memorable. If you like slower paced shooters then this should be a good time.

Possibly the most fun you can have playing a Star Wars game, it's a robust entry in the tactical shooters and has a lot of setpieces and cutscenes reminiscing the movies. It's no Rainbow Six Vegas, but Republic Commando has a lot of love poured into it.

Some sections are harder than others and it feels as polished as a mid 2000s game can feel, but after playing with mods and getting an HD texture pack the game shines in presentation: from deserts to tropical jungles, that one level in space and so on, Republic Commando takes you in the hottest and most extreme battlefields in the Clone Wars. If you're a fan of Star Wars, you definitely should play this game, just don't forget mods and that you couldn't save him.

Procurando um jogo bem baratinho em promoção que seja basicamente a versão de Star Wars de um Halo ou um Call of Duty da vida com uma "pitadinha" estratégica de um Brothers in Arms? Então esse com certeza é o jogo certo, que mesmo sendo bem antigo (de 2005), continua sendo bem divertido e interessante para aqueles que gostam desse gênero de First Person Shooter (FPS).

"Star Wars: Republic Commando" conta a história de um esquadrão de clones conhecidos como "Delta Squad", que dentro das Guerras Clônicas precisam concluir missões de reconhecimento, dominação e aniquilação aos quatro únicos planetas ameaçados pelos separatistas no jogo, liderados pelo seu personagem conhecido como "Delta 38" ("RC-1138") que guiará aos outros três clones ("Fixer", "Scorch", e sem dúvidas o mais daora de todos, o "Sev") até a vitória, cada um contendo uma personalidade única que constrói bem toda a imersão e importância desses personagens e da trama, que ainda que seja uma história simples e "não canônica", da para considerá-la bem dentro da história principal da franquia por não apresentar nada que apresente um possível "furo de roteiro" e claro por ser bem isolada a maioria dos outros demais acontecimentos que ocorrem fora do game (com exceção do último planeta que conecta bem com algo paralelo que ocorre dentro do "EP III - A Vingança dos Sith"). Aliás, todo o lado estratégico que citei acima é explorado do mesmo estilo de um Brothers in Arms, em que você decide se um dos personagens irá se curar em algum campo de restauração próximo, se irá ficar em uma determinada posição, usar alguma artilharia no mapa, reanimar algum colega de equipe ou se todos irão se reagrupar com as demais teclas respectivas a tal ordem que será dada (onde no Teclado é F1,F2,F3 e F4), com um modo cooperativo que infelizmente não funciona na história, só servindo para infelizmente "PVP" local ou online.

Para finalizar, gostaria de citar alguns pontos para aqueles que forem jogar ou ainda estejam pensando a respeito, primeiro que como se trata de um game antigo não contém oficialmente legendas PT-BR e a resolução do jogo infelizmente não é FULL HD, onde o máximo que dá para aumentar a resolução dentro dele é de 1600x1200, e mesmo que o jogo esteja até que otimizado a ponto de conseguir jogá-lo sem baixar nada, uma única dica importantíssima e válida é que utilizem o software "RivaTuner Statistics Server" para capar o FPS do jogo em 60 FPS, já que caso não seja utilizado irá ficar quase que impossível de mexer o mouse e sem dúvidas apresentará vários bugs diante da sua jogatina, e usando ele resolverá completamente esse problema, e por fim, no meu caso a sensibilidade ficou ainda bem alta dentro da gameplay do jogo, o que resolveu completamente quando abaixei a sensibilidades nas opções para 1 e sugiro para quem ainda tiver problemas com isso como eu tive que façam isso para ter um controle melhor da mira.

Made in an era of the best FPS games this stands out as one of the best.

A creative and unique style made you feel as if you were part of the clone wars itself.

This game was the right mix of hard and fun delivering one of the best FPS games and possibly the best starwars game I've played to date.

I still remember pretty well the 1st time I played this game on the Xbox after when I picked it up again and started playing nostalgia filled me, this is a great squad combat game with good mechanics it's very immersing and makes you feel as if your a commando yourself.

arguably the best star wars fps, RC is a great tactical shooter with a fair amount of challenge that has aged surprisingly well. story itself is shallow but the characters feel alive and useful as a squad

Doesn't age well but I enjoyed the setting of it.

Pretty good atmosphere and presentation.
While outdated, graphics have their charm.
Level design is linear and some enemies can be quite the bullet sponges, which is unfortunate.
Weapon and enemy variety felt pretty good and while the commands you can give to the AI are rather rudimentary, it adds a nice layer to the gameplay.

Fun little tactical shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint inspired by the likes of Halo and Counter-Strike!

Delta Squad is your typical group of cliched but enjoyable badass soldiers spouting machismo dialogue. I miss the era of prequel tie-in games for the franchise because they really fleshed out the world-building and expanded the universe.

The campaign is rather short as there are only really 3 main missions (Geonosis, The Prosecutor, and Kashyyyk) but they do take around 1.5-2 hours to complete each. Even on the easiest setting though, it's still quite a challenging experience because your weapons are so underpowered and the enemies (especially the droids) are bullet sponges and I was constantly running low on ammo and my squadmates kept getting downed.

A shame we never got a follow-up as it ends on a cliffhanger or a remaster as I could see it being improved with updated graphics and gameplay.

Can be surprisingly difficult at times but enjoyable nonetheless. A really solid Star Wars FPS. Also has a great cast of clones with banter that I’ve grown to enjoy.

Absolutely incredible game. Still holds up well and is veryu fun. I would say my only complaint is that the game started to lose me in the Kashyyyk section. I also thought the ending was pretty rushed otherwise this would have been an easy 10/10.