Reviews from

in the past

Falls just short of being "Crusader Kings in space" for me, but still great in its own ways. I am a huge fan of all the elements of speculative sci-fi they include, and it is all wrapped in a great grand strategy system. The real thing that prevents it from being truly great to me is that over the course of two games, playing as wildly different species and civilizations, I am seeing a huge amount of repeated events and discoveries. They don't appear to give me a reason to make different choices on these besides roleplaying, but unlike CK3, there aren't deep RPG hooks built into this game. All of the economy and shipbuilding and expansion feels remarkably manageable, which is a pleasant surprise for this sort of game. Excited to try out new DLC and scenarios as they go on sale.

This game kills time. Really cool to play with friends.

gdyby nie dodatki z tymi cenami byłoby super

These games just eat your time

It's incredible how quickly my burning wishes for universe-wide emancipation leaves my body when I boot Stellaris up

Damn it’s been 30 years how is this still mid

eu joguei tipo 100 HORAS em um mês e imediatamente perdi todo o hype porque é tão lento, , ,, , , , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Pretty good, don't get DLCs without reading reviews or at full price

A game about expanding your empire across the stars. Pick (or make) and alien race, start off on one planet with just a few basic ships and start from there. Explore your galaxy, colonise planets and encounter other aliens.

You can focus on taking things by force, or try playing nice – or switching between the two depending on what civilisations you encounter. Sometimes war may be the only option – especially if you encounter an aggressive people and something about your species greatly offends them, so they won’t rest until you are purged from the galaxy.

There is a lot in the game that you can manage, but Stellaris manages to not feel overwhelming either. The mod support for the game is great, too – there’s a Star Trek mod that is brilliant, and adds in missions and small events that can happen, turning it into an amazing Star Trek game.

I think I fooled myself into thinking I'd have a good time after watching one too many Waypoint streams of the game (RIP Waypoint). Most expensive game I've ever refunded thanks to all that DLC.

Quite fun space 4X4 game. Get to conquer the galaxy and be autistic.

Amo um jogo de estratégia e esse não é diferente, gostei p krl. Ele ja me ganhou so pelo fato de eu poder criar uma civilização nos minimos detalhes, desde seu nome até características fisicas/biologicas, além de se passar no espaço né ( Fã de star wars!!)

Único jogo de estratégia em que me aprofundei, e não foi nada mal. Bem legal pra joga com amigos

Paradox game have done irreversible damage to my social life. 10/10

every year someone at paradox throws a dart at a dartboard to decide which mechanic they'll finally fix, and then throws a second dart to decide which one they'll break to replace it

My brain's not good enough.

Might think I'm being overly harsh here, but I truly think Stellaris is the only real miss in the paradox grand strategy collection

Cool but so much locked behind DLCs

Spreadsheet game. Very enjoyable. Many ways to play.

Most expansive genocide simulator I have ever played.

still kind of a mess, but has improved leaps and bounds to the point where i enjoy screwing around with it as long as i don't take it seriously. have to give kudos to the design team for just how many times they've tried to save the game even if i think the war system is miserable

Нихуя не понятно, но очень интересно

Endless Space 2 sous stéroïde, un 4X peu accessible sans la notice d'apprentissage ou les vidéos de Jay's Gaming sous le coude. Néanmoins, le jeu excellent, classique de chez Paradox Interactive.

petite mise en situation :
première fois que je joue, il est 22h et je sais pas quoi faire, je me dis : "tien je vais tester ce petit jeu il a l'air sympa".
je lance le jeu, me plonge dedans, j'y joue sans m'arrêter, plus rien n'existe autour de moi.
Arrive un moment je ressent une pointe de fatigue, je regarde l'heure, IL EST 6H DU MATIN.
Un des seuls jeu qui m'est fait cette effet.

Beautiful paradox game. Although, the mid to late game can get very boring without mods... also suffers from optimization issues that make multiplayer/late game really slow and wonky. Plus, I believe the scale of the game is inherently flawed... it becomes too much to manage if you are serious about winning the game.

I absolutely despise this game for what it has done to me. Will play it again

perfect game, not so perfect marketing