Reviews from

in the past

A game about expanding your empire across the stars. Pick (or make) and alien race, start off on one planet with just a few basic ships and start from there. Explore your galaxy, colonise planets and encounter other aliens.

You can focus on taking things by force, or try playing nice – or switching between the two depending on what civilisations you encounter. Sometimes war may be the only option – especially if you encounter an aggressive people and something about your species greatly offends them, so they won’t rest until you are purged from the galaxy.

There is a lot in the game that you can manage, but Stellaris manages to not feel overwhelming either. The mod support for the game is great, too – there’s a Star Trek mod that is brilliant, and adds in missions and small events that can happen, turning it into an amazing Star Trek game.

I think I fooled myself into thinking I'd have a good time after watching one too many Waypoint streams of the game (RIP Waypoint). Most expensive game I've ever refunded thanks to all that DLC.

Quite fun space 4X4 game. Get to conquer the galaxy and be autistic.

Amo um jogo de estratégia e esse não é diferente, gostei p krl. Ele ja me ganhou so pelo fato de eu poder criar uma civilização nos minimos detalhes, desde seu nome até características fisicas/biologicas, além de se passar no espaço né ( Fã de star wars!!)

Único jogo de estratégia em que me aprofundei, e não foi nada mal. Bem legal pra joga com amigos

Paradox game have done irreversible damage to my social life. 10/10

Pretty relaxing space empire simulator.

Genuinely have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and I am literally playing a spreadsheet. Really fun somehow.

A galaxy for humans, by humans, and with humans only.

Steam says that I've played 400+ hours of this game, but I'm not sure I really enjoyed most of them. A lot of it was "something moves a little on screen while I listen to a podcast", and then each game takes a stupendously long time. I think it's unfortunate that the game doesn't have too much to shake things up without completely smashing the player's experience. Mostly things either get smashed flat by the player or will themselves smash the player flat. I haven't experienced anything where there was a sort of back-and-forth, so that I lost a little bit but I could recover if I changed my tactics or something.

This game can suck my nuts. Not good. Eww game icky

Were I rating this based on its release candidate it would have been a 3/5, but it really has come along so far since then. However, like all Paradox grand strategies there is a significant amount of DLC, so you might want to keep that in mind if you're thinking about trying it out.

This game is fantastic. If you can buy the dlc. Its an investment, but a worth while one.

I am bad at RTS. I cannot micro. Previously Sins of a Solar Empire was my happy go to RTS, as the scale rewards large-scale thinking. Stellaris is so huge and different, that it almost seems like a turn based game. The scope is that huge that a rush, failed attack, or utter defeat that it is not the end of the game for you makes for some of the most amazing emergent gameplay (especially with friends) in all of gaming. I remember one game I was playing multi-player and I had become a vassal essentially to a warmongering state and my friends and the rest of the galactic community fought against the tyrannical government was awesome. The rebellion I waged as they fought wars with the greater portion of the galaxy is an epic that I think cannot be rivaled by any other art medium. That's the big thing Stellaris does, I think, it provides a huge, engaging, amazing backdrop to tell amazing stories; either alone or with friends.

Нихуя не понятно, но очень интересно

Endless Space 2 sous stéroïde, un 4X peu accessible sans la notice d'apprentissage ou les vidéos de Jay's Gaming sous le coude. Néanmoins, le jeu excellent, classique de chez Paradox Interactive.

petite mise en situation :
première fois que je joue, il est 22h et je sais pas quoi faire, je me dis : "tien je vais tester ce petit jeu il a l'air sympa".
je lance le jeu, me plonge dedans, j'y joue sans m'arrêter, plus rien n'existe autour de moi.
Arrive un moment je ressent une pointe de fatigue, je regarde l'heure, IL EST 6H DU MATIN.
Un des seuls jeu qui m'est fait cette effet.

Beautiful paradox game. Although, the mid to late game can get very boring without mods... also suffers from optimization issues that make multiplayer/late game really slow and wonky. Plus, I believe the scale of the game is inherently flawed... it becomes too much to manage if you are serious about winning the game.

I absolutely despise this game for what it has done to me. Will play it again

perfect game, not so perfect marketing

a game that was good in the beginning but then got ruined by "updates" which made the game completely different

I still have no idea what I'm doing.

I love the concept of starting with a species who has just discovered a form of ftl travel and seeing them through eons of their civilization. Unfortunately for me, I just can't get in to the minutiae of the mechanics no matter how often I try.

I think this game does what its trying to do very well, and if you love micro managing a civilization, and then slowly delegating parts of your civilization off to middle managers as you decide how you will proceed through the challenges of space.. well you'll love this.

This game sucks 100 hours of my life every time i open it.
Base game is good, but DLCs make the game a life-sucking beast

I started having dreams where I was playing this game.

haven't, gotten half of the expansions. made a few runs.

great game, DLC make it better. DLC are a little spendy

Stellaris is like crack for my adhd brain. Recommended for neurotypicals