Reviews from

in the past

Played briefly because it was on sale for a dollar, it's got a lot of ships for a shmup and a neat mechanic where you build up a meter that lets you timestop the enemies. The core shmup design isn't what I want it to be, the enemy waves are stock barren bullet hell patterns, and then the bosses are both way too bullet spongey and way too complex, feels like fighting a boss with the aggression of a Cave boss and the speed of a Psikyo boss. Not my thing.

I've rarely had more disdain for a video game that I don't think is complete utter unfixable trash. With the way I've spoken about this game to friends you'd think its been stealing my packages and breaking my kneecaps. I will forever be thankful they actually went back and balanced the final boss so I could force myself past the finish line, because its been rent free in my brain for almost two years.

Two seconds into this, when the hideous screenshake effect became apparent, I knew it wasn't for me. It's a nice-enough looking, OK-ish-enough-playing shmup, but it lacks an understanding of why people who really like shmups really like them, prioritizing flashiness, a completely useless narrative, and a stupid-massive stable of different ship types over any kind of rhythm or balance in the gameplay.

A nice, casual, crunchy shmup that always balances the line between feeling powerful and feeling fragile. I like the robust difficulty options for a newcomer to the genre like myself, and the variety of playable ships is great. I do wish that the stages and music felt a little bit more inspired, but the core mechanics are straightforward and fun. I beat casual mode and got about halfway through on normal.

Middling shmup thats too easy. Really hate that the slow button slows the whole game instead of just the ship

beating this game on hardcore took 6 years from my life

Pretty enjoyable schmup, but despite some cool elements feels a bit standard. I like that there's a ton of ships to play as with varying stats, and the game looks pretty cool. Music's solid, and enemy patterns are pretty fun to dodge. I wish stages had a bit more variety. Comparing it to something like Ikaruga or Zeroranger, the levels are pretty samey with the exception of the bosses. Nothing about this game is bad, but it's just... unsurprising and pretty standard. Still fun though.