Reviews from

in the past

Pretty beautiful game at times. Although it feels like they simplified Mario's movement after Sunsine.

Uma obra de arte!

Jogo impecável, gameplay incrível, história muito boa e tocante, trilha sonora perfeita. Um jogo que mudou a perspectiva dos jogos de plataforma 3d.

i loooooooove playing as luigi

O pinaculo do genero 3d de plataforma, um dos melhores jogos do mario e o melhor jogo 3d da franquia até o momento.

there is a lot to love about this game

fun levels
great feeling movement
varied and interesting themes across the worlds
and fantastic music

but at the same time I couldn't help but feel that when compared to other 3D mario games this game just feels a bit shallow

if you just stick with the base stars the game is super easy and forgiving

exploring any of these worlds just really isn't that interesting and felt very on rails
especially when a lot of them are just linear trails of tiny space balls to jump between

the final few worlds kinda sucked and started reusing themes, gimmicks and even bosses while also doing them worse at which point I just wanted to get the game over with

the power ups in this game kinda sucked (especially spring mario)

and idk this game just doesn't feel like it has the same depth of 64, sunshine or odyssey

maybe the post game content fixes this?
cause so far I really only did the main worlds and final boss

overall though still a pretty good game

Like Super Mario World but with planet.

tech demo for a real game (mario odyssey)

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Revolutionary game, super fun to play. It still looks and sounds amazing years later. The levels are creative, and the story is probably the best the Mario series has to offer. It is unfortunately held back by somewhat slow and clunky controls (especially with the gravity mechanics) and the ample re-use of levels. I got 120 stars in my play through, only to learn I needed to do it all over again as Luigi to get the true final level. That was a gut punch I will not forget.

divertido, mas enjoativo até certo ponto

Being the best 3d Mario game is like being the strongest of all the gods.

shit was so raw it almost made me pursue becoming an astronaut

fav mario game but i never end up finishing it for some reason

I can't recall how many times I have replayed this title. The magic is there every single time, and I'm sure it will stay there for many playthroughs to come.

One of the all time greats - a truly special game to me.

This game walked so other games could run.

I have more of a bias for Mario Galaxy 2 but this is still one of the greatest games every created. The sheer idea of this game is so cool. Mario in space?! To quote Kazuma Kiryu: Thats rad! I could gush about this game forever but imma wait for the galaxy 2 review to gush

Fucking masterpiece, there is nothing else that can be said about it

It was a great. Mario's movement in this game was absolutely out of this world. The level design and creativity was astronomically stellar. I like space. This is a very good one, you should play it, even if you don't like videos game. It's one of the games that is guaranteed to let you into Heaven. You have my word, as I am God. I became God after 100%ing this game, as you are given another chance at life with Luigi, and then you 100% the game with him. Once you have completely 200%ed the game, you will become all-knowing and too powerful for our feeble human cerebrums to comprehend. Thank you for your time, become God.

Favourite game from my childhood. As I said in my Odyssey review, this game had some transcendental and magical qualities to it that really touched some deeper sides of me. The amount of nostalgia I have with this game is insane.

Was an amazingly fun game, with graphics that hold up amazing, and quite possibly one of the best soundtracks of all time. The one thing that is holding me back from putting this up higher is the late game (specifically starts ~40-60). It started to get a little repetitive, and the levels got annoying (I'm looking at you bullet bill, and lava levels). I would still recommend this game, as it is really fun, and definitely one of the best games on the wii.

Good heavens this is one of the best 3D platformers ever made. The gameplay, overall tone, and the STORY?? are top notch. This is a special Mario game. Some of the stars are kinda annoying to get, but the main game is excellent.

I 100% this game twice just to get a photo of the better brother, absolutely worth it.


I remember playing this when I was little with a mouth that hurt from slamming too many saltines and peanut butter in it.

may not be mechanically the best mario game imo, but its just so full of joyous wonder and spirit that i cant not like it

really good, it ain't odyssey though